Is there a way to make ungrowable dirt, growable?

Started by valterw, February 28, 2014, 10:26:14 AM

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I've been playing this game for a while and i've run into the problem where i cant grow plants at certain places. As a guy that loves making his colony look as good as possible this really annoys me.
Is there any way to make this "ungrowable" dirt, growable?
Thanks for the feed back.



If you go to: Mods\Core\Defs\TerrainDefs and edit the base terrain file in notepad, look for fertility in all things and bump it up to one. I think (really not sure) that will do the trick
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Quote from: Architect on February 28, 2014, 11:43:22 AM
If you go to: Mods\Core\Defs\TerrainDefs and edit the base terrain file in notepad, look for fertility in all things and bump it up to one. I think (really not sure) that will do the trick
I'm sure they meant w/o cheating(altering files). AFAIK, there is no way to change terrain. Possibly in future updates, if not, most possible a moddable feature. ::)


I would like to see some sort of irrigation or fertilization system added to the game that would allow you to do stuff like that. It makes sense that good healthy crops wouldn't grow very well across most of the land, after all, the whole place is basically a desert.

But if water was added to the game, it would be nice if you could dig irrigation channels to help grow things in the unusable soil. Or perhaps build stuff like sprinkler systems, or other things. The ability to compost stuff to make fertilizer would also be nice. Haulers could move organic stuff to a compost pile and your growers could use it to speed up crop growth after it had decayed down into compost. Or perhaps you could even use the nutrient paste dispenser, or a similar sort of building, to break foodstuffs down into nutrient-rich soil


take a look at the patch logs; it looks like a test mod of something that does this *may* be included in alpha 3

"Created the Fertilizer Pump external code test mod. Adds the fertilizer pump building which uses electricity and slowly creates a growable soil field around itself."


if your colony lasts over 100 days. everything seems to go green outside. So I thought that you would eventually be able to use every bit of land.


I completely agree with this!

I need a little genesis watering can or something that neutralizes the bad stuff in the soil and makes it fertile again. :)


Project Dig adds the ability to change the terrain to what you want.


Alpha 3 will also have a feature known as the fertiliser to turn any ground tiles into soil. Check February 28:
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