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Messages - ForeverZer0

Releases / Re: [1.0] A RimWorld of Magic
November 22, 2019, 08:43:17 AM
As for fighter classes not gaining outside combat, the sniper class is an exception if you use them as your hunter. In fact, a sniper with headshot and disabling shot enabled for auto-cast will out-gain mage classes in biomes with abundant wildlife.

All that said, I do wish there were more useful "generic" skills that all fighter classes could learn. Mages can all learn a wide array of extremely useful skills that are shared among classes, but the fighter classes have few equivalents that are as useful. Gear Repair and Sprint are quite useful, but maybe just don't get the same credit because they are passive.
I don't have RimWorld handy at the moment, so I may be incorrect, but I thought that colonist out in a caravan didn't count towards the total either (i.e. 3 colonists total, 1 leaves, it only counts as 2 colonist total until they return).
Quote from: atewithouttabIe on November 20, 2019, 10:28:56 AM
No steamxx.api in rimworld directory nor elsewhere considering i dont use it as i have stated multiple times at this point

"Non-steam" and "DRM-free" are not synonymous. Check these directories, all from the DRM-free version, not downloaded from Steam.

<Rimworld Directory>\RimWorldXXXXWin_Data/Plugins/

<Rimworld Directory>/Contents/Plugins/x86/
<Rimworld Directory>/Contents/Plugins/x86_64/
<Rimworld Directory>/Contents/Plugins/CSteamworks.bundle/Contents/MacOS/

<Rimworld Directory>/RimWorldXXXXLinux_Data/Plugins/x86/
<Rimworld Directory>/RimWorldXXXXLinux_Data/Plugins/x86_64/

If you could confirm that your installation does not contain such directories and/or none of them contain the Steam libraries.
Quote from: atewithouttabIe on November 20, 2019, 12:39:05 AM
That being said there still seems to be some misunderstanding regarding Steam on my end - i dont use steam, dont use steam Rimworld and dont even have Steam installed on this Win10 install.

You don't need to have Steam installed if a game includes Steam libraries. An actual Steam installation is not required for games to run, even in many cases for the Steam versions of the game. If you take a look at the pirate scene, about 99% of all games prove this point. They typically alter the Steam files to bypass DRM and include simply include the relevant ones locally.
Red Shell, as you linked, seems to part of the Steam API, not the mod. The mod invokes some parts of the Steam API for promotion purposes, as can be seen here in the source. In it is very likely that those methods must trigger that aspect of it, which is more difficult to say definitively. The Steam API for C# is merely a wrapper around unmanaged code, so quickly decompiling and viewing the code is not really an option. I can say definitively that there is nothing in the decompiled source code of the mod itself that references or uses anything affiliated with Red Shell.

I am not very familiar with Red Shell, but some quick DuckDuckGo searches seem to indicate that it is part of Steam, and can be found within it. Yet another reason why I choose not use Steam.
Doesn't appear to be anything. I think OP was mistaking the Steam methods you use as your mod "phoning home" and data mining of some sort.
Quote from: atewithouttabIe on November 19, 2019, 12:01:29 PM
So...OS's out of the loop, happening across multiple platforms - back to focusing all pummeling attention on game proper, exclusively? Fair enough... =)

The only problem with this theory is that if was a core problem with the game, it would typically be a more widespread problem that everyone experienced, not a just a handful. When there are only a few people experiencing the same problem, and not the overwhelming majority, it often does indicate OS, hardware, or driver issues.

Either way, hopefully it is able to be resolved, it would indeed be irritating to play with it studdering in such a way.
It is just the outward folder name, the contents is exactly the same. I am running DRM-free version on Arch Linux, I understand the differences. Being a "Steam" version or "non-Steam" version does not change the contents, the same files are still present, the Steam Workshop is simply a cloud service that stores the files in the appropriate place, there is nothing different about it than manually downloading and copying the files yourself, renaming to whatever you want. I use the download service I linked above all the time to manually get the files from Steam to use in my "non-Steam" RimWorld when I can't find an alternative mirror.

