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RimWorld => General Discussion => Topic started by: falcongrey on August 24, 2015, 08:51:04 PM

Title: No cats?
Post by: falcongrey on August 24, 2015, 08:51:04 PM
Maybe I missed it or just never encountered it but... are there only domestic live stock type animals and dogs (and dog types) in the game? No house cats or large cats?

Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Toggle on August 24, 2015, 08:54:00 PM
Yeah, there's no cats, and currently only three dogs really I think (The lab, wargs, and the yorks). Someone might be modding them though...
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Mr.Cross on August 24, 2015, 08:55:47 PM
No, Your correct. There are no cats in vanilla rimworld. I saw rumors of a cat mod being discussed here:

And more dog breeds here:

So if any are interested in helping with either of these mods go there and ask to help.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: falcongrey on August 24, 2015, 09:06:13 PM
Quote from: Z0MBIE2 on August 24, 2015, 08:54:00 PM
Yeah, there's no cats, and currently only three dogs really I think (The lab, wargs, and the yorks). Someone might be modding them though...

Sad... Cats are like so vital to the environment. Not to mention, cats are SO loving and can be SO protective of a household. People don't realize how quickly a tiny little house cat can be deadly until they have been attacked by one before. Had one nearly kill me once in under 30 seconds before I got it off me.  Tore out the back of my knee and the back of my hand and wrist. By the time I got to the doctors, I was nearly passing out and you could see the tendons in my hand and arm as well as the artery in the back of the knee was exposed. Was told by the doctor (as he patched me up) had the cat severed that, I would have bled out in under 5 minutes. But he went on to explain, what makes cat attacks deadlier than dogs is cat bites carry so much bacteria in them that if you don't get treatment immediately after a serious bite, you will go into shock then die from septic shock.  After 15 minutes I was already sick and couldn't walk or even focus my eyes. Was told that was the onset of Septic Shock. In less than 30 more minutes I was told I would have fallen unconscious from it then within 24 hours I would be died as the bacteria ate me from the inside out. Only a human bite I was told was worse than a cat when it came to animals.

Dog bites, their saliva contains an antibiotic property and blood coagulant that helps prevent bleeding. Granted they can do more damage from the bite, a cat can also do significant damage with biting and claws combined and some house cats can get up to  30 to 40 pounds and simply be massive, not fat. (had one that was 32lbs and his brother was 28lbs, all muscle)
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: magicbush on August 24, 2015, 09:09:41 PM
I don't like cats so I don't mind :P. The only reason I tolerate them is because of the fact they hunt and kill mice, and my moms cat when I go to my parents house acts like a dog lol(let's me pet it on the stomach, fetches, comes to it's name, it's really wierd as I have had a lot of cats in my life growing up and never seen one act that way). Also I find falcongrey's post odd as I cannot count how many times I have been scratched or bitten(close to the bone once, and needless to say that attack ended badly for the cat :() and never had issues or had to go to a doctor.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Toggle on August 24, 2015, 09:16:32 PM
Quote from: Mr.Cross on August 24, 2015, 08:55:47 PM
No, Your correct. There are no cats in vanilla rimworld. I saw rumors of a cat mod being discussed here:

And more dog breeds here:

So if any are interested in helping with either of these mods go there and ask to help.

Ah, didn't know if he released the information to the public. Yeah he was talkin bout it in the slack which is why I said 'someone might be modding it'.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: falcongrey on August 24, 2015, 09:51:16 PM
Yea, my Angel (cat) is an odd Guard Cat. She will attack strangers that enter without me. She loves to have her tummy petted. Comes when called by name. And fetches. I found that some breads of cats are like that. Mine is a Maincoon.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Songleaves on August 24, 2015, 11:28:01 PM
Quote from: falcongrey on August 24, 2015, 09:06:13 PMNot to mention, cats are SO loving and can be SO protective of a household.

Case in point, here's tara the cat saving a kid from a dog (

Quote from: falcongrey on August 24, 2015, 09:06:13 PMPeople don't realize how quickly a tiny little house cat can be deadly until they have been attacked by one before. Had one nearly kill me once in under 30 seconds before I got it off me. 

