Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Mods => Unfinished => Topic started by: TheSamuraiKenshi on March 22, 2020, 08:03:41 PM

Title: Ebola Mod addon with hazmat suit for Communicable Diseases Mod
Post by: TheSamuraiKenshi on March 22, 2020, 08:03:41 PM
This is addon mod for Communicable Diseases a colonist becomes infected with either the flu or plague, they will begin to drop germs. These germs then get on your colonists as they interact with the same surroundings as the infected individuals. Finally, the germs cause your colonists to contract the disease in question.

My mod add Ebola virus and hazmat suit that protects from infection.Sick people spread blood and germs with virus so other pawns can get sick from walking near infected places.

Infection is very hard to cure. It's random, sometimes immunity build itself very fast but sometimes even best doctor can't help.When it hits minor body will start to bleed. When it hits more, vital organs will start to internal bleed and without tending they will be destroyed. You will need really big ammount of medicine.

Pawns that have ebola know that they maybe won't survive. They will have bad thoughts about it so they can easily break mentally and go spread infection.

To prevent spreading, colonists should research hazmat suits and tend sick people while wearing it. They should clean rooms and make quarantine as well. Sometimes prisoners can get sick as well.

As I said, ebola is very hard to cure. Many is going to die. This is hardcore mod.

Mod is in testing right now. Soon will be released. Mental Breakdown caused by panic