Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => General Discussion => Topic started by: Magneto_007 on August 13, 2017, 04:51:38 AM

Title: Price Rimworld
Post by: Magneto_007 on August 13, 2017, 04:51:38 AM
I am very interested in purchasing this fantastic jewel but I wanted to ask why from the release date it was never offered with a small discount compared to the basic price. In the end I would buy it anyway, but I wanted to know if there would be a chance to see it at a discounted price.
This is a wonderful game, I know, and the price is more than acceptable, but a discount would definitely be an extra incentive for all those who have not yet bought it
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Calahan on August 13, 2017, 07:02:04 AM
Tynan has said on several occasions that the game almost certainly won't be going on sale before its final release (ie. after development stops ie. after it leaves Early Access), and likely not until a long time after that happens. Here are the two most recent quotes I could find from Tynan regarding this: (both are from last year, but I don't know of any newer ones. Plus I highly doubt Tynan's stance has changed on this, not least because RimWorld isn't exactly struggling to sell without a sale)

Quote from: TynanThere won't be a sale in the foreseeable future (and almost certainly not before final non-EA release and likely some time thereafter).

Of course in the very long term sales are likely, but that could be many years from now.

Quote from: TynanAnd I don't see any sales happening any time soon. I'm not a big fan of sales, especially on games that are still having content added at full speed (as with RW).

Of course it'll be on sale eventually, but that's probably years away.

Some of the reasons as to why it's never been on sale are known, others are a bit more "speculative" (speculative in the sense that I can't put my hand on a direct quote from Tynan at the moment regarding them), while others are likely unknown (and will probably always remain so ie. business and especially tax reasons).

One reason can be seen above, which is that Tynan is not a big fan of sales (for games still being developed). Another one if that Tynan didn't/doesn't want to sell the game for a lower price than direct purchasers paid/pay ($30), although I've not been able to locate a comment by Tynan himself regarding this (I'm fairly sure I've seen such a comment, I just can't find it again to provide as a source). There are likely other reasons as well, some of which Tynan may or may not have disclosed in the past.

The bottom line is that if you are holding off on buying the game just in case it goes on sale, then be prepared to wait until, I'd say, at least 2020, or maybe even later than that. And even if/when it does go on sale then my guess is that the first few sales would only be 10% off. So that's a 3+ year wait to save $3 (assuming exchange rates don't see that saving disappear in the meantime, depending on where you live of course). Plus it's quite likely the base price of the game will be increasing once it leaves Early Access (I've seen Tynan mention this, but again can't find the source to quote at the moment). My guess (and it's purely my own guess, and in no way official) is that the price will increase to $40. In which case you can view the current price of $30 as being a 25% sale on the final price. Which also means you will have to wait until there is a 30%+ sale (after release) to buy it any cheaper than the current price of $30. Which pushes 2020 back at least one year I'd say, if not to 2022+.

So a 5 year wait to save a few €/£/$. Seems more than a bit self defeating to me, but each to their own I guess.
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Element4ry on August 13, 2017, 09:43:36 PM
Rimworld is worth every penny of its price. Taking into consideration replayability and thus number of hours possibly spent having fun playing the game for a given price – I'd say the ratio is pretty high, way higher than most other games I know. Tons of mods increase that ratio even more.
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Ragnarok on August 13, 2017, 11:32:07 PM
People say that a dollar an hour makes a game worthwhile, and you'll likely spend hundreds of hours in game so in my opinion it's well worth it.
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Bozobub on August 14, 2017, 05:12:15 AM
I simply apply the "dollars per hour" amusement rule.  For example, most video games (that a given player enjoys) can have anywhere from tens to hundreds of hours of fun gameplay, more for some!  At $10-60, this means a VERY large amount of amusement per dollar spent.  Now, compare that do the dollars spent on other entertainment; whether good food, movies, art, vices of any sort...  I challenge you to find a better deal =) .
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Headshotkill on August 14, 2017, 05:40:32 AM
Rimworld's market strategy is to keep the price on the low side (30 Euros here), this way further discounts aren't needed.
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: TastyCookies on August 14, 2017, 09:40:40 AM
This game is worth the price, actually this game gave me more than $30 worth of content in its state and I've already put more than a 100 hours after purchasing this in late June.
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Nameless on August 14, 2017, 09:55:56 AM
This game doesn't need discount. Discount is usually a cheap way to lure in people to buy things that you are not interested in the first place.

