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RimWorld => Mods => Releases => Topic started by: Wanderer_joins on February 17, 2018, 05:24:15 AM

Title: [B19] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 17, 2018, 05:24:15 AM
Cassandra Hardcore 1.0


Cassandra Hardcore 1.0 is Cassandra's twin. She will throw larger threats cyclically, and has no limit.

Difficulty-wise she is overlapping 2 levels. For example 'savage hardcore' difficulty will be oscillating between 'savage classic' and 'merciless classic' after the grace period and a progressive start.

The cycles are hidden, and world dependent.

Otherwise the pop intent is slightly increased and there is no cap to the threats (20k in vanilla).



Cassandra Hardcore 1.0
Steam (

Cassandra Hardcore b19


Based on Cassandra Classic, she shares the same principles of 'on and off cycles' and a steady difficulty progression with a few differences:

1/ 'off cycles' are shortened to 5 days instead of 6

2/ large threats are slightly more frequent and have a shortened cooldown

3/ she adds a built in ramp up factor

4/ she adds a system of cycles ~2 quadrum long which add +/-10% fluctuation on the difficulty scale, the timing of these cycles is world dependent

5/ she has a higher population target

Since this storyteller is more oriented on base defense, even if you master merciless i would recommend to play savage-hardcore. Take advantage of the first two years to build solid defenses and a skilled team, then the difficulty will match up and overcome merciless. The only significant difference will be the +5 permanent mood boost from savage compared to merciless, which won't be useless to fight the larger, more frequent raids.




Cassandra Hardcore b19
Steam (

Cassandra Hardcore b18


Cassandra's hardcore twin, she's based on the same threat cycle but changes the threat scale over time.

After a very similar start, the difficulty curve will get steeper, making it harder to establish and defend a large, wealthy colony. Still, the time factor is capped, leaving a door open for your colonists to escape the planet or to try to settle down.

At low population and low wealth, Cassandra Hardcore is very similar to Cassandra Classic. But for mid-late game colonies, the challenge is real.

There are two difficulties in the mod settings menu:
- Low: vanilla friendly
- High: more aggressive, requires strong/modded defenses and firepower

Here is an example of the threat over time for identical colonies (500k storyteller wealth +/- 20% and a population of 28 colonists after 6 years - 290k and 24 colonists at year 4) with different storytellers :



Cassandra Hardcore
Steam (
Dropbox (

Better Rewards b18


Betters rewards increases the number (at least 3) and the total market value of bandit camps' item collections. The total market value increases with time, so if you destroy a bandit camp, the next one will be more valuable +/- random margin. The outpost's manpower is also scaled with time, starting easier, it will progessively catch up with vanilla and then keep building up more slowly.


Better Rewards
Steam (
Dropbox (

Cassandra Random b18


Similar to Cassandra Classic, she's the same threat cycle with on/off cycles, she progressively adds randomness to the size of the threats. This randomness starts significantly at the end of year 1, ultimately it's +/- 50% raid points (similar to Randy).


Cassandra Random
Steam (
Dropbox (

Hardcore Raids b18


Hardcore raids add combat points to turrets and traps:

1 trap == 20 pts
1 turret == 160 pts

The chance of this event is split 50/50 with standard raids. The total chance of raids is unchanged compared to vanilla.


Hardcore Raids
Dropbox (

Crazy Cassie b18


An extremely difficult start with a quick pace, 3 difficulties: Low comparable to Cassandra Hardcore, High closer to Pandora.


Crazy Cassie
Dropbox (

3/2: introduced three difficulty levels for Crazy Cassie in the mod option menu
3/13: added Hardcore Raids with combat points for turrets and traps
3/15: introduced two difficulty levels for Cassandra Hardcore high and low
3/24: rebalanced Hardcore Raids
3/27: added Cassandra Random
4/2: added Better Rewards
5/21: scaled outposts and 3 levels added to Better Rewards
8/26: added Cassandra Hardcore b19
11/16: added Cassandra Hardcore 1.0
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 17, 2018, 06:55:13 AM
This looks really interesting, and I love your graph. For me at least, it is the perfect visual example to show your storyteller's difficulty versus one we are all familiar with.

For fun, would it be possible for you to make other graphs that shows the other vanilla storytellers as well (maybe H.P. Lovecraft too? :) ), and maybe a final graph that would have all of the graphs overlain on top of each other? No biggie if it's too much work.

