Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Ideas => Topic started by: Fruit loops on July 24, 2014, 11:18:33 PM

Title: disease's and sickness
Post by: Fruit loops on July 24, 2014, 11:18:33 PM
So I think the deepness in rimworld is great i thought that this would be a great addition So here we go 1: types of sicknesses (there is many others) maybe 1 that made your person incaped at whatever health he's at he lays there and slowly dies until he is cured or dies maybe one that has no symptoms then randomly he go's insane like rabies or something maybe 1 that makes your guy be able to carry less and less and making things longer and longer until he suddenly dies  maybe one that slows your guy down theres endless possibilities......... oh and a zombie one lol

ways you get them: a small chance of getting 1 from touching dead animal bodys or human bodys or getting shot in combat or eating raw food and obviously if a non infected person touches a infected person and may others

items to combat them: on a bed there is a button the bed a make prisoner bed how about a medical bed and the room the bed is in is like quarantined so only the doctor can go in or a way to lock a door that leads to a quarantined room or a button

cures: in the research table menu there could be a tab that researches diseases cures so when somebody has that disease the doctor can like heal him or somthing
Title: Re: disease's and sickness
Post by: bjo0rn on July 25, 2014, 12:58:01 PM
Check out the Taglist of Already Suggested Features.
Title: Re: disease's and sickness
Post by: Fruit loops on July 25, 2014, 01:29:05 PM
ik that this was already stated in some other forums but I thought i'd give it new life for a few days :D