My games have small freezes, every second

Started by NakkuDesu, December 17, 2019, 04:50:57 AM

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It happened after I added all of my mods, and there were a lot of red error, I don't know how to fix it.
Please help :)


sometimes you can't fix it.
Some mod's are incompactible with other mods or the mod author just made mistakes.
Activate mod's at smaller batches, so you can identify early when a mod cause errors.
Then take a look at the mod discussion of that mod for help.
Maybe you just miss a required mod, but if you don't find a solution for a mod that cause errors, better don't use it.
(i think you miss EBTools, but i don't know which mod needs it)

Quote[ModCheck] using outdated ModCheck.dll. Update all outdated ModCheck.dll files and/or load ModCheck mod first in modlist
Add Modcheck as mod right below Core, so the newest version get loaded first.

QuoteFailed to patch EdB.PrepareCarefully.PanelAppearance: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'EdB.PrepareCarefully.CustomPawn' from assembly 'EdBPrepareCarefully, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
at GradientHair.GradientHair..ctor (Verse.ModContentPack pack) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
GradientHair mod want to have a different version of PrepareCarefully 1.11 and you got 1.13 installed.
It can happen that you can't select these special hairs at PrepareCarefully.

Quote[Genetic Rim] Using outdated ModCheck.dll
You should update all your mods with the latest version, i am pretty sure Genetic Rim don't got an old ModCheck.dll.


Thank you, I will try all of your suggestion, and give you a status of the situation :D


I have checked, and tested, to make sure, and thanks to your suggestion, and help I am able to fix my game!
Thank you. I will now remember outdated mods are important.


It is a different if you got little lag spike based on the engine.
Or when you got massive lag spikes from errors.

Kaelen Mosar

yeah but in the end, after he will fix his load order etc he will still have a choppy expirience <3


The problem is that it cannot be replicated in vanilla RimWorld, so it IS a mod issue, the question is what causes it. The only thing that I know of that definitely causes microstutters in Unity is excessive use of strings, instead of using StringBuilder(), but I have absolutely no idea if modders are unaware of this, or if it's even possible for them to use the alternatives, since I've never tried any modding in RimWorld outside of editing xml's.
All I know is that we tested it extensively in vanilla without replicating it at all, even late game with colony-wealth up to 1.7 million.