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Messages - Telarin

Two suggested features:

Vented doors - work just like regular doors, but do not block heat (Could either make two temperature zones and "vent" between them like wall vents, or just keep a single temperature zone, which I imagine would be more CPU friendly)

Prisoner Passable doors - Create a door that prisoners can move through, so that it is easier to create prison complexes where the prisoners are free to move between bedrooms and dining room area while still having the bedrooms treated as separate rooms.
I wanted to add support for More Vanilla Turrets. Took a look at the example file provided, and it seemed pretty straightforward, however, it doesn't seem to work directly for turrets. I'm guessing since they are unmanned, the game has no way to know when they are in use or not in use. Are there any extra settings not shown in the example file that I can use to make this work?
Releases / Re: [A18] Power Logic - (v1.6) (30.10.2017)
November 15, 2017, 09:38:32 AM
Is there a non-steam download available for this mod? I didn't see anything on the first page (entirely possible that I am blind).
Outdated / Re: [A16] Psychology (2017-1-30)
February 02, 2017, 08:46:17 AM
Suggestion for a new trait:
Vegetarian: These poor misguided pawns shun meat and anything made with it. They will actively avoid eating any meal made with meat. However, they do not get a negative through from eating raw vegetables (or at least a much smaller negative thought). This would work best if you could add a viable meat substitute (I'm thinking soy beans, which can be made into tofu, which can them be used to cook meals as if it was meat), but that might be outside the scope of this mod.
Releases / Re: [A15] Mending
January 17, 2017, 08:58:28 AM
Quote from: notfood on January 03, 2017, 09:43:59 PM

  • Removed Mending.SpecialThingFilterWorker, to recover your save use Safe Inside, can be found on steam or Mending thread. New saves don't have to do anything.

Can you elaborate on this? I'm definitely seeing an error related to this on load, but have no idea what Safe Inside is, or how to use it to recover my save. I don't see anything when doing a search of this forum for "Safe Inside" other than this thread.
Releases / Re: [A15] Mending
January 03, 2017, 07:39:23 AM
I have a small feature request.

It would be really nice if a colonist would check an items eligibility for repair each time they fail. For instance, if I have the bill set so that only normal or better items are repaired. For example: if a colonist fails while repairing a normal item and it drops to poor, the colonist should stop attempting to repair the now ineligible item, rather than continuing.
Support / Re: Broken Steam Mods
December 27, 2016, 09:09:06 AM
Any progress on this issue? It is terribly annoying not being able to play the Steam version offline. I can certainly play the stand alone version, but I tend to play with a bunch of mods, and keeping them up-to-date manually can become quite time consuming.
Outdated / Re: [A14] Colony Manager
September 02, 2016, 07:25:42 PM
Quote from: chaotix14 on August 13, 2016, 11:50:54 AM
Do you think you could make it so the colony manager manages the general farming as well? Something as simple as stopping the sowing when threshold X is reached and then re-enabling the sowing when the stock dips below X?

I second this request. Seems like it would be a natural fit for Colony Manager.

Also, one minor annoyance I have found in the A14 version (might already be fixed in A15, don't know, haven't tried since I'm still waiting on a couple mods to be updated): When you set a target for wood cutting, wood that has been cut but not yet hauled to a stockpile does not get counted. This results in you ending up with WAY more wood than desired if your haulers can't keep up with your wood cutters.
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Automated Hunting
September 01, 2016, 07:14:09 PM
check out the Colony Manager mod, it works great for managing hunting, wood cutting, and various crafting things.
Support / Re: Broken Steam Mods
August 26, 2016, 08:00:33 PM
Reply from Steam support (paraphrased): Contact Rimworld support.
Support / Re: Broken Steam Mods
August 23, 2016, 07:34:02 AM
Yep, I put in a support request to Steam. Haven't heard anything back from them yet, but hopefully enough reports will get them to actually look into it.
Support / Re: Broken Steam Mods
August 22, 2016, 06:47:05 PM
Since this weekend, I have been having the same problem. Rimworld has always played with Steam offline just fine, up until now. Now I get the same dreaded "Downloading" screen that you posted in the first screenshot. Please let me know if you find a solution, or if Steam comes back with anything more useful.
As of at least the last version (possibly earlier, but I first noticed the issue today) visitors will buy items from ANY stockpile, not just those in their room. This has resulted in visitors buying items that I really can't spare, such as components.
General Discussion / Fallout Incident
May 21, 2015, 07:35:32 AM
I am all for adding new and creative events to Rimworld, however, I do ask that when you add an event like this, you take a moment to consider what tools we will need in order to properly handle the event, and make sure that they are available. Clearly there are not a lot of specifics listed in the changelog, so there is a lot of speculation on exactly how these types of events will work, but based on those assumptions, confining colonists to specific safe areas, or away from hot areas seems like a must. As we know, Rimworld currently lacks the tools to do that. Please consider adding these kinds of helpful tools and mechanics when adding new types of events that will need them for reasonable resolution.
I'll get you a save uploaded as soon as I get a chance, but in the mean time, I have noticed something. It isn't 100% consistent, but it seems like quantum warehouses that are close to capacity have the most trouble delivering goods to relays. I have noticed that as I start cleaning out these packed stockpiles, suddenly the relays connected to them will start receiving items again. I'll try to upload a save tonight for you if I have a chance.