SOLVED - how to allow pawns to spawn with multiple inventory items?

Started by o-o-o, December 18, 2017, 06:52:01 PM

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I am working on spawn inventory for my faction mod, and can't figure out how to do what I figured was a simple change.  My faction is of a mining group, so I wanted them to spawn with some silver, some gold, and maybe some jade.  Just about every faction example I found uses the <subOptionChooseOne> command to choose a single thing from a list of 2 or 3 item types.  I can force pawns to 100% spawn with a single item type, but can not get them spawn with 2 or more item types. 

I found a post from 2016 that showed the use of a <subOptionTakeAll> command to allow a list of different items to generate upon spawn, but either I can't get the syntax right or that function has been removed from the code.  The XML Auto-Documentation for Rimworld 0.17.1557 does not list <subOptionTakeAll> as a current function, and all of my testing results in errors.

Is there another command to pull spawn inventory from a list?

EDIT - I got sloppy with all my copy and paste of trial code, I left an extra </inventoryOptions> at the bottom.  The <subOptionsTakeAll> command works for allowing multiple spawned inventory item types.

And yet it doesn't show up on the XML Auto-doc list.  Wonder if that list was generated from functions used in xml code, but functions that exist but never get used just don't show up?