Hahaha, yeah. I've dealt a lot with feral cats, once had a cat bite through the thick, leather, animal handling glove of a person I was partnered with. When animals go wild they can be pretty scary.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Toggle on August 24, 2015, 11:42:11 PM
How... does a cat almost kill you?
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: StorymasterQ on August 25, 2015, 12:03:10 AM
Cats are assholes. What we need more are pigs. As Churchill said (

"Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Cimanyd on August 25, 2015, 12:09:51 AM
Quote from: Z0MBIE2 on August 24, 2015, 08:54:00 PM
Yeah, there's no cats, and currently only three dogs really I think (The lab, wargs, and the yorks).

There are also huskies (spelling?), so four dogs if you count wargs.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: JesterBlue on August 25, 2015, 01:09:34 AM
Cat too OP for this game, people will start complain about them. Not to mention cat are 3 dimensionals creature.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Songleaves on August 25, 2015, 01:31:52 AM
I agree about them being too 3 dimensional Jester, Tynan and co wouldn't want to devote the resources to developing an AI that could capture the essence of a cat. Really accurate simulation would probably just confuse the users anyways "Is this a bug? Cat keeps sleeping on cook stove even though a nice animal bed is nearby", "Help! Cat keeps scratching colonists when they attempt the rub pet belly joy activity!".
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Fluffy (l2032) on August 25, 2015, 02:33:53 AM
Quote from: Songleaves on August 25, 2015, 01:31:52 AM
I agree about them being too 3 dimensional Jester, Tynan and co wouldn't want to devote the resources to developing an AI that could capture the essence of a cat. Really accurate simulation would probably just confuse the users anyways "Is this a bug? Cat keeps sleeping on cook stove even though a nice animal bed is nearby", "Help! Cat keeps scratching colonists when they attempt the rub pet belly joy activity!".

While I fully agree that cats cannot accurately be modeled, and their behaviour in game would always be a pale likeness of their real-life mystery, I nevertheless am undertaking an effort to mod cats into the game. I feel having cats in game, even if they are just glorified squirrels, is better than a game spent without cats.

Quote from: Mr.Cross on August 24, 2015, 08:55:47 PM
No, Your correct. There are no cats in vanilla rimworld. I saw rumors of a cat mod being discussed here:

And more dog breeds here:

So if any are interested in helping with either of these mods go there and ask to help.
Yeap, that's me. I'm getting into mod making in my spare time, for now it'll basically just be re-skinned dogs. I plan on adding a number of domestic cats first, some more exotic wildlife cats later, as well as catfood (I might feel magnanimous and also allow dogs to eat that. Probably won't have much choice in the matter anyway).

Stretch goal is to include some custom interactions, would love to see cats chase squirrels and other small wildlife, and claim workbenches by falling asleep on them, for instance. I have barely begun modding though, and this will likely involve more than just a few xml copy/pastes, so don't hold your breath on these. That is if they're even possible, I havent looked into it yet.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: BugPowderDust on August 25, 2015, 04:29:37 AM
If our cat is anything to go by, AI for a cat would be easy

If cat is not asleep, then cat is licking itself.
If cat is not licking itself, then cat is asleep.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: b0rsuk on August 25, 2015, 05:06:51 AM
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Snownova on August 25, 2015, 05:16:41 AM
Clearly Tynan is a dog person.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: mumblemumble on August 25, 2015, 06:24:01 AM
No,  cats are just impossible to train.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: harpo99999 on August 25, 2015, 06:59:36 AM
IF the cat LIKES the person, they will accept some suggestions for behaviour from the person, BUT if they do NOT like the person, the person is PREY to the cat, and the CAT OWNS the person the cat likes
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Cimanyd on August 25, 2015, 11:24:35 AM
Yes... cats should have a "Humans" skill, and use it to attempt to tame humans. Tame humans can then be trained in obedience (defending the cats from enemies), release (going out to attack enemies, e.g. siegers), rescue (-ing the cats), and hauling (food to the cats).

Of course, this means colonies should start with 3 cats and 1 pet human, instead of the current starting population.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: b0rsuk on August 25, 2015, 11:34:29 AM
Cats bury their poop as a sign of respect to the alpha cat. So if your cat refuses to use the litter box properly, he/she has no respect for you.

As much as I like cats, I have to admit they're very hard to train. Either they would have high Wildness, or just Intermediate intelligence. Real world cats also fail the mirror test - unlike (some) dogs, they don't recognize their reflection.

