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Topics - Apposl

I have 3 sprites that are essentially done but when I removed their original background, a white/grey pixel-wide haze was left behind bordering each of them. I need them bordered in black obviously and this is stumping me. I'm a little more focused on learning the XML/C# side of things so the detour into Gimp has been a bit of a headache. The pixels aren't even fully connected so I can't just use a Paint Bucket Fill in black on them and be done. Not sure if I'm looking at image artifacts left behind or what, as the original image was PNG and not the vector I've been told I should have been using. But I didn't mean to get into the art side of this so much.

Anyway, credit given if anyone is willing to help with this.

(If you're a bored artist and love doing this stuff though, I'd love to give this short race a few clothing options - just smaller versions of vanilla stuff.)

Happy weekend, everyone!
It might be I am missing something obvious as a new player, but, I've got a few mods, and a few of my sections are quite full and block the screen when opened up. Security, for example. So I open the Security tab and select something to build, but all those turrets and security options are still there, 90% of my screen and making it difficult to view the terrain/area I'm laying stuff out on. I'd like all the options to go away once I click on one, so I can again get a full view of the terrain and my mouse and placing that item.

Am I missing an option or way to do this, or is there a mod for it? I know I could disable some of my mods but that's no fun. ;) Thanks for any insight. I might be missing something terribly obvious, I'm multi-tasking like crazy over here. ;) Happy week all

EDIT: And oh, if not, and this is a problem that someone has created a mod to resolve, I would greatly appreciate hearing about it - thanks!