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RimWorld => Releases => Mods => Outdated => Topic started by: Frazzles on February 22, 2015, 12:28:02 PM

Title: [MOD] (Alpha 9) Fireproof Conduits (v1.0)
Post by: Frazzles on February 22, 2015, 12:28:02 PM
It always bugged me how the only way to connect other geothermal generators was either through a conduit wall (which enemies would bash through) or a ground conduit.

Ground conduits work in most cases but fair terribly against lightning storms. I got fed up with my colonists running halfway across the map to beat out a fire on the conduits so I made this simple mod.

The conduits look exactly like normal conduits and function exactly the same. The only difference is they have a flammability of 0% and they take 3 units of metal instead of 1 unit to create a single conduit. You also need to research fireproofing beforehand (700 points worth of research). The fireproofed conduits also take slightly more work to make.

Keep in mind this does not prevent actual damage to the conduit, it just prevents fires from creeping all over your precious wattage line. If you want to stop colonists from running out to repair these in the event a lighting strike does hit the actual wires, you should remove them from the home region. Even over a long game, its unlikely that lightning will the strike the select area so many times that you'll ever have to actually repair it, unless you have a mad amount of wiring. The less wire you use, the safer.

Feedback is welcome.

Download v1.0 (

( (

Known Bugs:
Occasionally fires seem to still burn on the ground of a cell that fireproofed conduits occupy. The conduit takes no damage but the fire will still burn.
Title: Re: [MOD] (Alpha 9) Fireproof Conduits (v1.0)
Post by: Zhadum on February 22, 2015, 12:33:33 PM
your about.def has this listed as floor lights.
Was a bit surprised when trying to find it in mod list.
Title: Re: [MOD] (Alpha 9) Fireproof Conduits (v1.0)
Post by: Frazzles on February 22, 2015, 12:39:03 PM
Whoops. Sorry, that was what I was originally working on, inspired by the very pleasant mod by Temeez. However I wasn't clever enough to do what I originally wanted, so it became this instead. Fixed now.
Title: Re: [MOD] (Alpha 9) Fireproof Conduits (v1.0)
Post by: ITOS on February 22, 2015, 04:15:27 PM
How do you keep metal from catching on fire? Use more metal! Logic! ;P

I would try using something else, like 1 metal and 1 stone. Since that would lead to extra work I would remove the research requirement.
Title: Re: [MOD] (Alpha 9) Fireproof Conduits (v1.0)
Post by: Frazzles on February 22, 2015, 05:03:22 PM
I agree it defies logic, but the closest popular fireproof material I could think of (asbestos) is more of a mineral than a rock, and since minerals can be mined, I chose metal instead of gold or plasteel.