room sizes

Started by gunner123, March 28, 2015, 08:31:29 PM

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can anyone either tell me where i can find the comfortable room size in the game files or point me to a mod that changes this for me?


Look for RimWorld.Need_Space.CurOpenness in ILSpy. It's in Assembly-CSharp.dll at RimWorld(version number)Win_Data.

It says that when it's less than 5.5, you will get very cramped. 13.5 for cramped, and if it is bigger than 23.5, you get spacious.



how do i edit these amounts?


What I can think of is that you make one or two new custom ThoughtWorker, which has a method or variable that returns value of the pawn's openness(Because original Need_Space can't be modified). With that, use switch to set pawn's thought like vanilla ThoughtWorkers.

And make a new mod with ThoughtDefs, which will override vanilla cramped/spacious thoughts.
