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RimWorld => Mods => Unfinished => Topic started by: Kirmz on January 03, 2019, 12:57:04 AM

Title: RimCiv - Caveman 2 Cosmos
Post by: Kirmz on January 03, 2019, 12:57:04 AM
Built a caveman to cosmos type tech tree. Am integrating it with Hardcore SK for v 1.0.2059. Is going well. But will need new content till fill it out.

So far in testing, the game really forces you to be nomadic until you develop agriculture. This first big change you'll notice is to research. The first research building is a bonfire instead of a desk. Which puts colonies in warm environments at an early research disadvatage, and it disables research during heatwaves. Depending on your start,  you may not even be able to build shelter or hunt. You may infact be at the complete mercy of your environment.

New scenarios!

        Justice's world
   A lone man in black arrived just as the sky beam stopped. In the ruins he found the corpses of over a dozen, and several melted cryopods. Nearby was the corpses of five people  surrounded by tents and supplies and weapons. What happened here?
(cannibal start, but they sky beamed themselves in the ruins, leaving thier stuff and some nicely refined gold)
   Hammond's Nation
   Naked and alone, you find yourself in the middle of the desert, and it's hot. You managed to find some ruins with some pods in them. Opening the first one you find a frail old man wearing heavy body armor. the other pod opened and a large man fell out, vomiting all over the floor, dropping his machine gun. You killed them both, took thier body armor and their .50 LMG and set out into the desert.
(naked and alone start in a brutal desert, strapped with armor and a .50 light machine gun.)

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Title: Re: RimCiv - Caveman 2 Cosmos
Post by: herrschor on January 05, 2019, 06:42:45 PM
I like it, Cavemen to cosmus has the greatest research tree ever
Title: Re: RimCiv - Caveman 2 Cosmos
Post by: Hydromancerx on January 12, 2019, 08:12:05 PM
Interesting. I have thought about doing this before.

Do the people at C2C know you are working on this?