Thanks for the mod! :)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 17, 2018, 07:10:58 AM
You're welcome

All vanilla storytellers share the same threat scale. So Randy = Cassandra = Pheobe. Then you've to consider the threat cycle but it doesn't change the size of the raids which is base on wealth and colonists, flat.

In the graph the threat increases with time for Cassandra Classic because i've simulated an increasing number of colonists and wealth with time. Pandora is one of the few storytellers which increases the threat with time independently from wealth and colonists, but as you can see, it gets quickly in uncharted territories so i decided to design a middle ground, more Cassandra like than Pandora like, still with time as an independent variable.

Regarding H.P.Lovecraft i'll check, but iirc it rewrites the threat cycle to include omens but the threat scale is vanilla.

That said, the vanilla threat scale is really good. It may be lacking for end game colonies and/or if you play with mods like EPOE where an average colonist is quickly worth much more than the 42 combat points.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 17, 2018, 08:23:01 AM
This all makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to write all of that out :) About H.P. Lovecraft, yes, he does use an omen system. I actually haven't played any real games with him, only small test maps. It is something like a few omens will lead up to a bigger omen event. Some of these might be tied to the other mods in the Rim of Madness pack, like Cults or Cosmic Horrors.

It's actually really interesting learning how the storytellers work. I've been messing with just about any mod I can get my hands on recently, and exploring all of the avenues of the things they change. One of the aspects of the game that I've been more interested in changing is the storytellers and their behavior, among too many other things.

I've got a crap ton of possible events, incidents, diseases and hediffs that can all affect pawns from the amount of mods I'm using. This makes me wonder, say if I am running a colony and we are at year 8, and I have been playing on Cassandra Rough the whole time, if I switch over to Cassandra Hardcore Rough, then all of the threats (aka mostly raids?) will start being a ton more difficult, correct? Especially because it would be so late in the game? But this will not necessarily change the frequency and/or variety of events? Sorry if those are a bit redundant, I just want to make sure I fully understand, and I'm not the brightest star in the sky ;)

This has me also thinking about how great it could be if we had a mod that would allow you to modify the frequency of events that a storyteller has on a sliding scale. I'm not sure if this is tied to storytellers and it can't be changed - requiring to create a new storyteller, or if you can change this through mods.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 17, 2018, 08:35:03 AM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 17, 2018, 08:23:01 AM
if I switch over to Cassandra Hardcore Rough, then all of the threats (aka mostly raids?) will start being a ton more difficult, correct? Especially because it would be so late in the game? But this will not necessarily change the frequency and/or variety of events?

Sure, you can switch to any storyteller or difficulty in game, go in menu -> option -> storyteller. It will change the difficulty scale instantly. You can already try with Cassandra Classic extreme, because Hardcore rough will be harder.

And no, it will not change the variety or frequency of events, they'll be the same as Cassandra Classic, just larger.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 17, 2018, 08:46:17 AM
Of course I know you can switch storytellers. ::)

I think I worded my question poorly, because it came down to if your mod changed the frequency of events(threats) or just the severity over time. Thanks for your patience in answering my questions. :)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 17, 2018, 09:27:13 AM
Finally thanks very much.... I wanted something tougher but not like pandora dark... thanks alot love the graph
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Canute on February 17, 2018, 10:25:47 AM
So this
Quote from: Wanderer_joins on February 17, 2018, 08:35:03 AM
And no, it will not change the variety or frequency of events, they'll be the same as Cassandra Classic, just larger.
So this storyteller is just for people which allready played on intense before to get larger/stronger incidents.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Umbreon117 on February 17, 2018, 10:47:51 AM
I probably won't use this as I don't normally stick with a colony long enough for this to be useful, but that graph is Awesome.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 17, 2018, 12:43:32 PM
Quote from: Canute on February 17, 2018, 10:25:47 AM
So this storyteller is just for people which allready played on intense before to get larger/stronger incidents.

Not exactly. I answered the raid would be larger because he was year 8 and wanted to switch in game. But the whole idea of this mod is to change the difficulty curve to be more challenging in the end game without being crazy early game. Sure, if you play extreme hardcore, it'll be harder. But it also makes sense to play rough hardcore if you don't like mood issues, it's just that the threat will increase faster in the end game than it does in vanilla.

