Being able to upgrade older saves?

Started by Drakortha, December 26, 2016, 02:02:52 AM

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This is something Minecraft has done. Over all the updates you can continue using the same save game. Is this something Tynan plans to do for Rimworld? Some way for the game to update saves to the latest version?

Thank you.


Minecraft can do it because they aren't adding new features, they are adding content based on a solid foundation, they aren't changing the core of the game anymore, just adding onto it. When they changed to the Anvil file format for saves, they had to hand write a converter to keep old saves compatible. They only had to do that once, but for Rimworld at this stage of development, every update would require a new converter written.

With Rimworld the very base of the game is changing every update, how parts interact with each other, how the saves are done, features of items, performance tweaks, etc, which is why they are not compatible.
