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Messages - Zombra

Mods / Re: Removing Mohawks?
June 25, 2020, 12:46:06 AM
I never thanked you for this.  Thank you kaptain_kavern :)
General Discussion / Start the game bleeding?
June 08, 2019, 05:42:34 PM
Hi, I want to start a custom game where (some of) my colonists are under immediate threat of death.  Like, a crash landing gone horribly wrong.  The closest I can come seems to be giving them lots of scars, blood loss, and extreme malnutrition, but even with this, they are quickly up and around.

Any mods for this?  Is there a setting under Forced Conditions I'm not seeing?  Thanks in advance for any help.
Looking for an eyewear mod myself, did anything like this ever get made?
Great first (and presumably last) post.  This thread delivers.
Ideas / Re: One last CHEAP fix for caravans
October 06, 2018, 03:42:28 PM
Quote from: CthulhuTactical on October 06, 2018, 09:31:50 AMThankfully there's a mod for that.
Camps wont litter your map, because they vanish after some time.

Much appreciated @CthulhuTactical.  I try to stick close to vanilla but the way vanilla handles this is very silly and annoying.

Quote from: Limdood on October 06, 2018, 12:03:40 PMAs far as the emergency food goes, it's kind of been addressed already. You forage double while resting.  It kind of implies that food was already a consideration when redesigning caravans for B19, but the developers CHOSE to not allow hunting everywhere (which would negate the need to bring your own food for the most part)

Maybe so ... but one iteration on a system does not mean that it is done or perfect.  This system may (or may not) be officially "done" but in any case it is far from perfect.

I might not be complaining - I guess I could live with it if all land outside the colony was magically assumed to be a lifeless wasteland with only a few berries - except that random "negative" road events can effectively summon game and shelter.  Getting attacked by raiders is a lucky event, much to be desired, not for combat xp or spoils of war, but because it also means rabbits are summoned.  Am I to believe that rabbits don't exist outside the colony unless bandits are attacking me?  There has to be a better and more consistent mechanism for reconciling these different systems in a sensible way (that doesn't screw over the player if a caravan member stubs his toe).
Ideas / Re: One last CHEAP fix for caravans
October 06, 2018, 01:59:28 AM
Well ... emergency food hunting alone seems like a huge deal.  Every time a random encounter happens, the map is filled with wildlife, implying that wildlife is everywhere.  No one should be starving to death on a prairie swarming with rabbits and turkeys.

Personally I am fine with the eviction timer, I just want to make a temporary camp so my guys don't starve and freeze to death completely out of my control, all because I told them to go home and they REFUSE TO STOP on the way.

At the end of the day I just can't get over how silly it is that getting randomly attacked by bears is a GOOD thing because it gives you a chance to resupply and make a bearskin coat.  If my enemies can take me to a map filled with milk and honey why can't I just go there?

Agreed that the maps don't need to have gold and steel if that's the issue.
Ideas / Re: One last CHEAP fix for caravans
October 05, 2018, 06:35:21 PM
Quote from: 5thHorseman on October 05, 2018, 05:53:25 PM
Quote from: Nightmyre on October 05, 2018, 05:25:44 PM
You know that you can create a new colony with the caravan, right? Pretty much anywhere except for right next to another town.
But only if you enable that option, that is by default disabled.

Can either of you tell me where this option is enabled?  I can't seem to find it.

And can this be done to INTERRUPT a current route?

Quote from: 5thHorseman on October 05, 2018, 05:53:25 PMAnd then, if you do do it enough times, your common pathways will be littered with abandoned settlements.

That sounds annoying.  I'd rather be able to activate temporary encounter maps.

But I guess the "new colony litterbug" feature is a good enough workaround if I can figure out how to make it happen.  Assuming that interrupts are allowed.
Ideas / Re: Nutramine Manufacturing
October 05, 2018, 05:17:34 PM
Disagree.  I also thought it was weird at first but have since come to enjoy the idea.

* It's good for the game to have a hard, persistent incentive for trading.

* It's perfectly fine within the lore to have synthetics that just can't be manufactured in a Robinson Crusoe colony.  There are plenty of chemical elements you can't just dig out of the ground.  It's also neat story-wise to have secret recipes out there that you can't unravel just by staring at a bench for a few hours.
Ideas / Re: six squirrels can kill all colony
October 05, 2018, 04:36:08 PM
Am I the only one who thinks a colonist should be able to carry a gun AND a knife?
Ideas / One last CHEAP fix for caravans
October 05, 2018, 04:29:17 PM
tl;dr: Let caravans stop and generate a map wherever they are standing.

