Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Bugs => Topic started by: yannisk on June 06, 2017, 10:55:11 AM

Title: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: yannisk on June 06, 2017, 10:55:11 AM
I just realised this after three seasons in-game time. Started a new game, but still didn't come up
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Thraxon on June 06, 2017, 11:44:46 AM
it should come with your 1st recruit?
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: yannisk on June 06, 2017, 11:50:30 AM
Nope. It usually comes with first visitors (immediately after they leave). Playing on Phoebe Rough. The problem appeared with the new release (A17b)
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Calahan on June 06, 2017, 12:35:31 PM
Can you please post your log file (as an attachment). Details on where to find it can be found in the following thread.

Also, can you please confirm whether or not you are using any mods. As there are some reports about issues like this in the mods bugs forum right now, so if you are using mods, it's likely you have the same issue.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: stretch611 on June 06, 2017, 12:55:01 PM
I have the same issue. I never was given an option to rename the colony. Is there a way I can manually change it?

I started a new game with the latest a17 release. No mods currently in use. I have attached my log file.

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Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: yannisk on June 06, 2017, 01:16:49 PM
Nope. No Mods. I am also getting friendlies coming to help me for no reason (I'm not being raided).

BTW, I am playing with a save file from A17a.

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Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Honestade on June 06, 2017, 01:55:14 PM
Hi all, I had exactly this problem and I seem to have solved it. For some reason, the upgrade from A16 -> A17 left some artefact mod files in my AppData folder (C:\Users\XXX\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios). Even though I'd unsubscribed to all the mods through steam after the update, deleting these files and reinstalling the game (not sure if latter was necessary) seems to have put everything back to normal (just got colony name prompt for the first time since A16). This has never happened to me before (since A13 or 14, I forget) - maybe it's linked to the folder name changing from "RimWorld" to "RimWorld by Ludeon Studios", which somehow means the mod files aren't being properly cleaned up.

EDIT: The mod files were from Prepare Carefully and HugsLib, and happy to give more information if that's helpful

EDIT 2: Well, scratch all that. It worked once in a test game I ran for a few in-game days, but the problems have come back (and I haven't touched any mods!). My log file is attached, and I've uploaded a couple of saves to Dropbox:

Almost a season in and no prompt for colony name:

Just started and some friendlies have arrived:

Really happy to help if I can give any more info - I figure I owe you guys, RimWorld has given me hundreds of hours of entertainment already...

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Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: bubblequinn on June 06, 2017, 09:36:27 PM
Made an account to check in with the same issue.

Last 3 games in A17b never got named. Varying amounts of elapsed time. I attached my most recent log.

I'm using a handful of mods. HugsLib, Hand me that brick, efficient lights, expanded prosthesis, and prepare carefully.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: ReZpawner on June 07, 2017, 02:08:07 AM
Started a new game in A17b, can confirm that this is a bug. (as always, no mods at all.)
The event CAN be forced through dev-mode, it's just that the event itself is never fired.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Calahan on June 07, 2017, 06:39:13 AM
Thanks everyone for all the posts, info and log files on this one. I've been playing around with this over the past hour or so and I have encountered this issue (re: no option to name colony), but I'm having a hell of a job trying to reliably reproduce it. So if anyone knows how to 100% reliably reproduce it then please do tell.

As far as I can work out it only happens from a new game start and if you play the game past the point when the naming event fires, which should happen on the 6th hour of Day 4. So if the event doesn't fire, and you save and load the game after this point, you won't ever get a chance to name the colony (or at least that's what I was getting). Whereas if you save and load the game before this point then the naming event fires as expected, and I couldn't get it to NOT fire from loading a save game created before 6h Day 4. As I said, for me I could only get this bug to occur sporadically from new game starts.

Although one thing that did happen on each of the three occasions I encountered the naming event not firing is that I got the following log error almost immediately after I tasked the Pawns with building something. (one such log attached)

Invalid count: 0, setting to 1. Job was HaulToContainer A=Thing_WoodLog56264 B=Thing_Door_Blueprint56238 C=Thing_Door_Blueprint56238

Not sure why this error causes the naming event not to fire but I had it on all three occasions during my testing. And I could only get this error from a new game start, and if I saved and loaded the game the moment the colony screen appeared I could not get this log error to occur at all.

I've looked through all the log files posted so far and I can not see this error in any of them*. So can those who post log files from here on, or have posted them so far, please confirm if the log was generated from the start of a new game or not. As if the log came from a loaded save then as I said above I don't think it would have caught the log error I encountered / mentioned.

