Advanced Scenario Editing

Started by GRxGrizzly, November 01, 2016, 05:09:07 PM

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Hello, I'm not sure how often this is suggested but I had a suggestion. The scenario editor is great for general purpose starting, but what about more diverse ideas?
My idea is to allow for starting blueprints and prebuilt structures in areas that can accommodate them on a certain map. For example, allowing a scenario to begin a game within a building that was predetermined by the scenario editor, like a cryptosleep chamber, or small cottage, or even a burning village. I think a map editing tool, or even structure printing tool could greatly increase the diversity of starting conditions.

So in short, a map-editor or building tool included with a scenario editor that spawns in a structure along with the starting characters with great flexibility to allow conditions such as broken machinery, burning walls, etc.


A good idea that would provide framework for many diverse scenarios.


Superb idea. I really wish more games would offer map/scenario editors. Rimworld has the scenario, not as fleshed out - but still nice. Now, a map editor would be the icing on the cake.