The Urban Legend of The Rimworld Monster

Started by Kenneth79, February 18, 2017, 10:51:08 AM

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Alpha 16, gives the players the ability to travel the World of Rimworld. As of now we have the option of attacking factions and trading with them. We also have the event of being potentially attacked. Taking Greek Mythology into account and even real world history, the stories of explorers traveling the world in great lengths have told regaling stories about encountering beasts in their vagabond life. I propose that perhaps 1 infamous monster would be randomly generated in the World of Rimworld. This monster's spawn can have an algorithm of where it spawns in certain times of day and seasons. The whereabouts of the monster is shown in the map with a question mark but disappears and reappears in a different location in certain times of days and seasons in the game. In order to find this monster the player would have to understand the algorithm of the monster's whereabouts and potentially find an opening within the randomly generated algorithm to catch the monster in its tracks. Upon suggesting this idea there are problems that I found out. Can't a player just use drop pods, well, for my solution drop pods will be disabled. Another problem is that what if I have a group of people traveling and it disappears suddenly? Well then your colonists will reroute itself to the nearest village or reroute itself back home automatically. However, I don't see a problem with this because experienced players would probably figure out the algorithm before actually trekking great lengths to find the monster. If perhaps this is too complicated then probably having the monster have a static location opposite from your village is a better idea. As for slaying the monster it can have potential drops that will be unique to your loot. The drops can be a monster head, bones or scales or etc. It doesn't necessarily have to have any use but more of a trophy item in the game. Imagine, the ability to kill a legendary monster in Rimworld and placing its head on a mantle that would be cool.