Here is an example for a more typical playthrough on rough for a new player: 6years, 18 colonists to space, 750k final wealth


You can see that rough hardcore starts almost easier than vanilla, catches up with vanilla rough year 2 and then with vanilla extreme year 4.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 17, 2018, 01:44:04 PM
Holy crap your graphs are absolutely amazing and I really hope that you make more of them. Not that you are inclined to, but if you were able to show any other graphs and stuff, it makes visualizing this information so much easier. Plus, the new one you are showing is something I think that could be included in the OP, because for me that's really interesting how your new version can slot between rough and extreme at certain time intervals.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Mehni on February 17, 2018, 02:42:50 PM
This is great, thank you!

Somewhere between a Cassandra and a Pandora sounds like great fun. How about another sister to your Hardcore Cassandra, one with a quicker pace? Could use the same Threat Cycle, but one that keeps up the pace.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 17, 2018, 03:45:42 PM
Don't know if there is a conflict or because i switched in game storytellers but it gives this error.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RimWorld.StorytellerUtilityCassandraBlack.DefaultParmsNow (RimWorld.StorytellerDef tellerDef, IncidentCategory incCat, IIncidentTarget target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.StorytellerComp_ThreatCycle_CassandraBlack.GenerateParms (IncidentCategory incCat, IIncidentTarget target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.StorytellerComp_ThreatCycle.GenerateQueuedThreatBig (IIncidentTarget target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.StorytellerComp_ThreatCycle+<MakeIntervalIncidents>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.Storyteller+<MakeIncidentsForInterval>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at TickMultiThread.SpecialInjector_TickMultiThreadDetour3._DoSingleTick (Verse.TickManager _this) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Mehni on February 17, 2018, 07:22:08 PM
Using TickMultiThread by Blas88? That thing uses old-style detours on and thus derails a ton of mods.

Please tell Blas he needs to get with the times and use Harmony.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 17, 2018, 08:13:02 PM
Thanks man for the reply will remove it :)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 17, 2018, 08:14:28 PM
Quote from: Mehni on February 17, 2018, 07:22:08 PM
Using TickMultiThread by Blas88? That thing uses old-style detours on and thus derails a ton of mods.

Please tell Blas he needs to get with the times and use Harmony.

I have combined some mods that might have been smaller and/or with (only) dll(s) without any harmony dlls. Does that mean these mods could also possibly be causing issues via their patching methods? Some of the ones I have combined are: Blowguns.dll, DeathRattle.dll, IdleFix.dll (Idle Pawn Fix), JTZoneButtons.dll, Lush Meadow.dll, MiningCo. AlertSpeaker.dll, MiningCo. MiningHelmet.dll, musicPauseOut.dll (Music Never Stops), ShutdownAll.dll (Shutdown All Mechanoids), AntiAutoUnload.dll, CaravanOptions.dll, CustomDeathRandomness.dll, LessArbitrarySurgery.dll and TradingSpot.dll.

I guess the questions are: Do these mods stand to cause issues because they don't use harmony? Does anyone know of these particular mods causing any issues?
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: wwWraith on February 17, 2018, 09:16:36 PM
I'm using IdleFix, MiningHelmet, AntiAutoUnload, CaravanOptions, LessArbitrarySurgery and TradingSpot without issues (or at least I couldn't notice them). JTZoneButtons worked for me only in some old version like in A14, later versions simply don't show their buttons (thought it doesn't look like it causing issues to other mods).
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Canute on February 18, 2018, 02:55:59 AM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 17, 2018, 01:44:04 PM
Holy crap your graphs are absolutely amazing and I really hope that you make more of them.
what are so special about these graphs, basicly thats a simple "Draw Function Graphs" ( with different input parameter overlay.
Didn't you plot at school some y= a * x² + b on paper?
Today you can find app's for your mobile or desktop PC they do this.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 18, 2018, 05:16:04 AM
Quote from: Canute on February 18, 2018, 02:55:59 AM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 17, 2018, 01:44:04 PM
Holy crap your graphs are absolutely amazing and I really hope that you make more of them.
what are so special about these graphs, basicly thats a simple "Draw Function Graphs" ( with different input parameter overlay.
What is so special about these graphs is that they are related to something that I'm actually interested in.

