[1.3 (Launch) - 1.3.3087] Certain pawn relations get deleted after some time

Started by Lenas, August 15, 2021, 06:18:12 AM

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So I noticed this in my first 1.3 game and every game after that. I got raided with a relationship (sister of a prisoner), decided I had enough Rimworld for the day, saved the game and went to bed. Next day I loaded the game, after the raid, where I killed the "sister", I wanted to check how the prisoner was doing and to my surpise, she didn't care, in fact, she didn't have a sister at all. This game was modded as all hell, so I assumed a mod was causing this.
Nope. I did some testing recently and this a vanilla or a DLC issue.
Here is how you can recreate it:
1. (Optional) Make a scenario with a lot of starting colonists to increase the chance of the bug occuring.
2. At the character screen check if you have colonists who have an indirect relationship (like siblings) and no common direct relationship (like a common parent). If you don't, go back and reload the starting roster until you do. It is important that the pawns do not have a common parent on the map or else the bug will not occur.
3. Start the game, save, quit to menu and load the save.
4. (Optional) Turn on dev mode and turn on AllRelations in the social tab.
5. Put the game on speed 3 and wait like 10-20 seconds, and the relationship will disappear.
I have provided a save game, in which you will only need to followthe last 2 steps. Look at the pawns Nails and Kazuko. They are sisters with parents who are both not a colonist and are off-map. What I guess happens at this point is that the game clears the cache and deletes all non-colony pawns, and since these 2 won't have any common parents, they will stop being siblings aswell.


This is an issue for me too.

Having poked at the save files, it's clear that your (OP's) suggestion is correct. Dead pawns, whose bodies do not appear on map, are now garbage collected at midnight. Furthermore, the child's DirectRelation with their GC'ed parent is removed (presumably this is a further optimisation since their parent no longer exists). Thus there is now no way for the game to know that the children share a common parent, i.e. are siblings.

One workaround is to ensure that at least one of the parents' bodies appears on map. I did this by amending the save file to make one the parents appear in one of the ancient danger cryptosleep caskets. I then relocated the casket outside the ancient danger, but that is not required.


Had a Siege a while ago, captured 3 via psychic lance.

Colonist "Vimes" had a sister "Squint", and a father "Arton". The sister was psychic lanced, father was psychic lanced, died in the fight and resurrected via serum. Both relationships are intact.

Colonist "Grim" had his sister, prisoner "Varvara" in the raid. Psychic lanced in the same siege. I've just noticed her relationship with him has been removed. It was certainly Grim, she has a burn scar from the lance and I checked the relationships a few days before.

This has also happened with another prisoner, "Rubber". Resurrected and taken when I was on a quest as they were a relative of the colonist. (I forget what colonist) Prisoner has since been recruited, no relationship reappeared.

Both happened this patch, the past 2 days. No mods no DLC has ever been used. I cannot conclude what method or means caused this issue.



I saw this happen in my game as well.  A raider showed up as the brother of an arrested traveler, but during the charge in I can watch the relationship just disappear from both social tabs (along with the off map parents if I enable the dev mode view).  This is in a modded save, and I doubt I could recreate the circumstances in vanilla, but follows the broad description above.  An interesting detail, another raider in the same batch was the mother of a previous raider who's body was still in a gibbet on map, and that relationship persists.


A pawn may "forget" their direct relative too.

White Shrew was a raider. He was captured and recruited. He seemed to be single but one beautiful day his wife came with a raid. She just appeared on his Social tab out of nowhere, and he seemed to like her. She was killed, sadly, and cremated. Shrew was supposed to mourn her for 30 days. 13 days passed... Load the saved game and skip about 2 in-game hours. Shrew not only forgets that she died, he forgets that she has ever existed (mood debuff vanishes just as the Social tab record). Only one thing left he cannot explain, hate to Kadence 'Kay' Sherrill. Killed my spouse: -65.

Sad story.

I believe, some future raid may come with his wife. Again.

So, the bug is: [1.3.3117 + Royalty] the game makes up relatives on the go, and it may delete them. It would be better to fix relatives when a character is created.


Thanks for the bug report, with that provided save I can definitely verify this is happening and not intended.  I tried this with and without ideology on the saves provided and the same result occurred in 1.3.3166.  I'll get a report into the devs.