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RimWorld => General Discussion => Topic started by: tigeruppercut on August 10, 2016, 08:39:14 AM

Title: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: tigeruppercut on August 10, 2016, 08:39:14 AM
I'm never playing this game again...

Unless I can capture all the spacepunks in the crytosleep chambers.

DUDE... I tried everything. To save the evil spacepunks from getting themselves kill. By themselves, by my colonist, by the mechanoids.

I was able to clear all the mechanoids that posed a threat. I created a hallway for them to travel out from without disturbing the crytochambers. Clean them all out.

Then it was time to save the spacepunks from the crytosleep and focus on rehabilitating them and having them join my colony. We have an amazing staff. 3 doctors with amazing social and medical skills. 3 loving couples and a 5 older ladies (aka cougars)who are ready again to be loved by young spacepunks. 

But every time we open the chamber and try to subdue these scared and confused spacepunks, they end up getting themselves killed and harming themselves. I tried to box them in and freeze them and save them. They died. I tried to give them heat stroke and knock them unconscious. They die. Occasionally I'd get one or 2 incapacitated but that was it. I tried to punch them with fists until they knock out. They die. Maces. They die. Incindiaries they die they die anything they die and die and die. WTF KIDDOS.

I show them love and compassion... they die. I want to run a nice loving community with out people dying on me. I had a dream today... and they didnt die. I gave up on my colony heartbroken and quit this game. I tried so hard. I tried everything. I am failure. I am not fit to lead this colony......
Title: Re: Fuck this game!!
Post by: Kagemusha12 on August 10, 2016, 09:21:33 AM
Perhaps you should have armed all of your colonists with maces and clubs, so that they have a big chanceto just knock the sleepers unconscious instead of killing them ;)
Title: Re: Fuck this game!!
Post by: cultist on August 10, 2016, 09:28:31 AM
There's no surefire way to capture an enemy. This is a deliberate design choice. There are mods that add non-lethal weapons for this purpose.
Title: Re: Fuck this game!!
Post by: Blato on August 10, 2016, 09:39:25 AM
Besides, contrary to a popular opinion, a club to the face is not a non-lethal option.

Skull fractures, internal brain bleeding and strokes caused by physical trauma are all very real, and very common in a baseball bat+face marriages
Title: Re: Fuck this game!!
Post by: Serenity on August 10, 2016, 10:45:32 AM
I captured three of them, but two of the better ones died. Two of the ones that I captured were already injured so I could just walk up to them and carry them out.

You don't need a lot of social though. My current group is pretty asocial with <5. And the guys still joined immediately.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: tigeruppercut on August 11, 2016, 07:43:09 AM
Well that's pretty lucky of you to get 3 of them. I save the game and tried about 50 times still no luck.  One or 2 at most. I mean I researched everything and my colony should realistically have the tech to deal with space punks but it just didnt work out for me. I felt like I failed my colony and the space guys. I tried to play new game, a new story, new people.... but I was still plagued by my past so I couldn't get back into the game. The pain of failure is real.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: ThiIsMe007 on August 11, 2016, 08:57:30 AM
I would recommend you to try this mod (

Each story-teller enforces a limit on the population of colonists. Thus, even with your best recruiter, and the stats telling you otherwise, you might have no chance at all to recruit more people to your colony, if you've reached what the story-teller considers as upper bound to your party.

The mod can change that.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: Mikhail Reign on August 11, 2016, 09:35:43 AM
Death is a chance on being downed. I've had an old pawn die instantly on being downed by a mild scratch on the leg. The pain plus his other debuffs (age etc) caused him to be easily uncapped, and when he was downed it rolled on it.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: ThiIsMe007 on August 11, 2016, 09:42:54 AM
I agree, and I am not sure if I am being adressed, but it seems to me (I could be wrong) that once past the population cap :

1/ it's significantly harder to down hostile pawns, and not outright kill them
2/ it's significantly harder (and probably impossible) to recruit hostile pawns, should you manage to down and capture them

Hence the usefulness of the mod.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: ShadowTani on August 11, 2016, 12:56:44 PM
In my experience charge rifles is the best weapons to quickly down someone rather than kill them. It have decent damage, but somehow still leave the pawn in shock most of the time (if from a single shooter) while having a low risk of damaging body parts as well. Is why I equip all my wardens with them.