Vanilla game is already fun as it is plus the active mod community can last you years of game time.

Game is worth every half-penny.
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Magneto_007 on August 14, 2017, 11:17:10 AM
Hello guys,
With my post I did not mean to say that the game has a price too high! ;)
However, after watching hours and hours of videos on youtube, I decided to buy it.
I've read that buying it from the ludeon site would mean a bigger gain (for programmers) than Steam: in this case, how will the game updates be made? Will it always go through Steam?
Thanks !
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: BlackSmokeDMax on August 14, 2017, 11:40:40 AM
Quote from: Magneto_007 on August 14, 2017, 11:17:10 AM
Hello guys,
With my post I did not mean to say that the game has a price too high! ;)
However, after watching hours and hours of videos on youtube, I decided to buy it.
I've read that buying it from the ludeon site would mean a bigger gain (for programmers) than Steam: in this case, how will the game updates be made? Will it always go through Steam?
Thanks !

When purchasing via Ludeon website, you can do it two ways.

You can download the game from the link you will be sent in an email. That link is good for all future updates. It will provide you with 7 downloads each of the Windows, Linux, and OSX versions. Those 7 will be reset every time there is a new update uploaded. You should note that you can only download the most recent version. So if you want access to older ones as time progresses you will need to archive them somewhere yourself.

You can also link the game to your Steam account, there is a thread with link in the Support forum I believe. With this method Steam will auto-update your game for you as normal. There is also currently access to versions back to A14 via the beta system in Steam. When in your library you can select the properties of the game, go to the beta tab and select the version you would like to play.

Both of these work side by side as well if you like. On this computer I am typing on, I currently have the Steam version (A17) installed, as well as (2) copies of A17 standalone, and one A16. All in different states of mods installed, and all easily started with a simple double click of the appropriate desktop icon.

You should note that playing with the Steam version and the workshop has a few drawbacks as mods will auto-update or if someone takes their mod off of workshop it will auto-delete as well. Playing old versions will likely mess things up as well, as some mods update in place, and some create a new version for the new alpha. Basically lots of stuff to worry about. You can install any mods in manual mode in the Steam version of the game, and I have a stickied thread in the Support forum if you are interested in doing that.
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Calahan on August 14, 2017, 11:41:38 AM
Quote from: Magneto_007 on August 14, 2017, 11:17:10 AM
Hello guys,
With my post I did not mean to say that the game has a price too high! ;)
However, after watching hours and hours of videos on youtube, I decided to buy it.
I've read that buying it from the ludeon site would mean a bigger gain (for programmers) than Steam: in this case, how will the game updates be made? Will it always go through Steam?
Thanks !
Good to hear you've decided to buy the game (I thank you on Tynan's behalf).

Yes, if you buy the game directly from Ludeon then both you and the developer (Tynan) receive greater benefits. I'll leave it to Tynan himself to explain the benefits in further detail, but the main points are:

This (buying the game from Ludeon) is better than buying on Steam for a few reasons:
•You get Steam access either way.
•You get access to the DRM-free version as well, which can be useful.
•You get access to the Prototype Pack of games that eventually became RimWorld (not available on Steam).
•You get the warm fuzzy feeling of helping out a developer. Ludeon gets almost all the money you pay to buy DRM-free copies, whereas we get much less when you buy through Steam.