Edit - FYI, all testing was done with DRM-free version. This shouldn't make a difference (compared to Steam version), but mentioning it for completeness (and in the off chance it is a factor).

* There are errors in the log posted by yannisk, but that was a A17a game loaded in A17b, so can't rule that out of being the cause of those errors.

tl;dr - There appears to be an intermittent bug in A17b that occurs shortly after the start of a new game that might (or might not) be preventing the naming event firing. A possible workaround for now is to save and reload immediately when you start a new game, as the naming event always fired when I tested this (although this obviously needs more than the ~15 tests I ran to know if it's a 100% guaranteed workaround).

If anyone starts a new game and the naming event doesn't fire on the 6th hour of Day 4, then please exit the game and post the log file generated from that playing session. As such a log file would be very helpful in checking whether or not the log error mentioned above plays a part in this or not.

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Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: yannisk on June 07, 2017, 06:50:34 AM
Well, as I said in my second post, I am (was) playing with a A17a save (I liked the starting location and the stats of the three colonists, so I kept it), but loaded in A17b.

Don't ask for the A17a file. I loaded it, saved it as A17b, exited the game, then loaded it again to see if the event will fire, but with no luck.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Honestade on June 07, 2017, 01:01:05 PM
Quote from: Calahan on June 07, 2017, 06:39:13 AM
If anyone starts a new game and the naming event doesn't fire on the 6th hour of Day 4, then please exit the game and post the log file generated from that playing session. As such a log file would be very helpful in checking whether or not the log error mentioned above plays a part in this or not.
Hi Calahan, thanks for the update on this, and the possible workaround! The attached log file is from one single play session where I started the game, started a new game, and let it run to "6 days passed since arrival" - no naming event fired. The save file is here: if that's also helpful.

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Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Calahan on June 07, 2017, 02:43:02 PM
@ Honestade - Thanks for the log and save file. Although your log appears to casts doubt on my theory of that log error I mentioned causing the naming event not to fire, as your log file doesn't have that error, or any errors at all as it's clean. (my theory was only based on three samples, but it was 3 for 3 so... Oh well. Theories come and theories go.)

Hope my workaround is still holding up okay, as if this bug only affects the naming event not firing, and if (IF) we have a workaround for it,  then that shouldn't be game ending (as long as it is only the naming event being affected, which hasn't actually been determined yet).

Hopefully one of the devs will come along soon and give some clarification as to whether this is a trivial bug that's just causing one event firing to fail, or something that's having a wider impact (assuming the bug can be located based on the info, logs and saves that have been posted so far).
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: bubblequinn on June 07, 2017, 06:48:17 PM
It seems to me that map events (convoy requests, bandit camps, etc) were not occurring in games where I have the name event not trigger. Has anyone else noted the same thing? This is why the missing colony name actually started bothering me.

I'll poke around some more tonight and see what I can find. I'll also test the save game workaround.


Saving and reloading on a new game seems to have fixed the problem for me.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: stretch611 on June 07, 2017, 11:57:22 PM
Quote from: bubblequinn on June 07, 2017, 06:48:17 PM
It seems to me that map events (convoy requests, bandit camps, etc) were not occurring in games where I have the name event not trigger. Has anyone else noted the same thing? This is why the missing colony name actually started bothering me.

I'll poke around some more tonight and see what I can find. I'll also test the save game workaround.

I have not had this problem at all. I was getting these requests even without my colony being named.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Datanazush on June 09, 2017, 11:05:16 AM
Unfortunately I've suffered the same bug without the saving/loading workaround seeming to work. Here's a log file from my save/load. I did not restart the game in between generating the map and trying the workaround.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Rearden on June 10, 2017, 01:54:24 PM
I've encountered this one. I'll try the work around and report back.
In the mean time does anyone know if there's a way to fire the event manually?
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Jnx on June 10, 2017, 03:32:11 PM
I don't have access to my log file at the moment, but I will post it here later.
I can, however, confirm that this happened to me on my first A17 game.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Rearden on June 10, 2017, 05:49:53 PM
Quote from: canth1000 on June 10, 2017, 01:54:24 PM
I've encountered this one. I'll try the work around and report back.
In the mean time does anyone know if there's a way to fire the event manually?

