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RimWorld => General Discussion => Topic started by: TimTumm on February 23, 2015, 12:28:26 PM

Title: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: TimTumm on February 23, 2015, 12:28:26 PM
I like most everything else about the game because it gives me a choice.  I like to grow all year, so I pick a spot with my colony with fair-weather.  Others like the challenge, so they build in Siberia. 

My favorite thing in Rimworld is growing a colony, and having it end up with a village with 20+ colonists.  I like making kill-boxes that can take 50+ raiders.  Eventually, when I have reached a state where everything is researched, and the planet is mined out, I build a ship and end the game.  I like dealing with food challenges, but clothing?  I can't even see the clothing state.  Do I have to click on each colonist, check to see if his cloths are "in tatters?" Then I have to check each item of clothing to see which one?  How often do I have to go through this loop? This (in my opinion) goes past micromanaging (which anyone who plays Rimworld likes) and enters the realm of pain!

Please avoid Pain, and give us more gameplay! 
Thank you for a great game.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Silvador on February 23, 2015, 12:40:51 PM
You'll see a negative thought on people wearing tattered clothing, that should be your first indication. As for the item deterioration itself, I quite like it. I don't think there are too many games like this that actually have item deterioration, and as a person who naturally likes to put his stuff inside, out of the elements, having the weather actually affect item deterioration further so that putting your junk indoors actually has a point to it is just a lovely little cherry on top of the cake, for me.

However, I can see how some people might dislike and/or struggle with managing item deterioration, especially late-game. Perhaps there will be options to toggle certain aspects on or off, such as item deterioration.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: TheSilencedScream on February 23, 2015, 01:17:49 PM
I don't mind it at the start, but I can see it becoming annoying once you've garnered up a dozen-plus colonists.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: GrafZahl on February 23, 2015, 01:29:45 PM
I think the point here is not that clothes are getting worse over time. I think the disappointing thing for Tim is to check on regular basis if his colonists have bad clothes, right?

So there would be an easy solution: Allow your colonists to take clothes by themselves, when they want to change it. Like eating...
Or in the summer when it is hot, the colonists should lay down the parkas and when it becomes cold over a longer period of time, the colonists will search for warm clothes.

Then you have the very nice feature of taking care about cloth production, but without too much micromanagement.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Tynan on February 23, 2015, 01:37:34 PM
I agree with the OP. But to be clear, it's not deterioration that bothers him; it's micromanaging the results of that. Right?

Anyway, I responses to this same complain on reddit. Have a look see:
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Silvador on February 23, 2015, 01:55:56 PM
Quote from: GrafZahl on February 23, 2015, 01:29:45 PM
I think the point here is not that clothes are getting worse over time. I think the disappointing thing for Tim is to check on regular basis if his colonists have bad clothes, right?

So there would be an easy solution: Allow your colonists to take clothes by themselves, when they want to change it. Like eating...
Or in the summer when it is hot, the colonists should lay down the parkas and when it becomes cold over a longer period of time, the colonists will search for warm clothes.

Then you have the very nice feature of taking care about cloth production, but without too much micromanagement.

A bit off topic, but to add to this, it would be great if you could designate some power consuming things, like lights and crafting tables, to permit a colonist to turn it off when not in use, and on when needed. For example, a colony of 10-20 is wasting massive amounts of power when no one is sleeping but all their lights are on. And when the smelting and tailoring benches aren't being used for extended periods, its a waste of power for them to sit powered on.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: BattleFate on February 23, 2015, 01:59:52 PM
I like Tynan's proposed solution for the micromanaging on Reddit. However there's one other problem that the deterioration has caused for me in respect to management. I can't trade goods that are inside. If left outside waiting for a trader, then they deteriorate. Ideally, I'd like to be able to trade goods that are in my stockpiles inside. If for realism sake we need to transport them outside for a trade, make it so that there's a new 'trader' job and once a trade has been negotiated, then 'traders' will start hauling the goods you sold to the trade beacon for 'transport.' They can also be the ones that haul items back from the trade beacons that you received to the stockpiles.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Tynan on February 23, 2015, 02:01:48 PM
You can trade indoor goods now.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: tommytom on February 23, 2015, 02:10:37 PM
Degradation or not, I have always wanted them to have a "uniform" or "quality preference".

