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Topics - HSneak

Help / Some help finding bugs/decyphering logs
February 03, 2020, 02:46:58 PM

I'm using a ton of mods (735 actually), and it strangely works but I got some errors which I can't decipher (and perhaps i'm even missing some other conflicts) because I can't really understand Hugslib logs.

So if anyone can help me find out where are the errors and what do they mean, or if there's too many mods conflicts, just tell me so.

By the way, I cannot upload using Hugslib upload function, so I must copy to clipboard and the use Pastebin to share it :

I got alot of this line
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)

Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod 99 Percent from Neceros "1.0.2059" - parsed as "1.0"

I deleted alot of lines such as this one since I think those are not important (yellow warnings in the game log), I think they're related to some parsing in "About.xml" files.

And I deleted another repeated lines which said Tried to draw quad with null material.
Which I believe are due to some conflict between More faction interaction and Rimcities (that's what I found on the net... so far at least), I tried to correct the thingy but I still get that yellow warning whenever I open the world map;

The fix was to add <li Class="ScenPart_DisableIncident">
into a save file (in the scenario > parts) and delete every record about any MFI_BumperCrop thingy, so I deleted every             <MFI_BumperCropExpiration>-1</MFI_BumperCropExpiration>
in my save file. But I still get the warning on the world map (this log file was AFTER applying the "correction" to the save file).

So any advice is more than welcome, and if it's too complicated or got too many conflicts, no problem since I can understand that perhaps 700+ mods isn't the "best" way to play this game :)

P.S : I deleted lines in the log file since they were repeated and if I didn't do so, the file size would exceed the max upload limit on pastebin.
Can someone please correctly update "Outfitter"? It's been quite a time now and there seem to be no interest in it. I know that there's this other mod similar to it called OutfitteD (the D is silent ... actually, ref) but Outfitted lacks the dynamic updates which OutfitteR had (like the auto-correction of apparel regarding to pawn skills... Which is the main reason I use Outfitter). There's a 1.0 version which seems to have a temperature bug but still gets the job more-or-less done.

Another important thing is "Outfitter Infused Patch", this one got no updates to 1.0 at all, and it plays quite an important role (actually i'm separating apparel into two categories, infused and not infused. This way I still can manually adapt infused things to specific pawns).

Outfitter steam page :
Outfitter github page :
Outfitter Infused Patch steam page :

I've searched for outfitter in this forum but the latest posts seems to be quite old (sorry if I missed anything related to it).
Anyways thx to all modders for your efforts !!
Mod bugs / Help with a specific crash - Fixed
October 24, 2018, 06:11:16 AM
I've had a crash that occurs every 6th ingame day @15h, I have no idea what happens then... Now it's the 4th time I start a new colony and I got that CTD, some things to contextualize :

- I tried with different mods list; first time was when I was gonna play for real with 250+ mods, don't judge me, that's the way I play my games :D second time I had a smaller list, and the last time I had the smallest load order I had saved :

- I had 2 errors while playing (in dev mode), but that was before the 6th-day-15h crash : (for the first error, the game couldn't identify the NPC that came to my colony (which was named Rowntree later) and ingame I had this info letter : _ also note that the same thing with the strange pawn name happened with the other longer lists of mods I had.

- I didn't do anything special at the infamous hour of crash, I mean my pawns were just doing the jobs they did before (cutting wood, constructing vanilla structures, hauling etc...)

- The crash happened @the exact same time for every try I had, 6th-day @15h ingame, so perhaps there's something that happens then.

- I noticed the 2nd or 3rd time I had the crash in dev mode, the game was generating wild_potato and some trees when the game crashed, but I removed some animal and wilderness mods, and even with many mods removed the crash still happens @ the same hour.

- For one of the instances, I had repeating error (about AA_bodypart or something) for a Darkling, related to What_the_Hack mod, because there was one in my colony, but all the other times, nothing happened so I think it's not related to it ?

Btw here's the output_log for the latest crash I had with the modlist I uploaded above :

Can someone help me with this one ? perhaps the mod list is too long, so I'd like to know what happens the 6th day @15h ingame ? is there some vanilla event ? or some mod event ??? perhaps the plant regrow or weather change ? anything to help me find the culprit.

EDIT 1 : It seems @15h the 6th day, there's a raid (vanilla), so can someone help me finding what mod could alter this ?

EDIT 2 : FIXED IT ! it was just a raid spawn problem, thx to the other topic that went to top of this forum, I could see that Giddy-up Battlemounts was the cause, and got updated since, I got the update and no more crashes... The raid happened normally @15h :D Dunno what to do with the topic now, im letting it for others to see, or if you think that it should get deleted, go on moderators :)