Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Ideas => Topic started by: Lord_Orion on January 27, 2017, 05:44:33 AM

Title: My Cheap Solution to exploits with Extreme Low Temperatures living
Post by: Lord_Orion on January 27, 2017, 05:44:33 AM
Hello my hardy colonists and Noble tribesmen. Let me take a moment to say I am loving Wanderlust!
Now on to my point, I'm one of those fools who love the challenge of extremely cold biomes. Lands that plummet to -140 F° and never warm more than -30 F°.

This fringe living has many harrowing challenges but also many zany exploitable benefits. Hypothermia comes quick to all who come to your land. Combined with large maps and encumbering snow, raiders and visitors will freeze before ever reaching your colony. Leaving their goods spilled all over the snow. Fact is you will never go hungry as a cannibal on Sea Ice.

How did these Tribals get this close just to drop dead a quarter of the way form the maps edge? Caravans run away as soon as they spawn. I let out a hardy chuckle when raiders attempt to siege my colony experiencing temperatures in to negative triple digits.

While a quick fix would be to provide better winter gear. I have a balanced idea that is much more flavorful. My purposed mechanic uses vanilla objects and tweaks to current AI to allow pawns to take care of themselves.

I think by add the ability for pawns "Seeking Warm Temperatures" to warm themselves on camp fires and torches, few code changes would be need to be made. This action could removing the % of hypothermia and stave off death. Done as they go or as part of an event like "Prepare before attacking", builder pawns would carry wood and make life saving fires.

Sieges are a bit trickier pawns have to sleep. They could make sleeping sheds or possibly a new object that acts as a big fire. Call it a bonfire and allowing pawns to sleep warmly around it.

I hope my judgment is correct and these could be implemented easily. Let me know what you think.