The next step would be "work clothes" and "defense uniform" where you might perfer devilstrand for fighting and synthread for heat/cold/fire protection.

If the whole purpose of outdoor degradation is automated cleanup of crap laying around, I wouldn't mind them degrading faster. Like say, after 5 days, they get 10% degradation per day, so 5 days is fine but 15 days or less (depending on current wear from fights, etc) and they poof.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: BattleFate on February 23, 2015, 02:26:10 PM
Quote from: Tynan on February 23, 2015, 02:01:48 PM
You can trade indoor goods now.
Ah, great thanks. Didn't notice the change I guess. :)
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Silvador on February 23, 2015, 02:34:54 PM
Quote from: BattleFate on February 23, 2015, 02:26:10 PM
Quote from: Tynan on February 23, 2015, 02:01:48 PM
You can trade indoor goods now.
Ah, great thanks. Didn't notice the change I guess. :)

Neither did I. Found out by chance. If it was in the changelog, I didn't see it.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: TimTumm on February 23, 2015, 02:37:29 PM
To answer the question, both bother me to an extent, but the micromanagement much much more significantly.  My small rule of thumb is, "what benefit does gameplay gain by adding ____ feature?" Certainly the game becomes more rich and complex by adding item wear.  That is something.

On a personal level, I played Skyrim with the mod that disabled such deterioration, because I was playing the game (and rimworld) for other reasons that total realism/immersion.  To me I'd rather not add complex for its own sake.  Sometimes you just want to mow down 30 raiders in a kill zone. :)
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Julia on February 23, 2015, 02:49:32 PM
Micro on clothes is a bit annoying, yes.

Also switching on/off is a bit annoying, and since you can build a switch anyway, I don't see the point. It saves time and micro if you can do it from the map view, instead of pausing the game and selecting colonists to power-on your kill-zone.

Doesn't add realism/hardship - it only makes you pause and assign colonists manually, and micro more than needed. And you get another [X] work slot to check - too much.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: tommytom on February 23, 2015, 03:02:27 PM
Quote from: Julia on February 23, 2015, 02:49:32 PM
Micro on clothes is a bit annoying, yes.

Also switching on/off is a bit annoying, and since you can build a switch anyway, I don't see the point. It saves time and micro if you can do it from the map view, instead of pausing the game and selecting colonists to power-on your kill-zone.

Doesn't add realism/hardship - it only makes you pause and assign colonists manually, and micro more than needed. And you get another [X] work slot to check - too much.
Same. I thought for the longest time that the electricity system was bugged when I toggled a solar generator (you can't now) and all my "controlling" priorities are 4s. I now have them all set to 1s to be sure things get flipped, but, yes, it seems stupid to even have to do that if the switches can be controlled via the player, defeating the purpose of things needing to be switched on and off by colonists.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Tynan on February 23, 2015, 03:07:51 PM
Switch issues are going to be addressed. But stay on topic please.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Vagabond on February 23, 2015, 03:21:52 PM
Quote from: Julia on February 23, 2015, 02:49:32 PM
Micro on clothes is a bit annoying, yes.

Also switching on/off is a bit annoying, and since you can build a switch anyway, I don't see the point. It saves time and micro if you can do it from the map view, instead of pausing the game and selecting colonists to power-on your kill-zone.

Doesn't add realism/hardship - it only makes you pause and assign colonists manually, and micro more than needed. And you get another [X] work slot to check - too much.

I'm the guy with Imp's More Complex Needs, Frostfall and a slew of other realism mods. I like deterioration and anything else that makes the game more realistic. However, when talking about a game where you aren't taking on the role of an individual and instead managing a colony, if there isn't some form of automation, the micro becomes to tedious; it is my job to make sure they have the stuff available, it's their job to make sure they make use of the stuff. I like that Tynan plans to introduce that automation, it will make that system run much more smoothly.

In the meantime, I'll just merrily toy away on A8 with Epyk Mod Pack 'till A10 releases and Epyk is updated for it. Waiting only sweetens the experience.

