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RimWorld => Mods => Topic started by: Archadeas on September 06, 2016, 11:08:37 PM

Title: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Archadeas on September 06, 2016, 11:08:37 PM
This idea is mainly based on the idea of cloning super soldiers and bio weapons. This should come with risks and flaws, at least in the beginning, rogue clones, mutations, abominations, etc. This tech shouldn't be limited to humans, imagine a Werewarg or a man bear with augmented armor plates, reinforced skeletal structure, Bionic ripping claws, using traits from your colonists and trained to destroy. The clones should still be mid to late game techs, and span into far late game, with advancement increasing the usefulness and safety of cloning, though costing more. A clone setup from earlier tech can be useful for mass production, but late game tech can make clones that live as long as normal pawns and even have better stats, its all down to what you are willing to pay.

First, I want to talk about flaws of this.
-Short Lifespan (Clones are prone to lower lifespans do to accelerated growth)
-At risk of genetic health problems
-Mutations (Not only a health risk, but can lead to other issues)
-Rogue primal anger (Keep guards posted in labs or your techies might be killed by their own creation)
-Expensive and time consuming. Both power and resources would be needed to advance this, as well as blood samples from colonists with the traits you want to use
-Volatile nature (Just because it didnt kill you right away, doesnt mean it cant still go rogue or develop a violent nature, especially if its part animal)
-Low Initial skills (They start from nothing, they are literally born yesterday, but this also means they can usually do anything)
-Mental defects (Some clones are limited in mental capacity, especially animal hybrids, the smarter the animal, the less likely this is to happen, but even human clones can be at risk)
-Clones are sterile (Clones make poor clones and can no longer be used for genetic research)

-Disposable soldiers, workers, or war beasts
-Selective traits
-Initial stats can be very high
-Can learn (In most cases, clones can learn like any other pawn, though some defects can restrict this)
-Usable Organs (All pure human clones should have usable organs)
-Research is Critical (Advancing research makes defects easier to counter and can make clones more useful, but tends to increase costs significantly)

Extra stuff
-Blood Bags (A medical supply to combat blood loss, donors take a hit and must recover and its not as efficient going in as coming out, but as long as its kept cold and usable it can save soldiers and other critically injured units. Human clones and prisoners make cheap blood banks, but always remember not to draw too much, or it will kill them)
-Blood Samples (Taken from living subjects, colonists, prisoners, and animals, it should store genetic dna of those creatures and affect what the clone will have as starting aspects)
-Harvest augments(And potentially organs/limbs) from corpses as long as they are fresh and not destroyed

Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Lennbolt7 on September 13, 2016, 12:36:20 AM
So would you be making this?
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Master Bucketsmith on September 13, 2016, 05:05:19 AM
FYI, I think this is a huge undertaking, so modders might be hesitant in picking up the idea and making it. :x
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Deimos Rast on September 13, 2016, 07:53:01 AM
Damn, I was hoping for eugenics and you went with werewargs. Story of my life. :-\
In all seriousness, this would be a massive undertaking. It seems like it would effectively double the size of the game. I would start small and build from there. Start with a single cloning vat before you start trying to model mutations. Rimworld might not also be ready for man bear pigs either. ;)
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Facepunch on September 14, 2016, 08:35:32 AM
The big thing, is that you would have to model every possible combination you could make from the vat.
That is a hell of a lot of work, and tedious, too. The code would also probably be complex and, again, tedious to write.
Great idea, but the workload would be intense
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Archadeas on September 14, 2016, 01:00:25 PM
I do have plans to make this mod at some point if I have time, though I make no promises, the main reason I posted this was to get an idea, feedback, and see plausibility, while still offering the idea up to anyone that feels they can implement it faster than my slow nature. I am learning to mod Rimworld, as I like to mod many games. For now, its just a fun idea.
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: WarlordToby on September 19, 2016, 07:37:23 AM
The idea sounds awesome and i suppose it would be easy to create the cloning thing but adding those traits are much harder, i suppose.
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Archadeas on September 26, 2016, 06:18:45 AM
Well, from what I see, it would be mainly involving a simple spawn command of a predesigned match up, a command to add specific traits with a roll for potential mutation. I havent worked on anything yet, but I have been running a few ideas in my head about it. Actually looking at MAI for ideas and a potential method for a few things. The augments and grafts would be the easy part.

