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RimWorld => General Discussion => Topic started by: Aristocat on July 10, 2015, 09:04:13 AM

Title: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Aristocat on July 10, 2015, 09:04:13 AM



It's not like this 44 old artist lady would able to hit him.. right?





I just wasted +5000$ just to block like, 4 hit? 6 hit? It still had around 100% block yet it protect like 30% chance.

Tl;dr Never use power armor. Also melee skill is worthless as ----, melee 3 skill is around 40% chance to hit, THEN conscious and manipulation buff kicks in and it's around 70% chance. with melee 12 it's around 80%. Absolutely useless.

Btw I play only with melee w/o any tower on extreme and it's perfectly viable. Against humans it's more viable than guns because ai just charge and try to punch long sword(With guns, or just punch walls while rest of their team getting slaughtered) and when they use melee weapon it's always useless gladius(which deal only half damage of long sword) or club.

Although I pretty much forced to use guns against centipedes because power armor or personal shield in melee is just as protective as a cornstick(and current game doesn't give any other protection), and even then centipedes are jokes because personal shield vs their low accuracy. Scyther is actually scary but in close range they are jokes too.

Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Listy on July 10, 2015, 11:25:41 AM
And then someone shoots you with a charge rifle that does electrical damage...
Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: keylocke on July 10, 2015, 12:16:50 PM
Quote from: Aristocat on July 10, 2015, 09:04:13 AM
Tl;dr Never use power armor. Also melee skill is worthless as ----, melee 3 skill is around 40% chance to hit, THEN conscious and manipulation buff kicks in and it's around 70% chance. with melee 12 it's around 80%. Absolutely useless.

Btw I play only with melee w/o any tower on extreme and it's perfectly viable. Against humans it's more viable than guns because ai just charge and try to punch long sword(With guns, or just punch walls while rest of their team getting slaughtered) and when they use melee weapon it's always useless gladius(which deal only half damage of long sword) or club.

Although I pretty much forced to use guns against centipedes because power armor or personal shield in melee is just as protective as a cornstick(and current game doesn't give any other protection), and even then centipedes are jokes because personal shield vs their low accuracy. Scyther is actually scary but in close range they are jokes too.

iirc, brawlers have a boost to melee. so even that tiny extra % from a higher melee skill is very useful for brawlers, especially with slow hitting weapons like longswords.

this is the reason why i only recruit :
-brawlers : i equip them with longswords
-trigger happy : i equip them with miniguns
-careful shooters : i equip them with sniper rifles

these traits make them super effective to the fighting roles i assign for them. (which i think is more important than initial skill levels, since i can train these guys up to top skill + full bionics and they'll be like aces)

while power armor and hyperweave.. why buy them at all? at mid to late game, you just loot them from enemies anyways, might as well put them to use.
Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Quasarrgames on July 10, 2015, 02:58:58 PM
Aww it would have been cool if because he had over 100% protection any damage that was done to him would be reflected back on to his attacker. But nope.
Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Toggle on July 10, 2015, 07:04:01 PM
Why do you have to include so many pictureeees.
Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Aristocat on July 11, 2015, 12:47:57 AM
Quote from: keylocke on July 10, 2015, 12:16:50 PM
iirc, brawlers have a boost to melee. so even that tiny extra % from a higher melee skill is very useful for brawlers, especially with slow hitting weapons like longswords.

this is the reason why i only recruit :
-brawlers : i equip them with longswords
-trigger happy : i equip them with miniguns
-careful shooters : i equip them with sniper rifles

these traits make them super effective to the fighting roles i assign for them. (which i think is more important than initial skill levels, since i can train these guys up to top skill + full bionics and they'll be like aces)

while power armor and hyperweave.. why buy them at all? at mid to late game, you just loot them from enemies anyways, might as well put them to use.

Melee should be similar to DF. Each melee skill grant dodge and accuracy, so 3 melee skill against 15 will never able to hit him and 15 melee will just attack heart. This will also make high melee against centipedes viable by dodging attack and attack their brain.

Quote from: Quasarrgames on July 10, 2015, 02:58:58 PM
Aww it would have been cool if because he had over 100% protection any damage that was done to him would be reflected back on to his attacker. But nope.

Even if he had over 200% protection it will wear down in 20~30 hit and start getting hit. Which is useless. Beside he had around 120% yet he took hit, so it seems protection isn't working as intended at all.
Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Tericc on July 11, 2015, 01:47:27 AM
also to note that the hand was cut off. Power armor does not protect the hands thus the damage was severe. The parts thart are protected..well they are still attached!
Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Mrshilka on July 11, 2015, 05:36:47 AM
Armor works to protect again a lot of those one hit kills on necks hearts and brains and so on.

Melee can work well vs gun when you include modded weapon, 200+ melee dmg hammer from a few mods combined will kill or cripple people in a single hit.
Centipedes how ever are just damage sponges, I have seen them soak up well over 5k damage and keep working. You need to shatter the head or first body segment to kill one fast.
Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Rahjital on July 11, 2015, 05:42:20 AM
Rimworld armour system is strange. Centipedes have 70% sharp resistance, but they only block about third or so shots and reduce the damage of the rest by half. The armor definitely reduced a lot of damage, since the superior longsword couldn't chop off an arm with two hits. T-shirts also only protect torso, so it did nothing to protect the arms.

Still, you are right. There's not much use for armour, since it's expensive, is wears down after getting hit a couple of times or worn a couple of months, and you can't repair it. It's even worse for melee fighters, since they can't avoid being hit, unlike people with guns. And both shooting and melee skills don't mean much. For shooting, a more skilled guy at least has a better chance at winning, though prostetics make the skill irrelevant. For melee skill, it's completely random, higher skill helps little and who wins depends mostly on who manages to get a good hit first.
Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Aristocat on July 11, 2015, 07:04:34 AM
Oh wait, protection now reduce damage instead of deflect? I didn't know because I didn't played since alpha 7 or so.

It has problems though.

Problems :

1. Doesn't have flat damage reduction, even a pistol or knife can punch through.

2. Degrade too rapidly without anyway to repair.

3. Killed by 1 sniper shot and 1 pistol shot vs 2 sniper shot doesn't make significant difference.

I think it would nice if it work like fallout. Reduce flat damage by 8 or so and protection%, but damage cannot be completely negated and pawn still take 20% of damage. Degrade should be slightly reduced but armors should be repairable.

Edit : Also it would be nice if it require training to wear power armor. Like warhammer or fallout, instead of 80 old granny with dementia and bad back can wear power armor with longsword without any problem.
Title: Re: So I made 97% protection power armor w/ 26% hyperweave shirt.
Post by: Aristocat on July 11, 2015, 07:48:07 AM
Quote from: Mrshilka on July 11, 2015, 05:36:47 AM
Armor works to protect again a lot of those one hit kills on necks hearts and brains and so on.

Melee can work well vs gun when you include modded weapon, 200+ melee dmg hammer from a few mods combined will kill or cripple people in a single hit.
Centipedes how ever are just damage sponges, I have seen them soak up well over 5k damage and keep working. You need to shatter the head or first body segment to kill one fast.

The weapons pawns used only deals 19 - 24 damage, and it's perfectly viable without any mod.

Beside, have you even played game? 200 and 5k? Centipedes has 80~140 or so hp in each "rings" and 40 or so on sensors and such, and they die or "in shock" when their "move" become very poor(or any parts). 5k? 200 is enough to one kill centipedes.

Edit : Also when brain is damaged it's always become scar and pawn usually can't walk or eat, basically dead, or vegetative state.