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Topics - skivvy96

General Discussion / Genetic Modificiation
August 29, 2014, 07:42:56 PM
Just asking if we will be able to do genetic modification to just about anything in Rimworld and to what extent this modification will be.
General Discussion / Colony guidance
August 17, 2014, 07:52:58 PM
Anyone got any colony guidance for me I prefer to set up underground colonies which are either mountains I've hollowed out and then built buildings into them creating a large space and an "outside" underground with pumps and sunlamps in them to get around colonists being affect by being underground and also it helps with food because I have plenty of space underground to farm but it is a huge power hog.

My other style of underground base building is just mining out what I need and creating long hallways which I just add stuff onto which is much more efficient power wise but it makes my colonists feel really cramped and I've had colonists leave because of this which is annoying. So what I'm asking is do you have any other colony types either underground or on the surface or any general guidance about how to make a long lasting and easily defendable colony.

PS any one know how to deal with that fat mechanoid thing when its armed with a minigun pointed at my only base entrance with all my colonists in it.
Ideas / Droids?
August 17, 2014, 07:31:57 PM
Firstly if this has been suggested before sorry. I was wondering if droids could be a good idea but there could only be a limited amount of them and they would work doing one thing they have been assigned to. They would have a recharge time and would be susceptible to solar flares so they would kind of be like colonists except cost a lot of resources and wouldn't take up any resources after they have been constructed other than electricity when they are recharging. Also different research paths for droids to become defenders which would be useful in a colony with low amounts of fighters they would be slightly stronger than colonists and more durable and could be repaired after death which would cost resources and whenever they weren't in use defending the colony they would sit in their recharging booths/alcove things in a room. You could have specialised medical droids to deal with injuries or to chat with the colonies members. The droids system would have to be capped such as a certain number of droids to colonists like one to five and cost a lot of resources and even silver to prevent their overuse.

My second idea is maybe an AI colonist as in a mechanical colonist with an AI in it so a robot colonist which would have disadvantages and advantages over the human colonists. For example they wouldn't need to eat and they wouldn't be affected by things such as in the dark but they would be susceptible to certain things that humans would be susceptible to like rain shutting them down and then having to reboot which could take like a day, lightning strikes being attracted to them and they could be killed for good by one or two EMP's.

Finally maybe one or two other sentient species. Sorry about this being so long I just wanted to get this idea down.