Note: This is just for my own mental process and open for discussion
-Basic Cloning - Starts off weaker than normal pawns, but cheap, lowest lifespan.
-Intermediate Cloning - Starts off as healthy as normal pawns, short lifespan.
-Advanced Cloning - Starts off Healthier than most pawns, will slightly shorter lifespans to normal pawns.
-Basic Augments - Armor Plates and basic grafts
-Advanced Augments - More militarized augments
-Cybernetic Augments - Neural and bionic enhancements
-Clone Stability 1-3
-Gene Splicing - Advanced tech to allow easier production of hybrids

Potential Mutation
Base:0.20 - 0.05(1:Clone Stabilizing I/2:Clone Stabilizing II/3:Clone Stabilizing III)
Animal Hybrid:0.10x(1:Advanced Intelligence/2:Moderate Intelligence/3:Low Intelligence) - 0.05(If using Gene Splicing)

-Armor Plates - Hard steel plates screwed into bone, painful, but protective.
-Steel Claws - Bladed claws screwed into the fingers and hand like gauntlets, good for damage, bad for health.
-Steel Treads - Cleated steel clawed boots for faster movement, also anchored to the bones.
-Steel Jaw - Rip into the enemy with a steel jaw replacement
-Ballistic Scale - A dermal weave of carbon fiber and small ceramic disks protect more, with less pain
-Grafted Power Armor - Sections of hydraulic power armor grafted to the bones, good for more mobility and armor.
-Pain Inhibitor - Does what it says
-Synthetic Muscles - Replaces weak fleshy muscles with synthetic muscles to increase muscles while also adding titanium disks for armor.
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Darkfirephoenix on September 27, 2016, 11:04:49 AM
Hmm nice ideas, but I think simply bolting metal to bones/adding blades ot hands isn't very really genetic stuff.
Those would be just artificial augmentations and would have NOTHING to do with "Genetic Superiority"
Improving the "acceptance" of the body to allow such artificial augmentations would fall under genetic stuff.

If we are talking about genetic superiority then you should mainly look to improve/change the ability of already present "material":

Stronger/Denser muscles/bones (take a look at Lizard muscles for example)
Improved organs (lungs that can take more O² from the air etc.)
Improved reflexes/brain
Lowered needs (less food/sleep)
Higher resistance to disease/parasites/drugs/toxins
REGENERATION (small cut? Healed already without rest)
Bone/Chitin plates for natural protection
Natural claws (like a cat for example)

Also: Does the "armor" give body parts armor/protection OR just more Hitpoints?

I have most likely forgotten a couple, but the ones I listed would be doable in game without changing too much.
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Archadeas on October 02, 2016, 01:31:11 AM
Kind of missed the point my friend, the genetics are already planned, the augments are just additions, making claws and bites more deadly. Sure that deadly looking lizard man can hurt/maim/kill you, but with a little augment or two, he looks like a true armored monster. The armor should be designed to reduce damage on that section and be more durable. Anything with chitin should have chiten as the hybrid, those that have claws should have claws. The augments are really not the main point of the genetics, its just the armor system instead of having to model a hundred new items just for the new monsters...
Other than that, the base traits are designed to be a cross of both donor creatures, your research will determine whether or not it will be a minor or major increase.  A warg bear maybe good for starting stats, but an advanced clone of the same creature could potentially be 10 times more durable, resistant and healthy compared to the junk starter clones.
Hmm, an armored beetle warg, faster and stronger than any human pawn sounds fun now.
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Darkfirephoenix on October 02, 2016, 10:03:24 AM
Quote from: Archadeas on October 02, 2016, 01:31:11 AM
Kind of missed the point my friend, the genetics are already planned, the augments are just additions, making claws and bites more deadly. Sure that deadly looking lizard man can hurt/maim/kill you, but with a little augment or two, he looks like a true armored monster. The armor should be designed to reduce damage on that section and be more durable. Anything with chitin should have chiten as the hybrid, those that have claws should have claws. The augments are really not the main point of the genetics, its just the armor system instead of having to model a hundred new items just for the new monsters...
Other than that, the base traits are designed to be a cross of both donor creatures, your research will determine whether or not it will be a minor or major increase.  A warg bear maybe good for starting stats, but an advanced clone of the same creature could potentially be 10 times more durable, resistant and healthy compared to the junk starter clones.
Hmm, an armored beetle warg, faster and stronger than any human pawn sounds fun now.
How about a turtle warg? Or even more scary: A turtle thrumbo.
Have you seen how long it takes to take a turtle down? They are tanks! Now cross that with a thrumbo for the ultimate damage sponge!
I'm just happy that there are no badgers in the vanilla game, those b-tards often shrug off bullets/attacks from far bigger animals and don't give a flying f... about anything. Even elephants and lions avoid em.

