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Topics - Strakarix

Mods / [Mod Request] Wild Tree Growing Temperatures Tweak
December 02, 2019, 08:26:29 AM
I enjoy playing in cold biomes with lots of snow for extra challenge but one thing that bothers me is in the beginning; there are trees galore. But very quickly your pine forest becomes a wasteland because the trees don't regrow!
My request is that a mod be made to give each tree a unique growing range somewhat like crops. I thought maybe all trees could be allowed to grow below freezing but in some ways that could break the balance of the game (Mainly thinking about Popular Trees). It would make more sense that some trees be able to grow in colder environments and others be able to grow in hotter.
This would allow pine trees to actually grow in their native biomes. The same could be done for hot biomes, allowing only cacti.
I've not done a whole lot of thought on the exact ranges for each tree, the biomes themselves could be a good indicator. Perhaps the trees native to each biome have a growing range of summer temperatures.
Boreal Forest: Avg = 10°C - -10°C (25°C in summer, -35°C in winter) Pine growing range = 25°C - -10°C.
Desert: Avg = 30°C - 0°C (35°C in summer, -25°C in winter) Cactus growing range = 35°C - 0°C
Temperate Forest: Avg = 25°C - 0°C (35°C in summer, -25°C in winter) Oak growing range = 35°C - 0°C

The trees could still be limited to their native biomes to plant but they will at least spread and grow in most environments. It would also mean during heat waves or cold snaps they would stop growing.
I believe mods such as VGP and Rimcuisine 2 add fruit trees that have similar functionality but I'm not adept to create my own mods :'(