Having tried the workaround I'm still experiencing the bug. Granted, it's a modded save so I won't post the logs unless asked.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Rearden on June 11, 2017, 11:48:52 AM
for those that need a way to manually fire the event when this bug occurs it's the 10th item on the Actions-Misc section of the debug actions menu. it'll open up another menu. select the Faction and faction base button. That should fire the event.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Datanazush on June 11, 2017, 01:55:44 PM
This bug is irritating me now because I cannot get it to occur reliably unless I actually make an attempt at setting up a real colony. What I have discovered is that a minimal interaction play until you get to the event seems to cause it to fire guaranteed. (8/8 tests where I set the game to fast forward, unforbid food and left the game running until Day 4 Hour 6). If I try to actually build a colony I occasionally encounter the bug. Deliberately reproducing this bug is difficult, but I did find that an error similar to the one Calahan occurred in my latest test colony which DID have the event fire properly, the error was "Invalid count: 0, setting to 1. Job was HaulToContainer A=Thing_Steel25330 B=Thing_Concrete_Blueprint25308 C=Thing_Concrete_Blueprint25304"
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Mefirenz on June 13, 2017, 02:01:50 AM
Hi, I've had the same bug. Here are my log and savefile.

I did save and quit the game before day 4. I quit after tasking the 3 starter colonists (standard Crashlanded game) to equip the weapons. I play without mods.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: ison on June 13, 2017, 05:49:43 AM
I think it's because there are undiscovered ancient shrines with mechanoids somewhere in the map. Could anyone confirm? If so, then it's already fixed for the next release (A18).
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Rearden on June 13, 2017, 02:41:18 PM
interesting. I'll have to crack open some of the structures and find out. there have definitely been the conspicuous buildings in every map I've seen the bug on.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: BlackSmokeDMax on June 13, 2017, 03:27:39 PM
Quote from: ison on June 13, 2017, 05:49:43 AM
I think it's because there are undiscovered ancient shrines with mechanoids somewhere in the map. Could anyone confirm? If so, then it's already fixed for the next release (A18).

Wondering, if we *have* been able to name the colony, can we infer that any ancient shrines on our maps do not contain mechanoids in current build?
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Calahan on June 14, 2017, 04:54:48 AM
Quote from: ison on June 13, 2017, 05:49:43 AM
I think it's because there are undiscovered ancient shrines with mechanoids somewhere in the map. Could anyone confirm?
Thank you for the input on this one ison.

Unfortunately I no longer have the save files from when I managed to reproduce this naming event failure. But I just checked the three save files posted in this thread so far (2x Homestade, 1 x Mefirenz), and all three had an undiscovered ancient shrine with mechanoids in them. So it's looking good so far in relation to your theory being correct.

@ All - Thanks everyone for the continued input on this issue, and especially the save files you've posted. In light of ison''s comment can anyone who encounters this bug either check their map for undiscovered ancient shrines with mechanoids in them (dev mode > untick Draw Fog > God Mode + Deconstruct tool if shrines are buried in mountains), and post a yes/no confirmation as to the existence of a mech shrine. Or post your save file so that I can check it for one (either if you don't know how to, or if you simply don't want to spoil your game by revealing your map, which is perfectly understandable).
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Antaios on June 14, 2017, 07:36:03 AM
Well I know that in my colony I had this bug, and there were undiscovered mechanoids in one of the ancient shrines aswell.

On a side note, mortars shoot at mechanoids if they're in an undiscovered ancient shrine.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: marcolino1 on June 14, 2017, 02:47:08 PM
Yep. The mortars are attacking the ancient even when its hidden.
Just tested it. In my case its modded Rimworld and in german language. This should not make a difference.

So I guess the game is in an endless combat state and therefore the name colony event does not appear until the mechanoids in the shrine are dead. That would also explain the endless combat music :)

I hope its okay to post a link in that case.
Here is the video on twitch:
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Rearden on June 14, 2017, 03:53:57 PM
Quote from: Antaios on June 14, 2017, 07:36:03 AM
Well I know that in my colony I had this bug, and there were undiscovered mechanoids in one of the ancient shrines aswell.

On a side note, mortars shoot at mechanoids if they're in an undiscovered ancient shrine.

Didn't know that. I'd call that a bug.
I cracked open the structure on one of my bugged maps. There were mechanoids inside.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: yannisk on June 15, 2017, 02:58:36 AM
It appears to be connected with the combat music, playing for no reason. If you start a new game, and combat music plays, you definitely have hidden shrines and the colony naming event will not trigger.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Wraithling on June 15, 2017, 11:57:12 AM
Quote from: ison on June 13, 2017, 05:49:43 AM
I think it's because there are undiscovered ancient shrines with mechanoids somewhere in the map. Could anyone confirm? If so, then it's already fixed for the next release (A18).

