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Messages - atlantis145

Started taking my mods off one by one, luckily a mod I added fairly recently seemed to have caused the issue:

After uninstalling that mod, the game seems to be working just fine!
Hi GiantSpaceHamster,

Moody is on my top 5 "instant install" mods for Rimworld; I have a difficult time playing without it. Today for the first time, I encountered a serious glitch - something seemed to "break" the main overview tab of the Moody UI. When it's toggled, it disables every ingame menu (only the shadow pops up). When I either minimize Moody or change to another tab (such as colonist's equipment), the UI works again.

I did my best to document the problem in this album:

I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the mod, and messing about with the settings. Nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?