But seeing some proper non-lethal weapon options in vanilla Rimworld would still be nice.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: night777 on August 12, 2016, 05:08:21 AM
It is extremely rare to have unarmed attacks kill someone.

The damage is small, and it seems to me that pawns fall at 50% hp.

Also no bleeding, which is very good.

This is how I stop my berkserk folks when necessary.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: Shurp on August 12, 2016, 06:52:15 AM
When a pawn is downed by enemy attack, there is a chance of automatic death.  Doesn't matter if you use fists or grenades. 

This doesn't apply to attacks by friendlies, which is why I employ wooden logs to beat down any colonists that act up.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: John_Bigless on August 12, 2016, 02:25:26 PM
Quote from: tigeruppercut on August 10, 2016, 08:39:14 AM
I'm never playing this game again...

Unless I can capture all the spacepunks in the crytosleep chambers.

DUDE... I tried everything. To save the evil spacepunks from getting themselves kill. By themselves, by my colonist, by the mechanoids.

I was able to clear all the mechanoids that posed a threat. I created a hallway for them to travel out from without disturbing the crytochambers. Clean them all out.

Then it was time to save the spacepunks from the crytosleep and focus on rehabilitating them and having them join my colony. We have an amazing staff. 3 doctors with amazing social and medical skills. 3 loving couples and a 5 older ladies (aka cougars)who are ready again to be loved by young spacepunks. 

But every time we open the chamber and try to subdue these scared and confused spacepunks, they end up getting themselves killed and harming themselves. I tried to box them in and freeze them and save them. They died. I tried to give them heat stroke and knock them unconscious. They die. Occasionally I'd get one or 2 incapacitated but that was it. I tried to punch them with fists until they knock out. They die. Maces. They die. Incindiaries they die they die anything they die and die and die. WTF KIDDOS.

I show them love and compassion... they die. I want to run a nice loving community with out people dying on me. I had a dream today... and they didnt die. I gave up on my colony heartbroken and quit this game. I tried so hard. I tried everything. I am failure. I am not fit to lead this colony......
Welp, i guess you are just very unlucky.
So far, i managed to capture only 2 space soldiers just because i didnt care too much about them.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: John_Bigless on August 12, 2016, 02:27:14 PM
Quote from: Shurp on August 12, 2016, 06:52:15 AM
When a pawn is downed by enemy attack, there is a chance of automatic death.  Doesn't matter if you use fists or grenades. 

This doesn't apply to attacks by friendlies, which is why I employ wooden logs to beat down any colonists that act up.
The more you know
And still, the 2 other ways for a pawn to die is to run out of blood or have one his critical body parts destroyed (such as : Torso,Heart,Head,Neck etc.)
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: PolecatEZ on August 12, 2016, 09:02:27 PM
You sound like you're over your 8 person limit.  After 8 people, the game makes it increasingly difficult (or near impossible) to recruit new colonists.  Pirates and slave traders have fewer or no chance of bringing new slaves, you're far more likely to kill someone outright with a papercut rather than putting them into a capture state, arrests won't work as well (if at all), and recruitment chat roles are cheated to almost never succeed. 

If by some miracle you reach 13 colonists or more even with the game cheating its ass off to not let you, then the real catastrophes start happening back-to-back until your population comes back down.

If you do like lots of colonists (or prisoners), go with Randy Random...he's a lot more relaxed about these things because he's going to try to kill you anyways.
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: CakeOP101 on August 29, 2016, 10:01:23 PM
Use wood?
Title: Re: Capturing cryptosleep space punks
Post by: Barazen on August 30, 2016, 03:22:30 AM

i never knew that and my best colony got to 10 or 11 peeps... i just thought the people i was trying to cap were just particulalry loyal... made me want them more >:3