Quote from: Canute on February 18, 2018, 02:55:59 AM
Didn't you plot at school some y= a * x² + b on paper?
Today you can find app's for your mobile or desktop PC they do this.
Didn't you learn at school some people like to tell others good job?
Today you can find kids being friendly and saying nice things to each other.

I really have trouble telling if your fucking with me. Do you really feel the need to tell me that there exists in the [CURRENT YEAR] applications for making graphs? I'm typing to you on a forum about damn video game modifications and you want to tell me this? Do you think I want to see random graphs of anything? When you say this then I begin to doubt your sincerity.

Apparently giving a mod author praise for extra things they go out of the way to do, is worth criticism of itself. Sure I know I can be over-the-top sometimes, but you are not the judge of what is and isn't acceptable around here.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: SzQ on February 18, 2018, 05:47:39 AM
Easy, he just hoped to be smart.

It's just that minimalist aesthetics of these graphs are comfy to look at.

Don't fuck with Harrys Dicks kids.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 18, 2018, 06:20:26 AM
Quote from: Mehni on February 17, 2018, 02:42:50 PM
This is great, thank you!

Somewhere between a Cassandra and a Pandora sounds like great fun. How about another sister to your Hardcore Cassandra, one with a quicker pace? Could use the same Threat Cycle, but one that keeps up the pace.

Thank you for reminding me of the idea!

Hardcore Cassandra is more a mainstream Cassandra experience with a harder mid-end game. There is still plenty of room between Cassandra Hardcore and Pandora.

A quicker pace? That would be ultra hardcore but it sounds like a great idea. Much faster would be really hard, with Pandora you know you're doomed if you're raided before your walls are repaired or your infestation is cleaned up. Maybe Pandora early game with a slightly faster pace and more reasonable threats mid-end game? For the show, you've to survive 2-3 years and then the threats stop skyrocketting to enjoy you success.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 18, 2018, 07:06:01 AM
This mod is making me further realize what I think could be one of the best customization mods, ever: a mod that let's you fully customize your storyteller, events/incidents (individually turn on/off/recurring at/between X intervals), difficulty curves, raid sizes, etc. all on the fly and after the game has already started.

Sounds like it could be a bit of work, but damn that would be so awesome. Say I want to have a small raid every 10 days, but I also want to have an eclipse that lasts a year, but it doesn't come in until year 3, and my raids don't start until after year one. Make the weather start going crazy for 3 months every 6 months, starting after 9 months. This could all be in addition to your regular storyteller chugging along like normal, still throwing whatever your way, so as to not ruin all surprises for yourself.

The possibilities are endless.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 19, 2018, 02:20:57 PM
Well i uninstalled all the mods that didn't use harmony... I even started a new game... I am still getting periodically this message.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RimWorld.StorytellerUtilityCassandraBlack.DefaultParmsNow (RimWorld.StorytellerDef tellerDef, IncidentCategory incCat, IIncidentTarget target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.StorytellerComp_ThreatCycle_CassandraBlack.GenerateParms (IncidentCategory incCat, IIncidentTarget target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.StorytellerComp_ThreatCycle.GenerateQueuedThreatBig (IIncidentTarget target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.StorytellerComp_ThreatCycle+<MakeIntervalIncidents>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.Storyteller+<MakeIncidentsForInterval>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Any help would be welcome.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 19, 2018, 02:48:14 PM
Maybe you've got Pandora loaded? I've added a warning, you have to load only one storyteller Pandora, Cassandra Hardcore or Crazy Cassie. They all replace the threat scale and conflict with each other.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 19, 2018, 03:36:59 PM
Oh man thanks will try i don't even use pandora i just have it installed...

edit. nope didn't work back to drawing board....
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 19, 2018, 04:33:33 PM
Ok, i could not reproduce the error. I'll double check the code tomorrow, make sure to have the steam version in case i messed up with dropbox
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 19, 2018, 05:08:08 PM
Yeah thanks for the time i have like ton of mods loaded (probably all the popular ones) (removed all the storytellers). So it must be some conflict i guess... I'll try to put the storyteller mod higher up maybe? Anyway thanks for your time i really appreciate it since it is an amazing mod.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 20, 2018, 09:07:17 AM
Thank you for you feedback. It seems the errors came from the turrets and traps formula. So I've removed their combat points for now.