Solid release Tynan, an awesome stepping stone to A10, which I have a feeling will be something particularly special.

Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Panzer on February 23, 2015, 03:31:23 PM
Item ruination is fine, but the rate at which it happens is too fast in my opinion. Weapons and clothing gets damaged too fast while fighting, not to mention the acid rain that instantly damages anything that lies outside. I struggle to keep up with the rate at which I need new clothing, I need at least 2 crafters for a mid-sized colony.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: skullywag on February 23, 2015, 03:56:39 PM
Im ok with it all tbh, my only real issue is 99%.....i just.....please make it wait before doing the first check to deteriorate....
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Andy_Dandy on February 23, 2015, 06:18:06 PM
I love this new deteriation system. Best part of Alpha 9. Changes so many parts of the game play to the better; nerfs trade, makes crafting important for other things then exports, more hard choices and priorities to make, gives you new ways to plan out your base with need for indoor storing and trade, slows down my base development and keeps game interesting for alot longer.

I rather micro abit then having a lesser experience with more hollow mechanics, because these new mechanics enhances gameplay and strategy by alot.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Rathael on February 23, 2015, 07:25:10 PM
I both like and hate it. I would like to see a delay between item creation/last time stored indoors and the deterioration kicking in. Maybe a few days to a week? So anything on the ground at map start will give you a few days to get it collected up before deteriorating. You could also move items from inside to outside (not needed with trading indoors anymore, but still a nice feature) to back inside without them going to 99 or 98 as long as they are only out for a couple days. Once brought inside the delay resets again.

I think the rest would be great if we could have a colonist automatically grab a newer *exact item* from a stockpile. So t-shirt -> t-shirt and not t-shirt -> button down shirt because I don't want them changing from the clothing/armor setup that I give them.

Maybe a way to allow/disallow them to grab better weapons too.. not only deterioration, but also awful -> legendary etc.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: milon on February 23, 2015, 07:53:48 PM
I haven't had time to play more than 10 minutes of Alpha 9 yet (sadness!) but I'd really like to see weather affecting the rate of decay for outside items.  When it's -80C out, a frozen raider corpse (and equipment) shouldn't deteriorate, and I should be able to loot it just fine in the spring.  That same corpse/clothing should deteriorate MUCH faster when it's 35C out.  Just my uninformed $0.02.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: akiceabear on February 23, 2015, 08:42:37 PM
Quote from: milon on February 23, 2015, 07:53:48 PM
I haven't had time to play more than 10 minutes of Alpha 9 yet (sadness!) but I'd really like to see weather affecting the rate of decay for outside items.  When it's -80C out, a frozen raider corpse (and equipment) shouldn't deteriorate, and I should be able to loot it just fine in the spring.  That same corpse/clothing should deteriorate MUCH faster when it's 35C out.  Just my uninformed $0.02.


On the whole, I'm very happy with the new deterioration system, although eagerly await the A10 improvements to dressing AI for colonists. :)
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Mussels on February 23, 2015, 10:57:05 PM
Quote from: Tynan on February 23, 2015, 01:37:34 PM
I agree with the OP. But to be clear, it's not deterioration that bothers him; it's micromanaging the results of that. Right?

Anyway, I responses to this same complain on reddit. Have a look see:

what we need is a way to maintain the items the colonists are wearing - something akin to a medical bed (tailors something?) where you assign a medical bill "repair clothes" and they go lie down, and someone with the crafting skill fixes up their clothes. could be assigned automatically if they're in really bad condition, for example. (or the same for items not being worn, with your new system)

As for item degradation (i dont have a reddit account) - make skeletons rot faster. having dead squirrels scattered all over the map wouldnt be a big deal if they either rotted away faster, or some kind of scavenger animal ate them.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Andy_Dandy on February 24, 2015, 01:51:46 AM
I don't like the repair clothing suggestions. Will make tailoring new clothing and getting materials for it alot less important again. I'd rather see a wardrobe system, a new feature that rewards you for making wardrobes in colonist bedrooms etc, and a hauling system that keeps the wardrobes filled with the clothing you want with the quality you want.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Listen1 on February 24, 2015, 05:57:38 AM
With the EdB colonist tab, you can see the stats in real time when they happen (Hurt, bleeding, without a weapon, cold, hot, stressed), maybe a improved version of that will be a nice addition.

