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Messages - aRandomKiwi

Help / Re: How do I access disease defs in C# code?
November 20, 2018, 09:50:16 PM

Try with that :

HediffDef disease = DefDatabase<HediffDef>.GetNamed("SensoryMechanites");   // in parameter here the defName of your desease
//and then :
HediffGiverUtility.TryApply(pawn, disease, ...);

Generally all def class can be accessed with DefDatabase<DefClass>.GetNamed("defNameHere");
Help / Bug in GameComponents ?
November 19, 2018, 01:52:27 PM

Can someone explain me why the constructor of implemented GameComponents class are called 4 times (instanciate 4 times ?) ? Is it a normal behavior ?

Because i noticed that when i try to access the GameComponent instance with " Instance = (GameComponent_Test) Current.Game.components.Find(x => x is GameComponent_Test); i get sometimes different instance (not the same properties i changed earlier), so to solve this i get only once time the reference instance and store it in a public static class.

Reproduce :
Simply implement a dumb GameComponent with alert in constructor :

public class GameComponent_X: GameComponent
        public GameComponent_X(Game game)

        public GameComponent_X()

It seem this occure because the Building_Cooler class dont call the base.TickRare() method of mother class "ThingWithComps", so the loop calling "CompTickRare()" method of all components stored in comps property is never called, it's not a consistent behavior, sometimes the "tickerType" def tag is applied for the Thing AND ThingComp, and sometimes nope only for the Thing class.

So unless messing with Harmony's C# expert transpiler stuff to patch the overrided TickRare or making an ugly workaround (eg : GameComp, ...) it's not possible.


Is it normal that "CompTickRare()" of a custom CompThing appended with a Patch to Vanilla Coolers (Building_Cooler) is never called ?
I watched  the def file of the cooler, and there is a "<tickerType>Rare</tickerType>" so i dont undestand why this dont work, is there any way to get this method called ?

The patch work because i overrided the "CompInspectStringExtra()" of the custom ComThing and i can see the text returned on the Cooler.

Solved by avoiding using the "soundAmbient" building subtag of the building ThinDef and by handling manualy with custom CompThing and "ReceiveCompSignal" method ( play sound with  SoundDef.Named( <soundNameHere> ).startSustainer() ....).
Help / Re: Disable/Enable Gizmo in a building ?
November 16, 2018, 01:01:25 PM
Resolved with a harmony prefix patch to "CompTempControl.CompGetGizmosExtra" method.
I have my response, by implementing a GameComponent and the "ExposeData" method.

Does it exist any Getter/Setter of global variable in a Rimworld save ?
Because i manage a global counter variable (integer) in a static method (so no ExposeData stuff ) but i want this variable to be persistent across reloading.


For a mod i do, i use a copy (properly renamed) of the SoundDefs of the geothermal generator (GeothermalPlant_Ambience_Start, GeothermalPlant_Ambience_Stop, GeothermalPlant_Ambience), it's fine but the building which i assign this soundDef is not a generator, so when there is a power loss it should not continue play the ambiance but instead play GeothermalPlant_Ambience_Stop, and then when power come back GeothermalPlant_Ambience_Start again.

Is it possible with XML only or it need some C# stuff (just give me functions needed) ? i dont see any way of doing this.

Thanks !
Help / Disable/Enable Gizmo in a building ?
November 08, 2018, 07:42:26 PM
Hi guys,

Is it possible to disable/enable an Gizmo  (button) ? because i try to disable the gizmos of a specific cooler (i need to re-enable them later) to prevent the player to change the targetTemperature :

foreach (var item in cooler.TryGetComp<CompTempControl>().CompGetGizmosExtra())
                    item.disabled = true;

But this dont work, and even if the Disable method work i dont see any Enable method to re-enable the gizmo... is it the correct way to do this ?

Thanks !