No 100% confirmation from me, but for the longest time I never got the option to name my colony (my colony was saved as 'New Arrivals'), then about 1 year and 2 quadrums later, the option to name my colony magically pops up. I vaguely remember it happening not long after i opened an ancient danger with 4 mechanoids.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Tortarga on June 18, 2017, 09:12:56 AM
Playing on A17b, I don't have a log file, but on the 81st day and after loading from saves multiple times I opened an ancient danger with two hostile mechanoids. After downing both of them I received the prompt to name my faction and colony.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: BlueTressym on June 19, 2017, 03:23:33 PM
I can also confirm that I've got the bug with the colony name option not occurring, I have an ancient danger with mechanoids (peeked in Dev Mode) and I've got the combat music playing incessantly.  I've had two occurrences of the friendlies turning up randomly as well, although one of those did actually work out because I got a raid AFTER they arrived. 

That last was quite funny actually, the single raider popped up in a corner of the map, one of the friendlies spotted him, and...  Well, let's just say it didn't end well for him. 
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: doradorara on June 19, 2017, 08:40:01 PM
This bug is become from you have ancient danger (which has enemy mechanoids).

If you don`t have ancient danger with active mechanoids , this combat music bug and colony name ivent not appearing
won`t happen.

I made a topis  -Ancient Ruins bug B17 - and there is an answer .

Also, It is said that this bug will be fixed in A18.

So, Ludeon Studios , I beg you to release A18.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Rearden on June 19, 2017, 10:04:44 PM
Quote from: doradorara on June 19, 2017, 08:40:01 PM
This bug is become from you have ancient danger (which has enemy mechanoids).

If you don`t have ancient danger with active mechanoids , this combat music bug and colony name ivent not appearing
won`t happen.

I made a topis  -Ancient Ruins bug B17 - and there is an answer .

Also, It is said that this bug will be fixed in A18.

So, Ludeon Studios , I beg you to release A18.

Quote from: canth1000 on June 11, 2017, 11:48:52 AM
for those that need a way to manually fire the event when this bug occurs it's the 10th item on the Actions-Misc section of the debug actions menu. it'll open up another menu. select the Faction and faction base button. That should fire the event.

We've had a dev post on this thread as well.
Asking for an update won't make them release it any sooner either. We know the issue is fixed for the next version and from past history we know Ludeon will release when the update is good and ready. In the meantime the bug isn't seriously game breaking, and the event can be fired manually as I describe above.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: BlueTressym on June 20, 2017, 04:30:58 PM
I started a new colony and tried the save/load workaround.  It didn't work; Day 4, Hour 6 rolled around and no name.  I poked around with dev mode and found an ancient danger.  It didn't have mechanoids in it, though, but bugs and caskets.  I don't know what's in the caskets.  I got an error pop up in the debug (see below) and the bugs promptly started digging out.  I reloaded and carried on.  No name prompt. 

Megascarab118584 has null dutyDefToSubNode. Recovering by calling ResolveSubnodes() (though that should have been called already).
RimWorld.ThinkNode_DutyConstant:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
RimWorld.ThinkNode_Conditional:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Tagger:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Subtree:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
RimWorld.ThinkNode_Conditional:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)

I don't know for certain if it's relevant, but it might be. 
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: kenmtraveller on June 23, 2017, 02:12:24 PM
I have this in my current (Hardcore SK) A17 game, and I'm trying to determine if it means I need to restart.
It feels like I'm not getting certain kinds of events -- raids, mostly.  But, I'm playing Randy Intense so maybe that's just luck.
I do get other bad events -- I currently have both an infestation and a poison ship on the map.  So it's not like events aren't firing.
Does anyone know if this bug selectively interferes with raid scheduling?
I did get some random 'friendlies come to help' events when I had no known dangers on the map.  I suppose these were triggered by the hidden ancient danger with active mechanoids thing.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Rearden on June 23, 2017, 09:59:48 PM
From my playthroughs with the bug it doesn't seem to affect the events aside from odd occasions where allied factions might send military aid.
You should be able to fire the event using the instructions I've posted elsewhere in this thread and run mostly normally. Just expect mechanoids in one of your ancient dangers
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Veterans on July 01, 2017, 07:02:41 AM
Easy fix - Kill all enemies in ancient shrines! Works for me...
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Rearden on July 01, 2017, 01:52:00 PM
while that also works, I've had good results just firing the event from the dev menu. also means there's no rush to clear out the shrines. Save behaviour also works correctly immediately after the colony and faction are named.

more options for when people encounter the bug.
EDIT: fixed a typo
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: Thorbane on July 14, 2017, 04:52:38 AM
This bug also prevents weddings or parties from triggering until all the shrines are cleared out.
Title: Re: A17b Option to name colony/faction does not appear
Post by: ison on July 19, 2017, 12:46:52 PM
Okay, thanks everyone. This should be fixed in A18.