[1.2.2723] Colonists with fibrous mechanites refuse to meditate

Started by PicaMula, August 12, 2020, 08:43:16 PM

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[Read the PS, I reproduced it without mods too]

Pretty much the title, all of my colonists are psycasters, and some of them were refusing to meditate.

Then I figured something in common: All of the refusing ones are infected with fibrous mechanites. Also, all of the infected refuse to meditate so there is no outlier. Even a guy from a quest that has the disease and is a psycaster refuses to meditate.

If I downgrade the game to the version 1.1.2654, they immediately go back to meditating, even thou I get errors upon loading a 1.2 version savefile into 1.1 version.

I am using mods but I even tried disabling as much mods as I could without breaking the save, the same behavior still occurs.

I have attached two save files, both of them were saved on 1.2.2723. One of them has my full modlist (Southwest Murderers Refuse Meditate 1.2) and the other has a minimal one (Southwest Murderers Refuse Meditate 1.2m).

PS: Before posting this I finally read the "How to report a bug", since all of my other posts were, let's say, sub-optimal :P And read I'm not supposed to do it for modded saves. So I went ahead and reproduced it on a clean save using debug stuff. So there are two more saves attached: "Clean Save" without the disease and "Clean Save Fibrous" with the disease. I added the log file too, but I guess it's not needed on this one.

PS2: I'm posting this without attachments because it seems like it's not being posted, I'll try to update it afterwards.

PS3: I'm trying to post a reply to this thread with the saves but it doesn't work. But it's quite easy to reproduce I've done it in like 5 min with dev tools using tribals.


I feel like a disease that induces pain, and makes the person restless and energized would interfere with meditation. Working as intended IMO.


well I disagree. It does work fine on 1.1, it's not in the patch notes so definitely looks like a bug that slipped through.
If it were to interfere then it could make it slower to meditate, but then any injury that causes pain should do the same.
Fibrous mechanites gives 20% pain and anyone with it won't meditate. But if a pawn gets beat up to 50% pain with an arm thorn and bleeding out he is going to meditate if you don't give him another choice (like restricting zones, which doesn't work for mechanites).

Also, the same thing happens with other diseases like someone else posted, if you got the flu you can't meditate either.


Are you playing on 1.2, or the unstable branch? This should be fixed in unstable so want to verify.


I'm playing on 1.2.2723, not the unstable one.
I just checked and indeed, it's fixed on the unstable branch. Thanks :)


No problem, thank you for the response!  Locking thread, bug is already fixed.