Although that may be too big of a chance to the vanilla game, a tab inside wealth/graphs that show colonists problems and a picture of them may help with the micro management.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Notho on February 24, 2015, 08:03:05 AM
I don't mind it, but I wish there were a way to separate the tattered clothes from the new clothes, so whenever someone takes some new clothes, the tailoring bench will know to make a new set (if it's set up to keep a certain amount on hand).
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Vexare on February 24, 2015, 11:30:27 AM
Some good suggestions here to ease the micromanagement issue with clothing. Personally I like the addition of clothing wear and tear but like others, I need a better way to manage it and know when colonists are going to need new stuff. It's not a big deal if you're playing a very small colony of just 3-6 members to keep track of them individually, but when you start building larger colonies of 15 or more, it does become a real chore on top of all the other things you're trying to juggle.

Edit: Not to take it off-topic but would be cool to have a 'recycler' of some sort that can recyle tattered clothing rather than just burning it in an incinerator. The recycle machine could handle other items (nearly broken weapons etc) and spit back out bits of metal, plastic or cloth that could be reassembled into larger quantities as it accumulates.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: 10001110 on February 24, 2015, 12:01:54 PM
With the changes coming n A10, the rates are fine, and could even be a little higher. This will make crafting clothing more essential, as it is now, it's passable. Devilstrand growth rate needs to be tweaked, as it is now, it's practically impossible to make anything out of it, and buying it is unthinkable with the price nerfs.
Clothing deterioration could also be (if its not yet) dependent on tasks performed. Easy to figure a miner's clothing will rip apart rather quick.
For this to be efficient, however, we should have the option to assign specific pawns to specific benches, pick the best to craft the good stuff and leave the rookies to work stone. This would be a REALLY nice to have soon, imho.
The tattered debuff is overkill, as temporary as this situation is, it's permanent on already highly unstable pawns. Maybe it should be removed\halved till we get A10?
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Notho on February 24, 2015, 07:11:40 PM
Quote from: 10001110 on February 24, 2015, 12:01:54 PM
With the changes coming n A10, the rates are fine, and could even be a little higher. This will make crafting clothing more essential, as it is now, it's passable. Devilstrand growth rate needs to be tweaked, as it is now, it's practically impossible to make anything out of it, and buying it is unthinkable with the price nerfs.
Clothing deterioration could also be (if its not yet) dependent on tasks performed. Easy to figure a miner's clothing will rip apart rather quick.
For this to be efficient, however, we should have the option to assign specific pawns to specific benches, pick the best to craft the good stuff and leave the rookies to work stone. This would be a REALLY nice to have soon, imho.
The tattered debuff is overkill, as temporary as this situation is, it's permanent on already highly unstable pawns. Maybe it should be removed\halved till we get A10?

I also want to be able to assign benches to people.

And, I thought of this today after my earlier post, if you could separate the stuff that's tattered from the new stuff, you could simply set the incinerator to get rid of it if it's starting to clog your stockpile. In my game, I haven't had an exotic goods trader in almost a full year...  >:(
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Mussels on February 25, 2015, 05:16:44 AM
Quote from: Vexare on February 24, 2015, 11:30:27 AM
Some good suggestions here to ease the micromanagement issue with clothing. Personally I like the addition of clothing wear and tear but like others, I need a better way to manage it and know when colonists are going to need new stuff. It's not a big deal if you're playing a very small colony of just 3-6 members to keep track of them individually, but when you start building larger colonies of 15 or more, it does become a real chore on top of all the other things you're trying to juggle.

Edit: Not to take it off-topic but would be cool to have a 'recycler' of some sort that can recyle tattered clothing rather than just burning it in an incinerator. The recycle machine could handle other items (nearly broken weapons etc) and spit back out bits of metal, plastic or cloth that could be reassembled into larger quantities as it accumulates.

thats one of the best suggestions i've heard of so far. make it so you get 50% of the resources back, and have it so you can pick what quality they get recycled at.

