Removing kidnapped pawns from world pawns

Started by Wanderer_joins, July 20, 2019, 06:39:21 AM

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I've given a try a while ago for a mod to rescue kidnapped pawns (Kidnapped colonist camp).
There is a reported issue with pawns not being correctly removed from world pawns. I've looked into a similar vanilla incident (ransom demand) and couldn't see where the pawns were removed. I concluded they were automatically removed thanks to the KidnappedPawnsTracker:

public class KidnappedPawnsTracker : IExposable
private Faction faction;

private List<Pawn> kidnappedPawns = new List<Pawn>();

private const int TryRecruitInterval = 15051;

private const float RecruitMTBDays = 30f;

public List<Pawn> KidnappedPawnsListForReading
return this.kidnappedPawns;

public KidnappedPawnsTracker(Faction faction)
this.faction = faction;

public void ExposeData()
if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Saving)
this.kidnappedPawns.RemoveAll((Pawn x) => x.Destroyed);
Scribe_Collections.Look<Pawn>(ref this.kidnappedPawns, "kidnappedPawns", LookMode.Reference, new object[0]);

public void Kidnap(Pawn pawn, Pawn kidnapper)
if (this.kidnappedPawns.Contains(pawn))
Log.Error("Tried to kidnap already kidnapped pawn " + pawn, false);
if (pawn.Faction == this.faction)
Log.Error("Tried to kidnap pawn with the same faction: " + pawn, false);
if (pawn.Spawned)
if (!Find.WorldPawns.Contains(pawn))
Find.WorldPawns.PassToWorld(pawn, PawnDiscardDecideMode.Decide);
if (!Find.WorldPawns.Contains(pawn))
Log.Error("WorldPawns discarded kidnapped pawn.", false);
if (pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer)

public void RemoveKidnappedPawn(Pawn pawn)
if (!this.kidnappedPawns.Remove(pawn))
Log.Warning("Tried to remove kidnapped pawn " + pawn + " but he's not here.", false);

public void LogKidnappedPawns()
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.AppendLine(this.faction.Name + ":");
for (int i = 0; i < this.kidnappedPawns.Count; i++)
Log.Message(stringBuilder.ToString(), false);

public void KidnappedPawnsTrackerTick()
for (int i = this.kidnappedPawns.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (this.kidnappedPawns[i].DestroyedOrNull())
if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 15051 == 0)
for (int j = this.kidnappedPawns.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(30f, 60000f, 15051f))
this.kidnappedPawns[j].SetFaction(this.faction, null);

But i may have misinterpreted the code. Does anyone have an idea how i could check for kidnapped pawns and remove spawned pawns from the list?

Thank you,

Edit: i'm narrowing down the issue and thinks the magic happens here in vanilla. Unfortunately, I can't see what exactly the code is for this letter and have to use a work around to fix the issue:

public class ChoiceLetter_RansomDemand : ChoiceLetter
public Map map;

public Faction faction;

public Pawn kidnapped;

public int fee;

public override IEnumerable<DiaOption> Choices
ChoiceLetter_RansomDemand.<>c__Iterator0 <>c__Iterator = new ChoiceLetter_RansomDemand.<>c__Iterator0();
<>c__Iterator.$this = this;
ChoiceLetter_RansomDemand.<>c__Iterator0 expr_0E = <>c__Iterator;
expr_0E.$PC = -2;
return expr_0E;