The only mod conflict should be between Cassandra Hardcore and Crazy Cassie, which i've put on dropbox only.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 20, 2018, 09:44:51 PM
Oh so traps won't be giving points  :-X i really liked that feature cause no other storyteller had that... hope you can get it to work and hoping to see more of your mods thanks.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 20, 2018, 10:33:17 PM
Quote from: Drglord on February 20, 2018, 09:44:51 PM
Oh so traps won't be giving points  :-X i really liked that feature cause no other storyteller had that...

I thought raids took into account all of your defenses. That's what we're talking about, related to points for a raid size, correct?
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 20, 2018, 10:57:11 PM
Raid take into account only your wealth as i know. His storyteller was modded to give roughly a guy for each trap and a "centipede" for a turret (as he said) hence making building defenses a double edge sword. I could be wrong though...
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 21, 2018, 07:11:57 AM
That's it.

Turrets and traps can feed a positive feedback loop: more mechs, more plasteel, more plasteel traps. With progressive combat points they are still usefull early game but will be a liability in the end game.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 21, 2018, 02:16:32 PM
So you left the cassandra hardocore on steam and have on dropbox cassie? Why is that?
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 22, 2018, 05:19:26 AM
Because initially Crazy Cassie was for testing, so it conflicted with Cassandra Hardcore.

I've rebuilt it properly to remove the conflict and included a warning in its description, it's a very difficult start, and then it remains harder than Cassandra Hardcore.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 22, 2018, 06:23:41 AM
Can we get some non steam links for us weirdos that have non steam versions and haven't (or don't want to get their steam key). Also loved how crazy stuff started getting in 3rd  year abd 500.000 colony :) Love it
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 22, 2018, 06:41:36 AM
Yeah, 500k colony year 3 is a tipping point where you can feel the gap is windening with Cassandra Classic. It's all the idea of this storyteller, it's very sensitive to wealth.

If you control your wealth you can keep things under control, at least to launch the ship. If you min max hardcore, you can survive almost indefinitely. If your wealth starts piling up above 1M, good luck :D

I've added dropbox links
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 22, 2018, 07:23:02 AM
Awesome, thank you!

Any future plans for more storyteller mods or adding on anything to these?

Also, in the future it does make it a bit easier for us end users if your DropBox uploads have a "base" folder for when you go to extract them. Not a big deal for me, but I'm sure there's going to be a few out there who aren't sure. ;)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 22, 2018, 08:54:52 AM
1st you rock... 2nd i know it's knitpicking but the 2nd graph doesnt show days (i am guessing it's the same with the first?) so i can't figure out the difference between hardcore and crazy.
3rd You kinda solved the late game problem. I liked playing long games but after let just say year 2 vanilla raids were just blahhh... Even with mods like dire raids, mechanoid extraordinaire, rimsenal etc. I thought i had the game under wraps until  the 3rd year a dire raid (x2 points once per year attack)
of tribals produced 100 or more tribals and wrecked me i loved it.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 22, 2018, 10:46:34 AM
The difference is huge, first the threat scale on the graph:


Crazy is similar to Pandora early game, with a slightly quicker pace, hardcore really takes off the third year.

Then you don't have the same discount on the threat points as you've with Classic or Hardcore.

Here year 3, 500k, 18 colonists you'll get roughly 7500 points raids with Pandora, 6500 points raids with Crazy, 3500 points raids with Hardcore, and 2400 with Classic.

But i'll check the various versions and update steam if something's off
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Harry_Dicks on February 22, 2018, 11:04:43 AM
Those slants for the different years are throwing me off. I'm not a graph expert or anything, but I always thought that for example where year whatever is, then it was just a straight line up? Hmm, not a big deal, but I don't get it now :-\
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: RyanRim on February 22, 2018, 11:15:16 AM
Just started using it, makes much more sense than vanilla cassandra and Im also lucky with lots of events.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 22, 2018, 11:33:04 AM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 22, 2018, 11:04:43 AM
Those slants for the different years are throwing me off. I'm not a graph expert or anything, but I always thought that for example where year whatever is, then it was just a straight line up? Hmm, not a big deal, but I don't get it now :-\

It's because it's a work around to project 3d on a 2d soft:

The y axis is ok, the x axis has a slant

Quote from: RyanRim on February 22, 2018, 11:15:16 AM
Just started using it, makes much more sense than vanilla cassandra and Im also lucky with lots of events.