That said, cats still have a number of properties which would make them interesting in Rimworld. Sleeping during day, Going For A Walk during night. Very cuddly. Some people are allergic to them (like me). They could hunt mice and other vermin which ruins your food storage. They could cause conflicts with dogs. They can climb trees and just about anything. They have low terminal velocity and can survive a fall from 10th floor.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Boston on August 25, 2015, 11:59:42 AM
Cats and dogs only cause trouble with each other if they "get thrown" together, without prior introduction. It is the same " who the HELL is that" reaction that any "unknown" animal will have with another, or, hell, even between two human strangers.

I personally have a dog and several cats that were raised together since they were kittens/a puppy. They get along perfectly fine.

More on topic: the only real reason that I would keep domesticated cats around is to keep vermin out of the food supply. Since we don't have vermin, the other reason would be for "mood"-related boosts. Cats are actually entirely capable of being loving and happy to their owners, so long as they actually like them.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Toggle on August 25, 2015, 12:57:50 PM
People are thinking too much into this I think. Just have cats for cats!

Of course that's if it's a mod, wouldn't have much use in base game.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: JesterBlue on August 26, 2015, 04:13:34 AM
You don't tame a cat! The cat tame you! Cat sometime hunt on their own and bring home the kill for their pet human.

Cat also ignore psychic events. Not that they aren't affected! They just don't want to do anything. Wearing a cat on your head is therefore a way to dampen psychic effect. Cat can also incapacitate people by sitting on them a purr.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Mihsan on August 26, 2015, 05:09:21 AM
Quote from: falcongrey on August 24, 2015, 08:51:04 PM
Maybe I missed it or just never encountered it but... are there only domestic live stock type animals and dogs (and dog types) in the game? No house cats or large cats?

There is no cats right now. But in the descriprion of the animal sleeping box you can find mentioning of the cats. So they will be in RimWorld someday.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Skirmish on August 26, 2015, 06:10:44 AM
I bet that cats will require joy in addition to already existing food and rest system for animals.

I can imagine cats bothering working colonists and it gives proper amount of joy for both of them :D
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: b0rsuk on August 26, 2015, 07:52:20 AM
I seriously think animals should have a need for space. Especially hares, hares, horses and dogs. Some more than others.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: harpo99999 on August 26, 2015, 08:03:29 AM
Quote from: Cimanyd on August 25, 2015, 11:24:35 AM
Yes... cats should have a "Humans" skill, and use it to attempt to tame humans. Tame humans can then be trained in obedience (defending the cats from enemies), release (going out to attack enemies, e.g. siegers), rescue (-ing the cats), and hauling (food to the cats).

Of course, this means colonies should start with 3 cats and 1 pet human, instead of the current starting population.
BUT ALL cats want MORE servants (humans to serve them), so 1 cat (colony master), 3 humans (colony servants), and 1 or more dogs(slaves to the servants) would be more suitable
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: tommonius on August 26, 2015, 11:49:34 AM
I would love for cats to be in game and have a behavior mechanic where they chase down and kill rodents without being promted. What I would give for a cat to be able to kill say a Boomrat but the Boomrat will not blow up due to some kind of instinctual fear of a feline.
Title: Re: No cats?
Post by: Cimanyd on August 26, 2015, 12:20:41 PM
Quote from: harpo99999 on August 26, 2015, 08:03:29 AM
Quote from: Cimanyd on August 25, 2015, 11:24:35 AM
Yes... cats should have a "Humans" skill, and use it to attempt to tame humans. Tame humans can then be trained in obedience (defending the cats from enemies), release (going out to attack enemies, e.g. siegers), rescue (-ing the cats), and hauling (food to the cats).

Of course, this means colonies should start with 3 cats and 1 pet human, instead of the current starting population.
BUT ALL cats want MORE servants (humans to serve them), so 1 cat (colony master), 3 humans (colony servants), and 1 or more dogs(slaves to the servants) would be more suitable

The 3 cats can attempt to tame other humans in the area, whether the herds of normal wild humans that pass by or hang around the colony, or by rescuing incapacitated survivors of "cathunter packs". They can also buy tame humans from certain traders.

(Note: Attempting to capture and tame a wild human may cause the herd to attack you)