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RimWorld => Mods => Help => Topic started by: Kilroy232 on March 12, 2019, 03:27:19 PM

Title: Creating a Semicircle Explosion
Post by: Kilroy232 on March 12, 2019, 03:27:19 PM
I have been looking at the C# code for the CompExplosion and wondering if it is possible for me to create a 'directed' explosion? I have experience in C# but most of what I do is procedural programming so I am not great at Class based programming.

I understand how the Radius for an explosion is calculated based on the number of combustible items in a stack if that is applicable but not where the "shape" of the explosion is derived from and is it possible for me to create new shapes.

I have provided the contents of the CompExplosive file for reference.

public class CompExplosive : ThingComp
public bool wickStarted;

protected int wickTicksLeft;

private Thing instigator;

public bool destroyedThroughDetonation;

protected Sustainer wickSoundSustainer;

public CompProperties_Explosive Props => (CompProperties_Explosive)props;

protected int StartWickThreshold => Mathf.RoundToInt(Props.startWickHitPointsPercent * (float)parent.MaxHitPoints);

private bool CanEverExplodeFromDamage
if (Props.chanceNeverExplodeFromDamage < 1E-05f)
return true;
Rand.Seed = parent.thingIDNumber.GetHashCode();
bool result = Rand.Value < Props.chanceNeverExplodeFromDamage;
return result;

public override void PostExposeData()
Scribe_References.Look(ref instigator, "instigator");
Scribe_Values.Look(ref wickStarted, "wickStarted", defaultValue: false);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref wickTicksLeft, "wickTicksLeft", 0);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref destroyedThroughDetonation, "destroyedThroughDetonation", defaultValue: false);

public override void CompTick()
if (wickStarted)
if (wickSoundSustainer == null)
if (wickTicksLeft <= 0)

private void StartWickSustainer()
SoundDefOf.MetalHitImportant.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(parent.Position, parent.Map));
SoundInfo info = SoundInfo.InMap(parent, MaintenanceType.PerTick);
wickSoundSustainer = SoundDefOf.HissSmall.TrySpawnSustainer(info);

private void EndWickSustainer()
if (wickSoundSustainer != null)
wickSoundSustainer = null;

public override void PostDraw()
if (wickStarted)
parent.Map.overlayDrawer.DrawOverlay(parent, OverlayTypes.BurningWick);

public override void PostPreApplyDamage(DamageInfo dinfo, out bool absorbed)
absorbed = false;
if (!CanEverExplodeFromDamage)
if (dinfo.Def.ExternalViolenceFor(parent) && dinfo.Amount >= (float)parent.HitPoints && CanExplodeFromDamageType(dinfo.Def))
if (parent.MapHeld != null)
if (parent.Destroyed)
absorbed = true;
else if (!wickStarted && Props.startWickOnDamageTaken != null && dinfo.Def == Props.startWickOnDamageTaken)

public override void PostPostApplyDamage(DamageInfo dinfo, float totalDamageDealt)
if (CanEverExplodeFromDamage && CanExplodeFromDamageType(dinfo.Def) && !parent.Destroyed)
if (wickStarted && dinfo.Def == DamageDefOf.Stun)
else if (!wickStarted && parent.HitPoints <= StartWickThreshold && dinfo.Def.ExternalViolenceFor(parent))

public void StartWick(Thing instigator = null)
if (!wickStarted && !(ExplosiveRadius() <= 0f))
this.instigator = instigator;
wickStarted = true;
wickTicksLeft = Props.wickTicks.RandomInRange;
GenExplosion.NotifyNearbyPawnsOfDangerousExplosive(parent, Props.explosiveDamageType);

public void StopWick()
wickStarted = false;
instigator = null;

public float ExplosiveRadius()
CompProperties_Explosive props = Props;
float num = props.explosiveRadius;
if (parent.stackCount > 1 && props.explosiveExpandPerStackcount > 0f)
num += Mathf.Sqrt((float)(parent.stackCount - 1) * props.explosiveExpandPerStackcount);
if (props.explosiveExpandPerFuel > 0f && parent.GetComp<CompRefuelable>() != null)
num += Mathf.Sqrt(parent.GetComp<CompRefuelable>().Fuel * props.explosiveExpandPerFuel);
return num;

protected void Detonate(Map map)
if (!parent.SpawnedOrAnyParentSpawned)
CompProperties_Explosive props = Props;
float num = ExplosiveRadius();
if (props.explosiveExpandPerFuel > 0f && parent.GetComp<CompRefuelable>() != null)
if (props.destroyThingOnExplosionSize <= num && !parent.Destroyed)
destroyedThroughDetonation = true;
wickStarted = false;
if (map == null)
Log.Warning("Tried to detonate CompExplosive in a null map.");
if (props.explosionEffect != null)
Effecter effecter = props.explosionEffect.Spawn();
effecter.Trigger(new TargetInfo(parent.PositionHeld, map), new TargetInfo(parent.PositionHeld, map));
IntVec3 positionHeld = parent.PositionHeld;
float radius = num;
DamageDef explosiveDamageType = props.explosiveDamageType;
Thing thing = instigator ?? parent;
int damageAmountBase = props.damageAmountBase;
float armorPenetrationBase = props.armorPenetrationBase;
SoundDef explosionSound = props.explosionSound;
ThingDef postExplosionSpawnThingDef = props.postExplosionSpawnThingDef;
float postExplosionSpawnChance = props.postExplosionSpawnChance;
int postExplosionSpawnThingCount = props.postExplosionSpawnThingCount;
GenExplosion.DoExplosion(positionHeld, map, radius, explosiveDamageType, thing, damageAmountBase, armorPenetrationBase, explosionSound, null, null, null, postExplosionSpawnThingDef, postExplosionSpawnChance, postExplosionSpawnThingCount, props.applyDamageToExplosionCellsNeighbors, props.preExplosionSpawnThingDef, props.preExplosionSpawnChance, props.preExplosionSpawnThingCount, props.chanceToStartFire, props.damageFalloff);

private bool CanExplodeFromDamageType(DamageDef damage)
return Props.requiredDamageTypeToExplode == null || Props.requiredDamageTypeToExplode == damage;

Title: Re: Creating a Semicircle Explosion
Post by: Mehni on March 13, 2019, 07:11:27 AM
GenExplosion.DoExplosion is the only line that does really something there. The rest of the CompExplosive isn't relevant.

As for creating shapes:

Give credit to Yaluzan if you use it, he's the one who originally wrote it.