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RimWorld => General Discussion => Topic started by: Pangaea on August 18, 2019, 12:02:14 PM

Title: Brain damage
Post by: Pangaea on August 18, 2019, 12:02:14 PM
Sheesh. So unlucky. Raiders drop scattered from the sky, this one is almost home. Then some louse with a poor quality bolt action fires one bullet, which hits her in the head, skull and brain.

( (

Even fully "healed", she is unconscious and will never move again. Pretty good pawn too, with good to excellent in three skills, plus a very handy shooter. Suppose this might be where Luciferium could be a last desperate effort? It can heal brain damage, right? Never tried it.

Probably fair to say she isn't "Too smart" any more :(

Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: B@R5uk on August 18, 2019, 01:05:43 PM
Healer mech serum should solve this problem. Some world quests provide it. You can even scum save-load until you get the right one.

Well, there is another way, but a little tricky, and I've never tested it. You can put pawn to death, leave corpse in a freezer with hungry dogs, wait until the head is eaten and then use resurrector mech serum, profit!!! Resurrector should resurrect even if head is missing, right?

Also, if you don't want to waste food and time on currently useless pawn you always can store the body into ancient cryptosleep casket and wait until better time.
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Pangaea on August 18, 2019, 01:57:53 PM
Quote from: B@R5uk on August 18, 2019, 01:05:43 PM
Healer mech serum should solve this problem. Some world quests provide it. You can even scum save-load until you get the right one.

Well, there is another way, but a little tricky, and I've never tested it. You can put pawn to death, leave corpse in a freezer with hungry dogs, wait until the head is eaten and then use resurrector mech serum, profit!!! Resurrector should resurrect even if head is missing, right?

Also, if you don't want to waste food and time on currently useless pawn you always can store the body into ancient cryptosleep casket and wait until better time.

Unfortunately I haven't gotten any of those in this game, neither resurrection nor healer mech serum.

But it seems like Cassandra taketh, and Cassandra giveth? Should probably take this on as I have no other options available right now. The pawn is useless right now anyway.


Wish the base game had more bionics than just limbs and eyes though. It's so frustrating to get head injuries and brain injuries, and even chopped off noses. I mean, they can put in a bionic heart and spine, but nosejobs is out of the question?  ???
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Canute on August 18, 2019, 02:02:30 PM
If you want keep these pawn for the future, you should put him at a cyro casket. So you don't need to feed him.
I can't recommend to use Luciferium to heal the brain damage. Sure it works but it will take ALOT time and endless supply of the drug.
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Pangaea on August 18, 2019, 02:14:58 PM
Quote from: Canute on August 18, 2019, 02:02:30 PM
If you want keep these pawn for the future, you should put him at a cyro casket. So you don't need to feed him.
I can't recommend to use Luciferium to heal the brain damage. Sure it works but it will take ALOT time and endless supply of the drug.

True enough, it may be a terrible idea and take forever. But I don't have any other means right now. Don't have cryptosleep caskets either, and the map doesn't have an ancient shrine. Perhaps the best idea is to hope for another quest with mech serums. Looking at the wiki page, it will indeed take an extremely long time to heal damages.
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: tsmt1001 on August 19, 2019, 02:10:20 AM
Installing brainpal will also solve the problem. I also tried installing AI persona core on a brain-damaged person, and it brought her back to functioning, but every now and then the core would take over and she would go beserk for a bit.
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Kirby23590 on August 19, 2019, 08:15:28 AM
All i can say is that she's a vegetable now.

The best way to do is now put her in a Cyrosleep Casket so that she won't eat your meals all day and hoping that you will get a Mech Healer Serum as a Quest reward as use it her to remove it.

It's the only thing that could turn her back to normal removing that mangled scar in Vanilla.
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: B@R5uk on August 19, 2019, 03:09:01 PM
I just can't help myself and experiment. So, resurrection:

[attachment deleted due to age]
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Limdood on August 19, 2019, 04:55:21 PM
Legit ways to remove the brain damage include healer mech serum, which is a hit or miss possibility to get from quests, who knows how long it would take, but you can stick him in a cryptosleep casket (if that is an option) and he'll have a negligible effect on your wealth...even just leaving him a vegetable, at 1/10 brain, he's worth nearly nothing...strip him, and the only cost he has to your colony is the meal and time cost of feeding him.

Otherwise luciferium.  It will impact your wealth a LOT more, as it will take quite a while before the scar is fully healed, but it doesn't require RNG to just need plenty of silver to buy enough.  It will also cost you the meals of maintaining the pawn, but there is also a chance that the +15% consciousness from luciferium will turn him into a allowing him to be able to stand and move...VEEEERY slowly, so that he'll constantly starve moving around the map.
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Pangaea on August 20, 2019, 03:14:54 AM
^^ Blindness, huh? At least that can be fixed.

Much, much later. Researched crypto sleep, tossed her in, and waited. Finally got a quest that we truly needed.


I was going to test if the game is smart enough to use it on the worst condition, in what a human will inherently know is the worst, namely the brain injury. She also has a cut out eye and a missing finger. Will lost limbs be higher in the hierarchy so the serum will be used on the "wrong" condition?

But err... how do you actually use the darn thing?  :-\

The patient is in a vegetable state, so can't move. And unlike for resurrection mech serum, there doesn't appear to be a way to use this on somebody else. When I use it on somebody, even a fully healthy one, they will just use it on themselves, which is pointless -- in this scenario.

Looks like I was a dumb tit as well. Look around a bit more, and you shall find...

Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Pangaea on August 20, 2019, 03:33:48 AM
So then game, are you up for it?



\o/ YAY! No need for save-scumming and fixing her eye first, and chopping off her hand to "cure" the missing finger.

Hushes whisper: Please don't die in the next raid.

Didn't really get all that much value out of Gillespie's "work faster for 8 days" inspiration earlier, but hopefully she is worth this. I like pawns that are versatile, although the Too smart trait is kinda shitty tbh. They flip out way too often.

Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Kirby23590 on August 20, 2019, 09:11:48 AM

Well i kinda remembered that the Healer Mech Serum can be Random and and screw up and only heal Cryptosleep sickness. ( That happened to me once and i got a bit angry that it didn't heal a small bullet scar in the brain from one of my starting colonists.)

Well i hope that 19 Dusters quest was worth it, alright! ;D
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Pangaea on August 24, 2019, 10:40:44 AM
Thank you! It felt really good to finally sort her out again.

Sort of related here, about injuries.


Look at the damage amount and its max HP. Then I looked about at some files, and see that the pelvis, clavicle and sternum is indestructible. I did wonder why it didn't get blown to smithereens there.
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Limdood on August 24, 2019, 02:44:07 PM
I noticed the same thing just of my pawns took 2 heavy charge blaster shots to the sternum.  Sternum was at 25 damage out of 20 HP. 
Title: Re: Brain damage
Post by: Scorpinax on August 27, 2019, 10:00:55 AM
Seems you've already fixed the issue, but for future reference Polarisbloc core has research for fixing both scars and regrowing limbs (with failure rates and a medicine requirement)

Really takes some of the headache away once you get it.