I wish you the best  8)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 22, 2018, 11:12:54 PM
Also not to ruin your day but on a brand new game with hardcore i still get these messages... wonder if i am the only one and it's on my end
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 23, 2018, 01:40:39 AM
I hope this comes from an old formula on dropbox when i rebuild crazy and hardcore separately. I ran the steam versions without errors yesterday and my local versions seem ok too with the new build.

I'll triple check :)

Edit: Local and steam versions are still working on my end, i guess/hope it's the dropbox versions which were outdated. I've directly put the current steam versions on dropbox
Edit2: I actually still have a few of them. I'm trying to optimize the formula and see if it's acceptable, like when pawns can't reserve something, or if we've to get rid of the combat points
Edit3: I couldn't get rid of these residual errors without removing the turrets and traps combat points
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 27, 2018, 09:37:05 AM
Dude well done AGAIN. It seems you squashed all the bugs i think i saw only 1 error message the whole run....
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 28, 2018, 10:35:55 AM
It was clearly the turrets and traps check. I'm year 5 on hardcore and haven't seen an error, it used to happen a few times per quadrum. I think i'm simply going to nerf the traps 60 -> 20 dmg.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Drglord on February 28, 2018, 10:51:25 AM
So you have completely removed the turrets and traps points? Also do turrets from rimsenal count?
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on February 28, 2018, 11:05:46 AM
Yes, simply removed.

That said, the serious end game threats are infestations and large mech raids landing on top of your colony. Any raid going through a killzone can be dealt with miniguns. Traps are OP early game, but nerfing them should do the trick.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore - TnT Raids
Post by: Wanderer_joins on March 13, 2018, 01:06:43 PM
Finally reintroduced the turrets and traps combat points through an independent mod: TnT Raids.

Now these combat points are taken into account for special raids: TnT raids. These raids are the counterpart of vanilla raids (humanoid and mechanoid) and their base chance is split 50/50 with standard raids (so they is no change in the chance of the various incidents to happen, TnT Raids will just take the slot of a "standard enemy raid"), the difference is TnT raids factor in your traps and turrets, the more turrets and traps, the bigger the TnT raids. Initially turrets and traps are virtually "free", points start increasing significantly around year 2, giving your colony enough time to establish itself on the Rim.

Turrets and traps won't affect any other event like manhunter packs or infestations.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore - TnT Raids
Post by: Harry_Dicks on March 13, 2018, 01:27:52 PM
First thing I think when seeing "TnT Raids" is some form of saboteur with actual TNT, as in they would be blowing up a lot of stuff. Of course it's your mod and you can name it whatever acronym you want. I just wanted to point out that, from an outsider's perspective, that was definitely the first thing that comes to mind when I read that, no questions asked. Maybe not all of the kids will know what TNT is today, but if they ever watched Looney Tunes then I would bet they think the same thing :P

EDIT: Also recommend a base folder for your mod. Makes things a lot easier for us end users ;)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore - TnT Raids
Post by: Wanderer_joins on March 14, 2018, 04:22:29 AM
I was thinking of Turrets n' Traps when i named the mod but now that you've mentioned Looney Tunes i can only think of TnT. I'll find another name.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: mmance on April 11, 2018, 11:12:25 AM
So I tried out hardcore in my modpack.  For the first 145 days, I have received a dozen raids, but they have all been a single raider.  I switched to Cassandra Classic and I get 50 raiders.  What gives?  Mod conflict?
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on April 11, 2018, 01:25:55 PM
Well, you've been really patient to wait for 145 days!

