Snowballs - social fights, stunning warfare and recreation

Started by Houkime, December 26, 2016, 05:22:09 AM

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Joy and social fighting activity:

Wise people shouldn't always beat someone unconscious if they don't like each other. Snowball or two on the way back from mining could release some steam and even improve relationship.
(Honestly Rimworld lacks a bit of Games_for_relationships mechanics :(( )

Warfare and hunting

Don't have wood to craft a bow and metal to forge a gun?
But do want this small snowhare or squirrel?
Chance is small but you can try your luck.

Want to beat a lonely raider but don't want to shoot him to death or have bruises all over your face?

Make a big snowball with lots of heavy ice and try to stun from distance!

(IRL snowballs can be built very tough and heavy in some conditions. Personally have been unpleasantly shot with such a few times...)

Like snowmen, it should be possible to make snowballs everywhere where there is a snow cover.


I would like to bump this already, I think this is a fantastic Idea as well. It would be nice to see possible snowball/relationship increase from this or just something of a joy, possible "party" during winter being "snowball fight."

I would actually like to add to the "stunning warfare Idea" I didn't see anything specifically expressing such items but in the vanilla game I've been wondering why we don't see potential "stun grenades" or "flashbangs" After all, stun is in the game already, seems it's only from shock of being attacked, usually by predators. Stun could certainly be applied to blunt melee weapons as well, something I would love to see personally being a dwarf fortress fan :P Anyway hope to see this discussion go somewhere


And in the hotter biomes there should be a 'splash fighting' if they're close to water


Quote from: Skyclops on December 26, 2016, 07:33:29 PM
I would like to bump this already, I think this is a fantastic Idea as well. It would be nice to see possible snowball/relationship increase from this or just something of a joy, possible "party" during winter being "snowball fight."

I would actually like to add to the "stunning warfare Idea" I didn't see anything specifically expressing such items but in the vanilla game I've been wondering why we don't see potential "stun grenades" or "flashbangs" After all, stun is in the game already, seems it's only from shock of being attacked, usually by predators. Stun could certainly be applied to blunt melee weapons as well, something I would love to see personally being a dwarf fortress fan :P Anyway hope to see this discussion go somewhere

Didn't think about it as of a party.
Seems like a good point.)

Do agree that stunning is a very underutilized effect.
For stunning warfare even simple stone throwing could add a lot. (with mechanics similar to snowballs when you just puck it up from ground)
(This somehow reminded me of Tolkien who wrote about exceptional skills of hobbits at throwing stones, and how beautifully stone-throwing aspect was implemented in Fellowship of The Ring game).

Not saying that tribesmen can realistically utilize paralyzing poison.
And colonists could utilize such a thing as an electric fence.
Or tazer.

But detailed discussion on this is better be held elsewhere
For example
Or even better create a new topic in order not to necro ^_^
It was very long ago and tons of things have changed.

Quote from: slyscavenger on December 26, 2016, 07:54:03 PM
And in the hotter biomes there should be a 'splash fighting' if they're close to water

Probably, but first it needs hygienic interaction with water (swimming and bathing) to be added.
It is an overdiscussed theme. Hope Tynan will do sth about it because IRL it's always a very important part of living far away from civ. Infections have much higher rate when no hygiene is in place.