New event "Flood"

Started by lux3y, January 29, 2018, 02:15:05 PM

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Map tiles adjacent to the sea and/or tiles with rivers in them can get a random event "flood" where the water level suddenly rises/extends from the river beds for a short period of time, like the tornado uncontrollable, but then with water.
Additionally it could leave behind some "fertile soil" as a positive effect.


interesting idea, but what would happen if your base got flooded? everything gets rekt? what if your generators get flooded? do all pawns and animals in the vicinity of it get zapped?
furthermore, i dont think that's how floods work. they usually are really bad for the soil. if anything, the rivers will leave rocks and lotsa dirt everywhere, driftwood and what not. especially sea water. it will wreck your soil for generations to come.
seems to me as if this worked better with certain mods that already contain water stuff or ways of "upgrading" your soil.
surely you dont need to rebutcher corpses that you already half butchered if you leave the table to smoke a joint real quick?


Yes, like a tornado, but with water. Ofcourse not rich soil everywhere just a patch here and there perhaps.
I understand that IRL it wrecks stuff for generations to come, like a tornado. But that is not interesting game design wise.


Wait wait wait...

There's no already a flood event !? :o

Why do you compare it to tornado ? When there's a flood all the map tiles adjacent to the river should be progressively under water. The water bed could be twice or three times larger.
(I mean all the map tiles except rock titles of course)

And when the flood ends, in a first time, it could leave the concerned areas devastated, but few months later, they would have an important chance to turn fertile.

It would be a great event, pain and rain first, but interesting and dangerous crops later.


There are some "flood like events" from the mod Nature's Pretty Sweet. The author has it setup so that terrain will get "wet" after it rains. However, there are a ton of issues in the mod right now regarding terrain types changing. I think that's the biggest issue that not a lot of people realize how many internal headaches you could cause for devs if you have terrain changing like that, especially when you start throwing buildings into the mix. Do you destroy the building if it gets wet? What about just damage? How much, and when? I'm sure you could think of a ton more. Really there are just so many variables to consider to get something like this to work, that I do not think it would create a positive value for the devs or players with the amount of time probably required to invest into an idea like this. Personally, I would much rather have the devs working on something else, like performance.


Quote from: VincentJ on January 30, 2018, 05:05:42 AM
Wait wait wait...

There's no already a flood event !? :o

Why do you compare it to tornado ? When there's a flood all the map tiles adjacent to the river should be progressively under water. The water bed could be twice or three times larger.
(I mean all the map tiles except rock titles of course)

And when the flood ends, in a first time, it could leave the concerned areas devastated, but few months later, they would have an important chance to turn fertile.

It would be a great event, pain and rain first, but interesting and dangerous crops later.

More or less in the sense of there is nothing u can do against it, being very destructive. But also being one of the more rare events.


Quote from: Harry_Dicks on January 30, 2018, 05:41:00 AM
There are some "flood like events" from the mod Nature's Pretty Sweet. The author has it setup so that terrain will get "wet" after it rains. However, there are a ton of issues in the mod right now regarding terrain types changing. I think that's the biggest issue that not a lot of people realize how many internal headaches you could cause for devs if you have terrain changing like that, especially when you start throwing buildings into the mix. Do you destroy the building if it gets wet? What about just damage? How much, and when? I'm sure you could think of a ton more. Really there are just so many variables to consider to get something like this to work, that I do not think it would create a positive value for the devs or players with the amount of time probably required to invest into an idea like this. Personally, I would much rather have the devs working on something else, like performance.

I am fully aware of the complications regarding buildings and so on, wich is something to brainstorm about. Just had it as an idea to add into the variety of events there are. I would also like to see performance increment over anything else, its more as a future idea possibility, not something that needs to get jumped on right now asap. I just tought it could make things a bit more interesting but ofcourse tought has to be put into it to make it worthy. It's also not generally the idea of giving a positive value (like the tornado) but as side-effect the positive effect would be the flooded soil eventually or gradually leaves behind some fertile patches wich could be beneficial. It's only an idea ofcourse purely for the sake of more variety in events.


Quote from: lux3y on January 30, 2018, 08:01:53 AM
It's also not generally the idea of giving a positive value (like the tornado) but as side-effect the positive effect would be the flooded soil eventually or gradually leaves behind some fertile patches wich could be beneficial. It's only an idea ofcourse purely for the sake of more variety in events.

Funny you mention the tornado and value. When I first encountered the tornado, I was still new to RW, and had my first pile of neutroamine sitting in my main stockpile waiting for my medicine research to finish. And my very first tornado ripped right through the heart of my base, destroying my neutroamine stock I had been building for a couple of years. I was livid. I thought it was complete bullshit when something like that happens and you have zero way to mitigate it or do anything about it.

I suppose enough other people have felt the same way, as I recall Tynan saying something like they will change it for next patch, to be on call like the orbital bombardment? I cannot remember it completely.

Also, in NPS the terrain will gain a fertility increase after it rains, which I think is awesome. I do wish something like that were in the vanilla game, but it isn't that big of a deal to me. The thing I think that causes issues in NPS is that when the soil is "wet" or changes, it will change what each cell can support with the weight it affords. And that is required by certain structures, so it will destroy them when the cell they are built on changes to something that cannot afford them. What about somethings that on both cells that can afford their weight and cells that cannot? Do we partially damage the building? Again, so many variables, but I will not jump into those again :)


I'm never super keen on mods that do alot of vanilla changes, except things like more sculptures variety or more facial hair variety, i also saw that NPS mod but i rather have it implemented IF it were to be by the developer(s) rather then a mod (no offense to the mod creator). Just a personal opinion. I found it rather interesting when i had a meteorite crash into my buildings and a tornado ripping everything apart where u suddenly become a spectator as the drama unleashes. I wanted more of that, hence the idea. :D


the thing that is the greatest difference between tornadoes and floods is that you know in advance where the river or sea shore is, so you can just build your base far away from there. but tornadoes can form anywhere and there is nothing you can do about it.
furhermore, i do believe it would be quite easy to implement a damage model over time for floodings. all items get damaged very quickly when flooded because they are so small and can flow away with the current easily. that would be simulated with high DPS. all structures and maybe larger furniture and workbenches and such would gain normal damage based upon their material and maybe even quality. hugh quality stuff would be more corrosion resistant in my opinion, like an awful bed rots in no time while a legendary one could easily survive a flood. wood would be very weak in floods, rock very strong, steel medium, because it rusts. silver, gold, plasteel and uranium COULD be (almost) impervious to flood damage.
if we look at walls for example, wooden walls have low hp already, so they would get wrecked very quickly. other walls have more hp and they are pretty corrosion resistant, so it would take much longer to get those walls flooded away, on the other hand i assume floods would at least take a day or two to go away, so you might need to repair them a lot.
in real life people use sandbags and in rare cases even flour-bags to survive floodings. i guess it would be really cool if they had a bonus against flood damage so that they are a balanced way of defending your base against floodings. building sandbags costs a 6 steel, which is one more than walls, but they have 100 more hp (450 -> 350). giving them an additional edge in floods like taking half or a third of the damage steel walls would make it realistic i guess.

and yes, i still think it is more of a thing for mods. but then again i think tornadoes suck the way they are currently implemented, so they would be mod-material even more than floods.
surely you dont need to rebutcher corpses that you already half butchered if you leave the table to smoke a joint real quick?