Can we please be able to till soil?

Started by IndustryStandard, June 19, 2018, 09:39:57 PM

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Tilling soil dates back to the start of early human civilization, yet colonists are completely incapable of doing it.

This isn't even just about logic, I can't emphasize how much I hate having to building my base and growing zones around gravel and rich soil when by all logic I should be able to just designate an 8x8 square somewhere and turn it into some tilled soil. Equal growing for all 64 tiles.

This is one of those minor aspects to Rimworld I wish would get a tiny nudge with the mighty refinement bat before it's 1.0 release.

I don't care if the improvement for tilled soil is anything significant, or less than rich soil, hell, make it so tilled soil works like basic soil, but then let us gather rich soil and move it where we want.

Give it a small bonus to growing times or a slightly better yield if that helps. I just want to stop seeing that 1 patch of gravel or rich soil trigger some OCD in me. It's not fun, it's not challenging, and the whole thing is balanced out by the labor costs of having to til the soil.


Feels like the easy way to do this would be to have a "floor" which is tilled soil.
It would take some physical labor, need some materials, i'd say some compost simply represented with foodstuffs of your choice.
Random meat? Bunch of corn cobs? Throw it on the ground, it'll turn into a good soil for farming.

It should probably have the same power as normal soil. It's just for negating gravel after all.
And it would only be able to be built on places where floor can be built, so marsh still needs the water pump.

Moving rich soil would be difficult to implement and rather powerful.
Sure it would be touch labor, but according to me, the main problem is implementation.

Is it a new resource? You "mine" it and get rich soil, which can then be put down as a "floor".
Does one get a 100% return rate? Or is some wasted in the process.
I'd say some would go to waste.


At it's simplest it'd just be like the Tilled Soil mod.

It's a floor, costs labor, and increases the growth speed. Except unlike that mods broken af balance of it, instead of 200% boost, it'd be a middleground between soil and rich soil.


Yep, tilled soil should be added to vanilla.  I'm always having to create my own mod since most available are op. Significant amount of players install these mods so it makes it quite hard to gauge average food production..  Seen too many posts where new players having trouble stocking up on food, while other players trying to give advice in growing crops have tilled mod installed.

I rather it require more than just laying down tiles of it like you would with any flooring. I really don't care the way it's implemented at this point; as long as the process isn't tedious or requires lots of micro

Rich soil on map is usually out of the way, fine.. They're also oddly shaped and we lack a growing zone tool that targets only rich soil, so that's my other beef with it.


IMO it should be an option for growing zones, where it's a trade off between work time invested (or some resource) and growing speed.

That way you don't have to do anything with individual tiles, except once when you draw your growing area.