Proper way to announce mod updates

Started by GiantSpaceHamster, December 29, 2016, 01:44:41 AM

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I'm new to the modding community and I am not sure what the appropriate way to announce a mod update is. Does simply updating my original post notify anyone watching it or would I need to reply to my original post to notify people? Steam will auto-update so I'm mostly concerned about the etiquette here in the Ludeon forums.


just look into different mod topics and check how others do it ;)

pretty sure there is none. some people make an extra post for updates. i personaly just update/edit my posts/topics here.


It would be very helpful if you add the version number of the mod in the name of the post and the date it was last updated, make a reply post saying that you updated your mod, and update the first post with a small change log and date.

....but that is just me being selfish xD
You can do as you please, as long as you give us some mods ;)