Fussy about your clothing? make all items get recycled at 80%
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Andy_Dandy on February 25, 2015, 06:36:22 AM
thats one of the best suggestions i've heard of so far. make it so you get 50% of the resources back, and have it so you can pick what quality they get recycled at.

Fussy about your clothing? make all items get recycled at 80%

Don't like that suggestion at all. Would easely jump over the need to produce new quality clothing, and by that seriously reduce the strategical part of the game and nerf the whole mechanic of quality crafting drastically.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: lusername on February 25, 2015, 07:10:25 AM
I've just given up on clothes. Let them be naked. It's only -3 for being naked, compared to -3 and -5 for worn-out clothes, and far less hassle to manage. If naked is only -3, worn clothing should be less than this, not more!
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Andy_Dandy on February 25, 2015, 10:13:37 AM
Quote from: lusername on February 25, 2015, 07:10:25 AM
I've just given up on clothes. Let them be naked. It's only -3 for being naked, compared to -3 and -5 for worn-out clothes, and far less hassle to manage. If naked is only -3, worn clothing should be less than this, not more!
.    There are more benefits to clothing then avoiding the naked malus, even if they are worn out.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: erdrik on February 25, 2015, 12:14:06 PM
Quote from: Tynan on February 23, 2015, 01:37:34 PM
I agree with the OP. But to be clear, it's not deterioration that bothers him; it's micromanaging the results of that. Right?

Anyway, I responses to this same complain on reddit. Have a look see:

I don't use reddit, so Ill put my post here.
I think the rates(for non-consumables) should be lowered.
I have several shirts in my dresser right now that Ive had for about a decade.
They are faded to be sure, but they don't have any holes or tears either.

Considering this is a wild rimworld, I think 2-3 years for max untouched lifespan for cloths is good.
Ooo! Maybe even a trait that makes colonists less/more destructive towards their gear?
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: TheHiding on February 25, 2015, 08:10:18 PM
Automation of changing clothes would be nice.

Only other thing I could think of to improve things, is allow clothes of a chosen % of durability to be cremated. It's pretty worthless to sell now, and all the old junk clothing takes up to much room, so if I want all clothes under 60% to be burned, or 50%.. etc.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Vexare on February 25, 2015, 08:26:11 PM
Quote from: Andy_Dandy on February 25, 2015, 06:36:22 AM
Don't like that suggestion at all. Would easely jump over the need to produce new quality clothing, and by that seriously reduce the strategical part of the game and nerf the whole mechanic of quality crafting drastically.

How would material recycling nerf quality crafting? You still have to *make* the recycled cloth bits back into usable clothing, it's not recycling the fully tattered clothing item back into new - that's not my suggestion. My suggestion is a recycling machine that instead of incinerating tattered garments, spits out a few small pieces of usable cloth per piece you feed it, maybe less... a very tiny percentage compared to the number it takes to assemble a new piece of the same clothing. There's no way that would 'jump' over the need to produce new clothing because you couldn't sustain clothing production without new stuff - it just wouldn't be enough pieces of cloth to reproduce the amount you'd need per piece.

New clothing will still be a mandatory mechanic and still require good crafting skill to produce quality pieces. I'm just suggesting an alternative to burning everything in the incinerator for scraps.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Andy_Dandy on February 25, 2015, 10:29:48 PM
Quote from: Vexare on February 25, 2015, 08:26:11 PM
Quote from: Andy_Dandy on February 25, 2015, 06:36:22 AM
Don't like that suggestion at all. Would easely jump over the need to produce new quality clothing, and by that seriously reduce the strategical part of the game and nerf the whole mechanic of quality crafting drastically.

How would material recycling nerf quality crafting? You still have to *make* the recycled cloth bits back into usable clothing, it's not recycling the fully tattered clothing item back into new - that's not my suggestion. My suggestion is a recycling machine that instead of incinerating tattered garments, spits out a few small pieces of usable cloth per piece you feed it, maybe less... a very tiny percentage compared to the number it takes to assemble a new piece of the same clothing. There's no way that would 'jump' over the need to produce new clothing because you couldn't sustain clothing production without new stuff - it just wouldn't be enough pieces of cloth to reproduce the amount you'd need per piece.