That said, the XML files and defs are not going to be what to look at, it is just markup, the only thing you need to view is the assemblies.
Quote from: atewithouttabIe on November 19, 2019, 11:27:28 AM
And its the steam version considering the forum link has been closed / hidden for mere mortals

Just look at the files it downloads in you mods folder, or use a website like to download them as a zip. The source code can be easily viewed with any decent IDE or decompiler if you feel the author uploaded alternative files to the Steam downloader, and would like to inquire into it. Its difficult to answer, as even portions of the actual Steam API being used within the project could be using such services, which cannot be seen in the project, and not technically being used by the actual mod.
Where did you see this? I only did a precursory scan of the source files, referenced assemblies, etc. and saw nothing of it. There was some Steam promotion-related material, but I didn't notice anything regarding data mining for hardware, etc.

That said, if it is included and not prominently conveyed to the user and/or only enabled via agreement, it would be an ethical issue among the FOSS community.
Help / Re: Decompressing Grids in save files
November 19, 2019, 08:38:16 AM
Quote from: Spitfire on November 19, 2019, 02:30:31 AM
Thank you for your answer!

QuoteDecompress it into raw bytes with whatever base64 decode method you are using

That's the step I still don't understand, as the problem of an incorrect header still persists.

Base64 does not use a header, so you should not be getting an error decoding it.

Quotemore familiar with C/C++, C#, and Ruby if any of those would help you to understand with example.

This is some pseudo-code using what I recall off the top of my head from Ruby, it might not be exact.

require 'base64'
require 'zlib'

# Assume that "xml_string" is the string that you read from the file, a bunch of random characters

# "decoded" will still be a bunch or raw data, still compressed
decoded = Base64.decode64(xml_string)

# "uncompressed" will still be raw data, but is now uncompressed, and ready to be deserialized into an object
uncompressed = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(decoded)

Like I said, not super familiar with Python, but also make sure that any strings you are using are not being encoded into a text encoding (ASCII, UTF8, etc), you want them all to be byte strings (i.e. raw, without encoding).
Ideas / Re: Killing killboxes.
November 18, 2019, 04:14:57 PM
Pretty sure massive amounts of people still use them, possibly even the majority of people. The point being, it is just a play style, nothing forced upon anyone. No sense in complaining about them, it is entirely the choice of the person playing them game whether or not they are used.

A "one tile hole in the wall" strategy might be alright early game, but quickly becomes totally obsolete at even the mid-game. A melee fighter with other behind him is not going to hold back a hundred or more raiders, mechanoids, and an army of doomsday rocket launcher-wielding soldiers. Those will also make quite short work of whatever animal release you might have in reserve.

The thing that makes those other raid types "more dangerous" is for the specific reason that the enemy immediately bypasses your strongest defenses and/or avoids your choke-point, whether it be drop-pods or an infestation if you chose to build in a mountain.
Help / Re: Decompressing Grids in save files
November 18, 2019, 03:11:19 PM
You are confusing some terms, which is messing you up. By "binary" it does not mean try to convert it so you can view it in "binary notation", it means "raw data".  It is simply compressed, then uses base64 on the data so that it can be written to an XML file, as base64 does not use any characters that are forbidden in XML.

  • Load the data as a string
  • Decompress it into raw bytes with whatever base64 decode method you are using
  • Deserialize those bytes into the respective game objects

I am not a fan of Python, so not entrirely sure which methods/API to tell you to use specifically, more familiar with C/C++, C#, and Ruby if any of those would help you to understand with example.
Translations / Re: Long phrases (backstories)
November 18, 2019, 11:21:37 AM
Quote from: morticinus on May 04, 2019, 10:56:32 AM
sometimes it is impossible to find shorter ways by using synonyms or another expressions

It doesn't need to be a 1:1 translation of each word individually. That isn't how translating works, and can often not even make sense if you do that. You can obviously just convey the same/similar thing in the allotted space.
Help / Re: Mod List Problem
November 15, 2019, 10:35:52 PM
Quote from: cjayr369 | KagoMakoto on November 15, 2019, 01:41:35 PM
Yeah~~~ I'm using the non-steam one, so the first one wouldn't work as I was told.

There is no difference in either between "Steam" and "Non-Steam", it is simply a matter of where it comes from. Steam Workshop simply automates downloading and extracting the mod to your mod folder.