Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Ideas => Topic started by: Quazimojojojo on December 26, 2016, 04:05:22 AM

Title: Altars and/or 'temple' rooms?
Post by: Quazimojojojo on December 26, 2016, 04:05:22 AM
So I had a thought that I'm not sure should be in general suggestions or the 'cheap ideas' thread (and also whether Tynan reads the cheap ideas thread now that it's a 270 page monster of a thread).

Without adding a much more in-depth religion system, which might justify an update on its own, what if there was a new 'joy' object for the already existing prayer action? I was thinking have an altar or an idol or something similar, perhaps which could be crafted at the sculptor table, that colonists sit nearby when praying, rather than their rooms. The resulting mood buff could also be modified by the cleanliness of the room, or the beauty. Or perhaps have it only negatively modified if the room is 'ugly' or 'dirty'.

If I'm not mistaken (and I may very well be, as my code knowledge is really basic), the only part of this not already in the game is the temple/altar/idol item(s), so it might be a nice addition to buff the mood of colonists that has some drawbacks (debuff if it's in poor repair, dirty, ugly etc.) and expands a bit on something the game already touches on.
Title: Re: Altars and/or 'temple' rooms?
Post by: sadpickle on December 26, 2016, 04:28:10 AM
With a lack of evidence of organized religions but colonists engaging in prayer, it could be inferred that 1) religious belief is a private matter, 2) beliefs may be highly eccentric with little in common (owing to humankind being multiplanetary, perhaps), or maybe 3) humankind in the future is largely atheistic or agnostic, or has abandoned religion for a general sort of spirituality.
Title: Re: Altars and/or 'temple' rooms?
Post by: Quazimojojojo on December 26, 2016, 05:38:26 PM
The lack of evidence of organized religion could also be evidence of an incomplete feature. I don't mean to say you are wrong in your inferences, as they are all reasonable, though it is always worth remembering that many things are incomplete or yet to be implemented.

I agree though that it is likely a highly eccentric collection of systems, as there are many planets of many differing levels of development. I intended the prayer room to be more like an all-faiths chapel: generic and/or with little, but valuable, accommodations for each religion.

Really though, this suggestion boils down to a desire for a more robust selection of joy items. Chess, billiards, horseshoes, TV, gets a bit repetitive across games.

Title: Re: Altars and/or 'temple' rooms?
Post by: alsoandanswer on December 27, 2016, 02:38:18 AM
the "gods" would be the AI