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Messages - Chaplain

Outdated / Re: [A11c] Hedgehogs!
August 26, 2015, 12:44:36 AM

Full Skit:

Also I can't believe I'm the first one to post this.
Opened up a ruin accidentally while digging in a mountain and got lucky that nothing immediately attacked me and I'm all like, "Hmmmm... Let's take this opportunity and get ready for all hell to break loose.  For context my last two ruins were:

1)  A room full of corpses and very much active scythers.  More bodies were added.

2)  A room with only one scyther (DIE! DIE! DIE!!!) and a bunch of still sealed pods.  Unsealed one and it began to look like a scene out The Mummy with mega scarabs everywhere.  Many bodies and enough meat to last the winter.

So I setup a bunker on one of the room with embrasures, auto guns, and a vulcan cannon just for good measure.  Got all the colonists into combat gear and armed to the teeth before setting them into cover.

With everything set I took my least valuable colonist and ordered him to open a pod preparing for death, screaming, shooting and general mayhem.

1 dead and 5 unconscious cryptosleepers.  Whelp.  Crap.  I guess I can at least shoot the dead one with the vulcan instead of burning him!  WAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!
got a weird glitch (reported earlier) where the hunters were always going into point blank range when hunting like they were executing the critter.  I noticed this pretty quick but as I'm watching my hunter (same co-worker from above lol) just walks right up next to a boomrat and before I realize what she was doing she aims her survival rifle at and plugs it.  It immediately explodes and she of course catches fire running around panicking.  Something tells me she's going to be unwilling to re-enact this one even if I provided the lighter fluid.
Bugs / Hunting Bug
April 29, 2015, 04:24:22 PM
Didn't really do a good check if this is out there already because I've got limited time.  I had an A10 game where my hunters started going into point blank range like they're trying to execute a downed animal right off the bat.  Honestly though it might have been one of the funnier bugs I've ever seen when I watched a hunter walk right up to a boomrat that advanced one tile up to her and then predictable results followed with much screaming and panicking.
Grabbed the mod thinking it was something you could farm or would find naturally in revealed areas.  Wasn't quite prepared for when a shimmershroom popped up almost a day after I roofed in an area.  I think I'll build a couch across from it just so colonists have something to hide behind from this new home invader.  Or I'll just use it as a place holder for a TV.

Also I noticed this mod doesn't seem to work with the Autohunt beacon's harvest ability.  I have no real clue how that mod is rigged but previous experience makes me believe it only let's you check off things that spawn on the map during generation (I know it loves to ignore beavers)
Made a game populated by co-workers.  I had a female co-worker hunting a boar another who had immigrated from Australia was harvesting a berry bush near the boar.  Right on queue co-worker #1 shoots co-worker #2 and I could just hear him yelling with his accent, "WTF B****!?  YOU SHOT ME!  YOU F***ING SHOT ME!!!"

Then next day I got them to act it out at work.  It was priceless.
So any chance of this mod updating or has it taken an Alpha 10 to the knee?

Excuse me while I punch myself in the face for that one . . .
Quote from: Shinzy on July 30, 2014, 08:19:27 AM

Out of stock! Sold out! Check back tomorororrow

Chaplain has broken down and is wandering around in a daze.
So is it wrong that every time I play around with MAI I start humming Mother Maiamai?
So apparently a restart of my computer solved the issue.
actually deleting it didn't fix it so I'm kinda doubting that was it but if you still need it I'll get zipping away.
So I had this error and I saw the suggestion to delete the saved files but I also notice that Ty hasn't been able to reproduce it.  So shouldn't we be sending him these files to see what it might be in them if it is in there?  I'll be keeping them in case they're needed.
So any chance this will be updated for A10?  I'm rather missing my Avenger.
General Discussion / Re: It's Here!!11!!
April 15, 2015, 08:08:50 PM
"Ok and now I just head over to the old email and get that confirmation code for Elite: What is that?"

Well guess I'm crash landing on the planet instead of flying around it tonight.
heh heh.

"Everybodies raidin' on the weekend!  Everybody wants to kick your ***!"

I'm rather liking the nice regular raids.