New clothing will still be a mandatory mechanic and still require good crafting skill to produce quality pieces. I'm just suggesting an alternative to burning everything in the incinerator for scraps.

If it's just to get some materials back I'm fine with it (as long as it costs investments in work, energy, researching of recycling, and materials + space for the recycling machine, but if it would work like in Mussels suggestion, where you can recycle the whole appearal or weapon and keep its quality, it would indeed hurt the importance of the crafting and quality system by alot. You'd soon get to a point where you wouldn't need to make any new quality objects, just recycling/repairing the old ones over and over and over again.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: cultist on February 25, 2015, 10:42:58 PM
I really like the degradation system, but a bit more complexity would be nice. Staying inside 24/7 doing research really shouldn't degrade your clothes much, if at all. Growing crops, hunting, cooking and hauling should tear your clothes faster.
After doing a major surgery or patching up 3 people with lots of holes in them, the doctor would probably not want to wear those clothes anymore.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: lusername on February 26, 2015, 04:47:52 AM
Quote from: Andy_Dandy on February 25, 2015, 10:13:37 AMThere are more benefits to clothing then avoiding the naked malus, even if they are worn out.
Such as what? Near as I can tell, armor is worthless. Even full power armor does not stop you from being mauled to death by squirrels. On top of that, being naked nearly doubles your hauling potential. You can strip two corpses worth of loot on one guy if he's naked, since he can strip one corpse, wear its stuff, and haul off the other corpse. Some of them even prefer being naked.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Zuban Artig on February 26, 2015, 09:59:17 AM
I wouldn't mind the item deterioration if

1. you could trade from inside (apparently you can do that now, yay!)
2. Pawns would equip better clothing by themselves (this also comes)

I never liked the outdoor storage anyway you had to have for trading. Now you have a valid gameplay reason for indoor storage of non-food items. That's a good thing.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Andy_Dandy on February 26, 2015, 10:58:04 AM
Quote from: lusername on February 26, 2015, 04:47:52 AM
Quote from: Andy_Dandy on February 25, 2015, 10:13:37 AMThere are more benefits to clothing then avoiding the naked malus, even if they are worn out.
Such as what? Near as I can tell, armor is worthless. Even full power armor does not stop you from being mauled to death by squirrels. On top of that, being naked nearly doubles your hauling potential. You can strip two corpses worth of loot on one guy if he's naked, since he can strip one corpse, wear its stuff, and haul off the other corpse. Some of them even prefer being naked.

Nothing can protect you from squirrels if you don't know how to handle them, but wearing clothing with defensive bonuses indeed helps if it comes to a melee. Of course being naked when starting the hauling process helps when it comes to robbing bodies. So what? Does it help you if it's cold outside?
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: fraz on February 26, 2015, 04:00:54 PM
Regarding clothing and weapon damage/deterioration, I think it would be great if functional deterioration did not begin until the items drops below 80% health. That is, a piece of armor (or whatever) retains its full effectivess between 80-100%, and gradually loses its effectiveness below 80%.

This would ameliorate perfectionists' (like myself) maddening desire to constantly replace equipment to maintain 100% effectiveness (which is impossible when clothing begins to degrade immediately).
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: DarknessEyes on February 26, 2015, 09:29:18 PM
I also hate to micromanage all items on all colonists...

* Add a new structure, the closet
Colonists automatically get new clothes from closet when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of clothes are stored in closet)

* Add new stucture, the Weaponry
Colonists automatically get new weapons from weaponry when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of weapons are stored in weaponry)

* Add new stucture, the Armory
Colonists automatically get new armors from armory when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of armors are stored in armory)

PS: Colonists also should wear/unwear clothes when its cold/hot.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: ZestyLemons on February 27, 2015, 04:20:55 AM
Quote from: DarknessEyes on February 26, 2015, 09:29:18 PM
I also hate to micromanage all items on all colonists...