Also regarding the augments:
Why not injections like Wolverine got em? Imagine a turtle thrumbo with a plasteel skeleton/plasteel bones/shell... BY GOD! I created a monster!
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Archadeas on October 03, 2016, 07:25:25 AM
Considering that the turtle would make it cold blooded, it would render it useless in winter and the armor plates(especially the advanced nano carbon fiber, ballistic power armor plating and reinforced skeletal structure) would make it unimaginably armored anyway, but bears would make it even healthier without the winter penalty, though it would likely live longer than any other clone hybrid.
Thrumbo bear, advanced cloning, advanced power armor plates, plasteel reinforced skeletal structure, plasteel jaw and claws, bionic eyes, ears, pain inhibitor, synthetic organs, artificial muscles, kinetic damage capacitors(rocket claws), black spray paint. Faster, stronger, healthier, smarter, and more armored than just about anything, but the cost would be unimaginable, on the lines of 28,000 steel, 24,000 plasteel, 10,000 gold, 60,000 silver, a living thrumbo for dna, and in the work of about 84,000, for a single unit that will likely live 90-160 years, with near immunity to death. Note the cost is a rough estimate not including components, carbon based compounds and cheaper synthetic materials. Its the most fatal thing I can imagine with the most expensive additions, luckily, you can split the cost of the materials a lot easier and store advanced components until the clone is made.
The real question is at what point is the madness too far or too expensive? Is a god slaying monster worth so much, or are cheap disposable warg beetles more your style?
Hmmm, the all glorious Armored Thumbadger....
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Darkfirephoenix on October 03, 2016, 09:16:05 AM
Quote from: Archadeas on October 03, 2016, 07:25:25 AM
Considering that the turtle would make it cold blooded, it would render it useless in winter and the armor plates(especially the advanced nano carbon fiber, ballistic power armor plating and reinforced skeletal structure) would make it unimaginably armored anyway, but bears would make it even healthier without the winter penalty, though it would likely live longer than any other clone hybrid.
Thrumbo bear, advanced cloning, advanced power armor plates, plasteel reinforced skeletal structure, plasteel jaw and claws, bionic eyes, ears, pain inhibitor, synthetic organs, artificial muscles, kinetic damage capacitors(rocket claws), black spray paint. Faster, stronger, healthier, smarter, and more armored than just about anything, but the cost would be unimaginable, on the lines of 28,000 steel, 24,000 plasteel, 10,000 gold, 60,000 silver, a living thrumbo for dna, and in the work of about 84,000, for a single unit that will likely live 90-160 years, with near immunity to death. Note the cost is a rough estimate not including components, carbon based compounds and cheaper synthetic materials. Its the most fatal thing I can imagine with the most expensive additions, luckily, you can split the cost of the materials a lot easier and store advanced components until the clone is made.
The real question is at what point is the madness too far or too expensive? Is a god slaying monster worth so much, or are cheap disposable warg beetles more your style?
Hmmm, the all glorious Armored Thumbadger....
I think a combination from badger and bear would be deadly enough and also rather easy to mass-produce... We are monsters! Just look at the wargs: They are already genetical engineered for fighting/killing and their handlers/creators couldnt keep them contained... Now imagine what would happen if we REALLY made our "creations"!...
Can we add egg based reproduction to them (like chicken)? Why waste materials on making a army of clones if we can simply create a breeding pair of our "monsters" and then let them breed? :D
A badger bear with the reproduction and maturing speed of a chicken... Now add the lifespan of a thrumbo and we went full insane genius! :P
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Archadeas on October 04, 2016, 05:04:03 AM
Kind of why I said they should be sterile, it would be far too unbalanced to have them reproduce.
Title: Re: [Mod Request/Idea] Genetic Superiority
Post by: Darkfirephoenix on October 04, 2016, 10:26:18 AM
Quote from: Archadeas on October 04, 2016, 05:04:03 AM
Kind of why I said they should be sterile, it would be far too unbalanced to have them reproduce.
Or you add a cost multiplier (maybe x10-20?) if you want em to be able to breed. I imagine that if you "just" change the genetics of a animal to make em produce things faster (wool/milk) it wouldn't cost much to get the animal fertile. Now a creature that you have given many modifications would cost far more in terms of work and material as you have to find a way to get the mess that is their genetics to a point where reproduction is possible.