Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Releases => Mods => Outdated => Topic started by: Jdalt40 on May 14, 2018, 03:30:00 AM

Title: [B18] Raider Emus, The Australian War Machine
Post by: Jdalt40 on May 14, 2018, 03:30:00 AM
The Raider Emus

QuoteOnce the Pirates invented the Raiderpedes in the year 4473, they became suddenly aware of the trail of destruction they left in every raid and the abnormal amount of Emus caught up in the crossfire. One great leader thought to reuse their left over refined steel to make them stronger, better and faster in 4488.
The Emu wars have begun again...

-Adds in a new type of Emu which spawns in pirate raids
-2 times the health of standard Emus
-40% sharp armour
-40% blunt armour
-Difficult to kill
-You can butcher them at the butchering table for;
             -50 Steel
                 -25 Plasteel
                 -1 Component

-Does not kill the pirates in the raid nor other pirates
-Does not require a new colony!
-Entirely compatible due to patching!

Mediafire Beta 18 (
Steam Beta 18 (

Thanks to:
-Shotty for the amazeballs art!
-Spuddy for the heavy support on patching
-dninemfive for the original patchwork
-And everybody else on Discord!
Title: Re: [B18] Raider Emus, The Australian War Machine
Post by: harpo99999 on May 14, 2018, 05:20:14 AM
emu's are fast just not heavily armoured, BUT the kangaroos are a different matter, what about a BIG red ROO  ie approx 2 pawns high mass about a muffalo, twice as fast as little sqirrels, main attack is the kick (disembowel a pawn with one kick that connects) secondary is tail swipe (knocks over pawn and stuns pawn) and armoured