Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Mods => Help => Topic started by: cuproPanda on May 22, 2017, 05:04:04 PM

Title: Patch Operation Error, Specific Defs
Post by: cuproPanda on May 22, 2017, 05:04:04 PM
I'm trying to replace cost lists for a bunch of defs using new materials, but specific ones give an error, as seen below:


For the lamps I figure that's because the costList is defined in a base, but the other ones still have issues. I thought maybe it was because they have CostList instead of costList, but that change doesn't take, either. For reference, this is what I have for the electric tailoring bench:
<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

I've checked that I don't have any spelling mistakes (everything was copy/paste), and removing those specific entries solves the problem, so it isn't an issue with having too many entries. Anyone have any ideas?

My entire patch file is here, be prepared to scroll:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Ancient ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Exotic ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Furniture ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Joy ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Misc ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Natural ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Power ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">
<description>A set of electrical cables for moving power around. Can be placed under walls and other buildings. The exposed copper oxidizes easily and looks ugly.</description>

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">
<li Class="ExpandedPower.CompProperties_VariableSolarPower">
<li Class="CompProperties_Breakdownable"/>

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Production ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Ship ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Structure ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Buildings_Temperature ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<!-- ==================== Recipes_Production ==================== -->

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

Title: Re: Patch Operation Error, Specific Defs
Post by: Fluffy (l2032) on May 22, 2017, 05:44:24 PM
could it be that it's because 'defName' is spelled 'DefName' in those defs? I checked several of the failing and non-failing defs, and that does seem to be a pattern.
Title: Re: Patch Operation Error, Specific Defs
Post by: cuproPanda on May 22, 2017, 06:17:14 PM
Quote from: Fluffy (l2032) on May 22, 2017, 05:44:24 PM
could it be that it's because 'defName' is spelled 'DefName' in those defs? I checked several of the failing and non-failing defs, and that does seem to be a pattern.

Unfortunately not :( I tried all with DefName, some with costList and some with CostList, and all of them still give errors. It can't be because they inherit from an abstract def, because other defs that do inherit end up working. I'm at a loss here... Good suggestion, though! I didn't even notice that some were DefName
Title: Re: Patch Operation Error, Specific Defs
Post by: kaptain_kavern on May 22, 2017, 06:27:12 PM
You wrote costList and it is spelled CostList in my files.

Could it be this one?

edit : I should have read your post more precisely ....  everything was copy-pasted ...  :-X
Title: Re: Patch Operation Error, Specific Defs
Post by: kaptain_kavern on May 22, 2017, 07:07:08 PM
I tested some for you and I have this one :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

That is loading without error. I just corrected spelling on DefName and CostList
Title: Re: Patch Operation Error, Specific Defs
Post by: cuproPanda on May 22, 2017, 07:12:33 PM
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on May 22, 2017, 07:07:08 PM
I tested some for you and I have this one :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

That is loading without error. I just corrected spelling on DefName and CostList

I am an idiot. I swear I did the exact same thing, on the exact same def no less. Ugh, well it's working now! Thank you  :D

Always check for typos and capitalization!
Title: Re: Patch Operation Error, Specific Defs
Post by: kaptain_kavern on May 22, 2017, 07:42:21 PM
You know sometime after twelve hours playing DwarfFortress starring at code, a "fresh" pair of eyes can help.

The important is that it is now working  ;)