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Messages - MagnusTorne

Quote from: thefinn on June 16, 2015, 12:17:18 PM
I was all like wtf? How do I build a research table out of steel bars. Is getting clay part of the research tree because I can't find any way of getting any in order to make steel bars, in order to make the research table.

Seems this was released a little early ?

I am perhaps i little bit inclined to agree. However, i think it is a respectable effort none the less. (and i use god-mode when i hit an impasse) ;)

Some things i think should be accessible or manufacturable from the start in the mod. Far easier to reach at least. If we look at human civilisation we can see that with pretty much nothing, tools-wise, stone and wood can be processed into building materials.

Talking in-mod i would say that Mud should be manufacturable without the need to get electronics first. I really liked the concept of bricks from mud, but why the need for a complex machine to get mud?

Polish the mod a little, perhaps write a how-to, and it will be great. :)
Releases / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 9) Glitter Tech v0.81
March 02, 2015, 01:23:00 PM
Quote from: kathars1s on March 01, 2015, 01:40:45 PM
Basically, the replicators just sit there and do nothing, and the log gets spammed with the following for each replicator spawned:


Seems to be the only issue, and I can live with it. It would be nice to have them actually attack though, even if there is like 80 of them hah.

Thanks for any time spent looking.

I can report the same error
General Discussion / Re: Call for public testers!
February 05, 2015, 07:16:31 AM
Quote from: DaNewb on February 05, 2015, 03:26:23 AM
I'm in, i would love to test and find bugs.

So am I. Software engineer in the past, today in politics.
Mods / [mod request] Diesel/biofuel generator
January 09, 2015, 03:56:30 AM

Great game!

So, I was thinking that the first generation power generator device should be some simple form of fuel consuming generator. Even earlier, or simpler, that solar panels or wind generators.

So I see three simple devices, requiring little or no research;
a generator, a destiller/fermenter and an oil driller.

The generator should consume fuel in order to operate. Perhaps it should also give of toxic fumes while at the same time requiring to be under an roof.
The fuel can be made from fermenting and destilling of organics (those organics that can be grown)
or the fuel should be made from fossil fuel, requring a drill to be built. Should the destiller make two types of products, spirit and diesel, perhaps?

The drill is perhaps a more complex thing, and regardless, requiring an operator to operate. Should the fuel it gives require a run through the destillery or be ready for consumtion directly?

Ohh, and the fermenter should also be able to make spirits that gives the pawn happiness, but lowers consciousness.

Long time since i did some programming, but when I did, I worked in VB-dotnet so I should be able to do this myself. Nay, I'll give it a stab myself... eventually.

Political analyst at the Swedish parliament for the moderate party, but with a master in computer science. Today way better at asking for others to do my wishes than doing them myself. :)