* Add a new structure, the closet
Colonists automatically get new clothes from closet when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of clothes are stored in closet)

* Add new stucture, the Weaponry
Colonists automatically get new weapons from weaponry when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of weapons are stored in weaponry)

* Add new stucture, the Armory
Colonists automatically get new armors from armory when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of armors are stored in armory)

PS: Colonists also should wear/unwear clothes when its cold/hot.

I like this idea way more because colonists could have favorite colors and junk, and be more happy when they wore clothing they like.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Andy_Dandy on February 27, 2015, 04:42:09 AM
Quote from: ZestyLemons on February 27, 2015, 04:20:55 AM
Quote from: DarknessEyes on February 26, 2015, 09:29:18 PM
I also hate to micromanage all items on all colonists...

* Add a new structure, the closet
Colonists automatically get new clothes from closet when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of clothes are stored in closet)

* Add new stucture, the Weaponry
Colonists automatically get new weapons from weaponry when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of weapons are stored in weaponry)

* Add new stucture, the Armory
Colonists automatically get new armors from armory when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of armors are stored in armory)

PS: Colonists also should wear/unwear clothes when its cold/hot.

I like this idea way more because colonists could have favorite colors and junk, and be more happy when they wore clothing they like.

Good ideas, and I have a feeling Tynan will implement something like this. Also gives us more to place in bedrooms, and a need for at least one new kind of room; the arsenal (and perhaps also a wardrobe room for colonists
with small apartments). Me like.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: w00d on February 27, 2015, 05:48:47 AM
i kinda stopped playing Rimworld as the tedium of micromanagement is boring. I liked the game an alpha or 2 back where you make some decisions and let things sorta ride it out with some clicking sometimes as you manage your colonists to success or death. with the recent releases it is getting more and more a chore and less and less a game. I will wait till the final release (?) and then wait for the mods which allow you to game rather than drudge ( this is entirely mho )
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: TimTumm on February 28, 2015, 11:38:30 PM
For those of you who don't like item deterioration and can spend 5 minutes, there is a fix.  Go to the RimWorld\Mods\Core\Defs\ThingDefs directory.  Look in all the files for

"<DeteriorationRate>number</DeteriorationRate>" and change it to "<DeteriorationRate>0</DeteriorationRate>"

No more rotting clothings.  I assume you'll have to do the same thing to mods that have adapted deterioration. 

Thanks to the guy who showed it to me in the mods secton.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Lichuj on March 01, 2015, 09:52:24 AM
Item degradation looks like fun thing in 'theory', but fails as an in game feature. Damn 'Sims' and playing dress up the little dolls for the party...

Especially the clothes with different qualities. If they could be repaired, have one quality as long as they arent outside or worn - it would be okay.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: milon on March 01, 2015, 03:08:26 PM
Quote from: ZestyLemons on February 27, 2015, 04:20:55 AM
Quote from: DarknessEyes on February 26, 2015, 09:29:18 PM
I also hate to micromanage all items on all colonists...

* Add a new structure, the closet
Colonists automatically get new clothes from closet when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of clothes are stored in closet)

* Add new stucture, the Weaponry
Colonists automatically get new weapons from weaponry when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of weapons are stored in weaponry)

* Add new stucture, the Armory
Colonists automatically get new armors from armory when the old ones are ruined.
(you can chose wich type of armors are stored in armory)

PS: Colonists also should wear/unwear clothes when its cold/hot.

I like this idea way more because colonists could have favorite colors and junk, and be more happy when they wore clothing they like.


It would be great for each colonist to have favorite clothing types / colors and the ability to both individualize and automate the process.
Title: Re: Don't like the new item ruination
Post by: Endoric on March 01, 2015, 03:34:12 PM
i would love to see a closet or coat rack perhaps, where the colonist drops their parka when leaving the cold outside and entering the warm inside.  no idea how that would work.

I guess Parkas would need to stack which last i checked clothing doesn't, but i think they should otherwise your dining hall would have a giant coat rack along the wall.

Then i suppose there would be the issue of "Who took my coat damit!"  unless you could assign clothing to a colonist without that colonist actually wearing it at the time.  maybe introduce the idea of individual ownership into the game?