[W|0.3.409] Massive perf drop when colonist routed to pick up large silver piles

Started by paulme, April 20, 2014, 05:19:28 AM

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Version Found: 0.3.409

Title - Massive perf drop when colonist routed to pick up large silver piles.

Summary - When visitors die, they at time drop massive piles of silver.  Something like multiple 400x piles.  When colonists are routed pick this up, there is a massive perf drop.  At time multiple colonists are routed to pick-up a single pile.  However they can not be picked-up and are pushed down the map as they are picked up and dropped repeatedly.  Forbidding these pile works around this issue.

Steps to Reproduce - Try to have colonist pick up large pile (400x) of silver.

Expected Results - First the visitors should not drop large piles of silver.  They should drop normal sized ones.  Second colonist should pick up just the amount that they can carry rather than trying the entire pile.

Actual Results - Colonist routed to pick up large piles cause the game to lag badly.