Long explanation:
Caravanning is still far too dangerous.  If anything goes wrong, a simple 1-day journey can turn into a week-long death march.  Forgot to wear a parka?  Frostbite, slowed, crawl to your death.  Didn't quite pack enough food?  Starvation, slowed, crawl to death.  Didn't notice a developing injury or illness?  You guessed it: condition worsens, slowed, crawl to death.  Yet all these problems could be easily solved if the caravan had the sense to simply STOP, build a shelter, tend to wounds, and hunt locally for a day or two.

The "rest" feature is nice enough I guess, but it doesn't seem to solve any of these problems that cause caravan death in the first place.  Foraging berries still seems to have diminishing returns, and you're not going to spontaneously generate parkas or medicine.

It's very silly that there are situations where I PRAY to be ambushed by raiders or attacked by manhunting wolves, simply so a map can be generated, simply so my caravan can stop acting like relentless suicidal robots for a few days.

With this fix, my "caravan anxiety" will finally be gone.

Thanks for reading.
Stories / YOUR IDEAS for individual character goals
September 13, 2018, 07:16:28 PM
Inspired by Pitch Black, Firefly, and Gilligan's Island, I want to start a game (using Prepare Carefully mod) with a premade group of characters with individual goals.  Sometimes these goals may contradict each other!  These goals don't appear in game of course, it's just things for me to work towards so I can say "That character achieved his goals."


Concept: Biological researcher, wants to study local plants and animals
Background: Taxonomist
Personal goals:
* Successfully research, plant and harvest all available plant types for biome
* Successfully tame 10 different animal types
* Return to civilization

Concept: Bounty hunter, tailing [criminal] waiting for right time to capture him
Background: Bounty hunter
Personal goals:
* Help colony build escape ship
* When ship is ready, arrest [criminal]
* Leave planet with prisoner

Concept: Criminal, being stalked by [bounty hunter] when ship crashed
Background: Serial murderer
Personal goals:
* Build combat skill of choice to 15
* Kill [bounty hunter] or arrange for his death
* Leave the planet

Concept: amoral researcher seeks to become rich making designer drugs.  Wishes to use planet natural resources to learn all about exotic drugs
Background: Unethical doctor
Personal goals:
* Research and create all possible drug types
* Observe addiction effects in at least 5 different colonists with 5 different drugs
* Leave the planet

Concept: Victim of raiders, seeks the one who murdered family
Background: Vengeful child / Wasteland wanderer
Personal goals:
* Hunt down and kill [named NPC], leader of [random hostile faction]
* Nothing else matters

Concept: Former wealthy rancher, likes this planet and wants to build a successful ranch and retire
Background: Rancher
Personal goals:
* Build 5 large barns (at least 10x5)
* Tame and successfully breed 5 different large animal types
* Build colony silver stores to at least 10,000

Concept: abused spouse, wants to escape grasp of [other colonist]
Backstory: Runaway dancer
Special restrictions: must start game married to another colonist
Personal goals:
* Spouse dies or marriage is dissolved
* Either leave the planet (if ex-spouse remains and is alive) or remain in stable, safe colony (if spouse dies or leaves)

Concept: the romantic
Backstory: any
Special restriction: starts game with no romantic attachment
Personal goals:
* Get married
* Remain happily married until the game ends
* Either leave planet with spouse or remain in stable colony with spouse

Concept: the addict
Background: any
Special restriction: must begin game addicted to at least one drug
Personal goals:
* Cure addiction

Some concepts may be combined, e.g. the criminal might be the abusive spouse, the taxonomist might also be the drug addict, etc.

So I want YOUR ideas for characters like this.  Help me build a fun, crazy story even beyond what Rimworld already offers!
Quote from: Blato on August 31, 2018, 01:51:35 AM
Quote from: Zombra on August 30, 2018, 05:53:32 PM
Do dogs still drink themselves to death in 0.19?
And need cancer removal. Yes
Thanks for the reply ... here's hoping that 1.0 will feature a beer bottle that dogs don't know how to open ...   ;)
Ideas / Disallowed Areas
August 30, 2018, 06:34:58 PM
I'm sure this has been brought up before.  Sometimes I want colonists or animals to be forbidden from accessing certain things, but I don't want to create a whole new 'inverse' allowed area.  For example I don't want the whole colony to have access to my drug lab, but 'everything but the drug lab' isn't a good allowed area to have to make.  I want to save up pemmican for a long caravan journey and don't want everyone eating out of the pemmican pantry.  I want to stop my yorkshire terriers from going in the cooler and drinking all the beer.  Etc.  And sometimes I want to mix and match, e.g. some people can go in the beer cooler but not the drug lab.  Making a new allowed area for each case is a lot of work, not to mention very counterintuitive.
Do dogs still drink themselves to death in 0.19?
Mods / Removing Mohawks?
June 05, 2017, 03:42:05 AM
Hi, I see a lot of mods to ADD hairstyles ... are there any for REMOVING them?  Those three foot high spiked mohawks look incredibly stupid.  I'd like them to be gone from my universe.