[A16] Add date/time to linux log file name.

Started by NolanSyKinsley, December 18, 2016, 10:14:27 PM

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Currently Rimworld only creates one log file in /tmp under linux called rimworld_log. I think it would be a good idea to append the date and time to the file name so it creates one log file with each loading of the game, so you don't have to hold off on playing again until you retrieve the log, you can keep playing and submit the errors after your play session is over. It will be deleted anyway when you reboot, so it will not fill up the drive. Something like the following in the start script should do.
LOG="-logfile /tmp/rimworld_log_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`.txt"
The resulting filename should be along the lines of "rimworld_log_2016-12-18_19-09-18.txt"