Better Caravan Building

Started by sarke, December 30, 2016, 04:22:39 PM

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Carvans were a great addition to the game. However, it is a bit immersion-breaking to have to exit to the world map to order one up. A better way to handle this might be to set a caravan "zone" similar to dumping zones.

Once the zone is established (it would need a minimum size) a menu can be opened to select who is going with the caravan and what they are taking.

Once selected, all the goods are taken by haulers to the zone. A "wagon" could be built in the zone (presuming they are added which I am hopeful they will be) and than goods would be automatically loaded into the wagon, or for an on-foot caravan once everything is gathered the caravaneers will grab what they can carry. At this point the Caravan appears on the world map.



I would like to see att least a zone to set for items to be hauled to for caravans.

I was initially offput about building wagons. However I suppose they could be used to increase map travel time, with a increased flat terrain speed, and reduced hill/mountainous terrain speed.  Perhaps add it as a basic tech? You start with wheel barrows (can help with hauling) then move onto wagons, which might be able to help with large hauling as well. Especially if you have muffalo/deer/etc. As pulling animals.

I would also like to see non caravan haulers help load pack animals. It would greatly increase prep time for caravan, or at least a suspend action so my single person + three muffalo caravan isn't constantly stopped due to mental break/exhaustion.