Something that should also be added to that list is:

•You are able to avoid some Steam-only technical issues* by having access to the DRM-free version.

In regards to updating the game, you have a choice. When you purchase the game direct you will be emailed your own personal SendOwl download link from which you can always download the most recently released version of the game. (top tip. It's a good idea to either save this email somewhere safe, and/or bookmark the link inside, so that you can easily access it when the game updates). Or you can register the game on Steam (for free), and then you can access the most recent version of the game via Steam.

*There are countless threads in the support forum about a few technical issue that only occur with the Steam version, especially when the game updates. Not exactly sure what causes them, or why, but I've never yet seen a DRM-free user encounter these exact issues, only Steam users. Plus DRM-free users don't have the issue with Workshop mods automatically updating and breaking their save games (although Workshop users can avoid this particular issue by moving their mods offline).

Edit - Ah, ninja'd by BSDM (almost an unfortunate acronym that :o)
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Magneto_007 on August 14, 2017, 11:49:59 AM
Thank you all for the information!
Tomorrow will be the big day !!!!  :)
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: BlackSmokeDMax on August 14, 2017, 11:51:06 AM
Quote from: Calahan on August 14, 2017, 11:41:38 AM
Edit - Ah, ninja'd by BSDM (almost an unfortunate acronym that :o)

LOL, think you are the first to reduce it to that. Very unfortunate indeed!
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Snafu_RW on August 14, 2017, 04:54:48 PM
Just a quick query (I think tghis is the most appropriate place to put it..):

Is it possible to transfer a Steam license to Ludeon? If so, how? When I bought the game I only knew of the Steam distribution (didn't spot the direct link, if there was one), so I'd like to transfer across to DRM-free if possible..
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Calahan on August 14, 2017, 05:15:46 PM
Quote from: Snafu_RW on August 14, 2017, 04:54:48 PM
Just a quick query (I think tghis is the most appropriate place to put it..):

Is it possible to transfer a Steam license to Ludeon? If so, how? When I bought the game I only knew of the Steam distribution (didn't spot the direct link, if there was one), so I'd like to transfer across to DRM-free if possible..
Sorry, I'm afraid it's a one-way street in that regard. Those who purchase the game directly from Ludeon Studios can register the game on Steam for free, but Tynan has said on several occasions that the reverse isn't possible and/or isn't likely to happen (ever). Here is a direct reply (from a blog post) to this question by Tynan from July 2016.

wocabec, July 18th, 2016 - 8:20 am 
Is there the possibility in the future to get the drm-free version on website if you bought on Steam?

Tynan Sylvester - July 18th, 2016 - 8:24 am 
wocabec – sorry, no.

And here is the most recent post (I know of) from Tynan regarding some of the reasons why.

Quote from: Tynan on March 30, 2017, 08:29:43 PM
We have no way to verify if or who owns the game on Steam.

Worse, we have no good way to cut off Drm Free access if you refund the Steam copy.

Multiply these problems by hundreds of thousands of players and it becomes totally infeasible. That's why no game company does this.

If you only recently bought the game on Steam then maybe you can refund it there and then repurchase it from Ludeon. Otherwise I'm afraid you'll have to purchase the game again if you want access to the DRM-free version.
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Snafu_RW on August 14, 2017, 07:40:27 PM
Fairynuff; tks for the reply & clarification
Title: Re: Price Rimworld
Post by: Andy_Dandy on August 15, 2017, 03:53:14 AM
Quote from: Magneto_007 on August 13, 2017, 04:51:38 AM
I am very interested in purchasing this fantastic jewel but I wanted to ask why from the release date it was never offered with a small discount compared to the basic price. In the end I would buy it anyway, but I wanted to know if there would be a chance to see it at a discounted price.
This is a wonderful game, I know, and the price is more than acceptable, but a discount would definitely be an extra incentive for all those who have not yet bought it

Don't torture yourself today just to save a few bucks in the future.