You should have had a start similar to Cassandra Classic, then harder. With different mod lists i've never seen such a bug. The mod is relatively simple and mainly changes the formula in the threat scale. Could you post a mod list?
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: mmance on April 11, 2018, 01:48:05 PM
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <li>AlienRacePregnancy V1.0</li>
    <li>Faction Discovery</li>
    <li>RimworldoftheApes V3.0</li>
    <li>RimworldoftheApes V3.0 Pregnancy AddOn</li>
    <li>Ni'Hal (B18)</li>
    <li>Ni'Hal CE Patch B18</li>
    <li>Filthy Orc Invasion</li>
    <li>Raiderpedes B18</li>
    <li>RF - Configurable Maps</li>
    <li>RF - Consolidated Traits</li>
    <li>RF - Editable Pawn Titles</li>
    <li>RF - More Trait Slots</li>
    <li>RF - Smooth Stone Walls</li>
    <li>RF - We're All Mad Here</li>
    <li>RF - Wild Cultivation</li>
    <li>Advanced Biomes</li>
    <li>Vegetable Garden</li>
    <li>VGP CoffeeTeaDrugs</li>
    <li>VGP_More Veggies</li>
    <li>SF [B18] Priority Treatment</li>
    <li>SF [B18] Rain Removes All Filth</li>
    <li>SF [B18] Simple Oil Lantern</li>
    <li>Tribal Raiders</li>
    <li>Tribal Essentials</li>
    <li>MiningCo. AlertSpeaker</li>
    <li>MiningCo. SpotlightTurret</li>
    <li>RePower B18</li>
    <li>SmartMedicine - Release</li>
    <li>Room Food - Release</li>
    <li>WildAnimalSex 2.2</li>
    <li>Dodging Rebalanced</li>
    <li>Balanced Eclipse and Solar Flare</li>
    <li>Barbed Wire (With Damage) v1.1 B18</li>
    <li>Fire Extinguisher [B18]</li>
    <li>Bones Mod A18</li>
    <li>Toxic Fallout Protection Suit</li>
    <li>SF [B18] Simple Underground Conduit</li>
    <li>Fences And Floors</li>
    <li>Conduit +[B18]</li>
    <li>I Like Rock</li>
    <li>Firefoam Belt</li>
    <li>Hardcore Armors - Goliath</li>
    <li>Grand Rivers</li>
    <li>RF - Basic Bridges</li>
    <li>RF - Fertile Fields</li>
    <li>RBSE - Hardcore Edition 1.81</li>
    <li>Black Widows Release 1.0</li>
    <li>Colony Leadership</li>

Should I move Cassandra Hardcore to the top or the bottom somewhere? :-)  I guess I wasn't complaining about the raids because everyone was starving for so long.  I still have only my 5 first tribals, we ate all the pets.  As well as anyone that would have joined. :-)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on April 11, 2018, 02:01:30 PM
Hum, ok, it should appear like 'Cassandra Hardcore' and not 'Hardcore'. I guess you've the Dropbox version?

I've just checked the dropbox file and it seems the harmony. dll was missing. I've updated the dropbox folder with the latest steam version.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: mmance on April 11, 2018, 02:02:58 PM
man, now I am afraid.  being 145 days in.  :-)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on April 11, 2018, 02:05:34 PM
Now you can eat the raiders! And start on Low difficulty.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: mmance on April 11, 2018, 02:07:09 PM
Will that allow me to catch up to the insanity.  Well at least in theory?
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on April 11, 2018, 02:10:23 PM
Yes, it will. It's based on the number of threats and it seems you've had the right number of threats so far. So it will hit as it should at day 145, hard :)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: mmance on April 11, 2018, 03:34:59 PM
I am at 166 days now and have not had any raids.  I was confused with you said low difficulty, I thought you mean like Rough.  I see now that their are additional mods options under options.  Even still.  I am wondering if I should have had something yet.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on April 11, 2018, 04:10:18 PM
It's the same threat cycle than Cassandra, so there are on and off cycles.

The Low and High difficulty in the mod settings comes on top of the vanilla's difficulty. It determines how the threat will increase with time and wealth, i'd recommend Low to start with.

Then you can pick your usual difficulty (rough/ intense/ extreme)
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: mmance on April 11, 2018, 04:38:28 PM
Finally got my first raid of 5 raiders.  Its slow, but at least its a start.  Thanks for helping my troubleshoot.
Title: Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
Post by: Wanderer_joins on April 12, 2018, 03:02:06 AM
You're welcome, it was my bad with the dropbox files.

I think it's working as intended. There is a built in ramp-up factor (capped) on High, not on Low difficulty. The main drivers of the size of the raids are your wealth and the number of colonists.

So that early game and/or at relatively low population and low wealth the difficulty is similar to vanilla. You can feel the heat when your colony grows and expands significantly.