Will not eat during mental break

Started by isaac1987a, December 21, 2016, 07:58:24 AM

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During a mental break, a character will not eat, causing starvation and possibly death.
Savegame https://isaacblach.net/owncloud/index.php/s/c92YnEaGtv58QA9


Seconded, though mine seemed to be stuck in a broken state as well.

Colonist soft broke into "wandering".

32% malnutrition and about a full day later, had to arrest her to get her into bed (and she fought back and cut an eye out of one of my colonists. Wierdly, I can't restore the eye, even with dev mode...nm, restored the head instead.).

Watching her needs panel, it was showing the normal mood display instead of the broken one (first break of A16, so not sure if the broken display is the same) and she was gaining mood for up to about 40% before the arrest attempt.

Illusion Distort

This behavior seems counterproductive, if a broken pawn starvs, they will get a mood de-buff making them more prone to breaking.

Not a bug, just some balancing issues, there is a separate "suggestions" thread for this


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog