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RimWorld => Stories => Topic started by: Kien Klauker on December 27, 2013, 07:15:33 AM

Title: Diary of Klauker the Miner
Post by: Kien Klauker on December 27, 2013, 07:15:33 AM
Day 1: Well our lifepods landed and we set up camp by this rock base so i decided i should make a journal for record. I should start out saying that my name is Kien Klauker, i was a space miner, and a
Slave as a child. So far all we set up is a basic shelter and we are low of food we are going to need something for food soon.

Day 3: I was to tired working on mining and building yesterday to wright then. so far we all been getting by, we have a food dispenser and Jackie has a farm set up. Oh i should tell you the other survivors too. we have jackie who was a Oaf, and then Sonny our experixed settler. Sonny is also our leader and a great one too.

Day 4: Sonny has me mining the nearby mountians as that is where we are going to be living for awhile after i made rooms. We made a generater and some batteries so now we have power and light at night yay. today was pretty much uneventfull.

Day 5:  Sonny locked herself up in a room she built, and i have been hearing weird noises coming out of there. I wonder what shes been doing?

Day 6: Hurray! Sonny Came out today and told us what she was doing, she was reserching for ways to live better lives and other things. She says i should start mining these brownish rocks for there minerals for important stuff

Day 7: Wow! Th things we made with these minerals.  First off, sonnymade the minerals into metals, and with those metals we can make ACTUALBEDS! I know!  Now we can sleep on something more comfortable than the ground.

Day 8: Nothing much just mining and repairing the walls, Jackie goin at it with the farm, and sonny locker herself in the room again.

Day 9:Just saw Sonny at the food table.  It looks like she very tired, i guess she doing more reserch.

Day 10: Sonny Showed me and Jackie some blueprints to make turrents for defense.  I guess we might need it if the herds of muffalo aren't only herbivores.

Day 11: a migrant name Moss came and said he'll join our little unamed colony. maybe we should name it. Moss was a Shipwright he he very good at contructing so i guess he'll hadle that.         

Day 12:I can't believe a single raider attacked us! he just came at us with molotavs and knocked out jackie.  But the turrents we made knocked him out too! so me and Moss made a jail in this underground colony. I want to kill him for nearly killing jackie but it seems sonny has other plans.

Day 13: so Sonny called for a meeting and told us we should name  our settlement. Jackie suggested Rapture , I suggested Crashville seeing as we crashed here , and Moss proposed Dodge considering the surroundings. i makes sense because it's like the old west on earth 900 years ago. we all agreeded on Dodge. Sonny also told us that she recruited the raider and told him that he would be accepted here, his name was Chron and was a Space marine for the S.C. before this but was kicked out and had to resort to raiding.  So now he is guarding our little town.  Though im still weary of Chron, he seems.......Fishy?

I am out for paper for now, i will need to find material  for some more on this planet.
Title: Re: Diary of Klauker the Miner
Post by: Arkadiusz103pl on December 27, 2013, 10:14:49 AM
Nice to read this! I really liked it.
Title: Re: Diary of Klauker the Miner
Post by: Kien Klauker on December 27, 2013, 07:14:48 PM
Quote from: Arkadiusz103pl on December 27, 2013, 10:14:49 AM

why thank you, this is my first post so i had low hopes
Title: Re: Diary of Klauker the Miner
Post by: CodyRex123 on December 28, 2013, 02:32:19 PM
Would not mind seeing more, but you did miss spell Write, just saying, :D
Title: Re: Diary of Klauker the Miner
Post by: Kien Klauker on December 28, 2013, 06:55:22 PM
Quote from: CodyRex123 on December 28, 2013, 02:32:19 PM
Would not mind seeing more, but you did miss spell Write, just saying, :D
whoops my bad about that and yes i do plan on making more maybe   ;D also english is not my first language so i might make more mistakes
Title: Re: Diary of Klauker the Miner
Post by: Arkadiusz103pl on December 29, 2013, 05:45:06 AM
I hate reading but i like this story.It makes my intrested.It would be awesome if i can read more things like that.
Title: Re: Diary of Klauker the Miner
Post by: Kien Klauker on December 29, 2013, 06:37:00 PM
Quote from: Arkadiusz103pl on December 29, 2013, 05:45:06 AM
I hate reading but i like this story.It makes my intrested.It would be awesome if i can read more things like that.
welli mightbe making more like this im just trying to figure out a continuation