Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Mods => Mod bugs => Topic started by: normansnoreman on July 23, 2020, 07:56:56 PM

Title: My colonists are invisible, and my bottom hud has dissapeared!
Post by: normansnoreman on July 23, 2020, 07:56:56 PM
It all began yesterday when I was playing my 295 mod *I might have a problem* playthrough, which surprisingly went rather smoothly all things considered. Usually there is a big problem that stops me from even being able to play some of the heavily modded playthroughs ive made in the past, but not this time. The only real issues i've had *which unfortunately I didn't take note of* were the occasional red text box notification, and the only real problem I remember having sometimes was when a caravan comes in and they don't leave, even after starving there for days.

So what has been happening is as the title suggests, all of my colonists are invisible, and so is the bottom hud. This happens every single time I start up the game. I have validated the cache to no avail, and I have restarted many times while trying to identify the source of the problem. The only things i've managed to deduce from multiple failed attempts at having a normal playthrough, is that when I go to a pawnless side of the map, the bottom hud returns. My minimap mod doesn't show any life on the map, nor does it display my colonists, but when I check the bottom hud options, it comes up in a shadowy black textbox usually. And I can only see the hud when I am not looking at the general location of a colonist, I figured this out after spawning a pawn in the hud zone, to which the problem I come to you with strikes again!

The only reason I had any expectations at all that it would just go back to working for no reason at all, was because that happened yesterday. I remember contemplating life choices for five minutes looking at the empty screen, and suddenly all the pawns returned, and I got my bottom hud back! The rest of the playthrough that day was completely normal, and relatively smooth for the ridiculous mod demands I have made! But then it just went back to the same old stuff. I would appreciate any advice given to me right now, and I will be waiting to see what you guys think of all this!

And attached to this is a zip folder filled with a list of my mods, and a harmony.log file that sprung up on my desktop.
Title: Re: My colonists are invisible, and my bottom hud has dissapeared!
Post by: Canute on July 24, 2020, 03:16:38 AM
just a generell suggestion. When you post a link you should check self what you are linking. Because it could cause a bad light at your if you link something that you maybe didn't like.
But in this case, the link allready contain your modlist.

QuoteException ticking RPP_RechargeStation_Builder_III323240 (at (110, 0, 184)). Suppressing further errors. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at GiddyUpCore.ModExtensions.MultiplayerPatch.GetExtendedDataForPostfix (Verse.Pawn pawn, System.Object __result) [0x00001] in <a6bd353c02dd4acca265c90c6e07c3a2>:0
GiddyUp is normaly a good mod and don't cause any errors.
So i think it is more the multiplayer patch. If you didn't play multiplayer you should disable it and try it again.
If that don't help, maybe you should visit the multiplayer discord and ask there, there should be some competent modder around the MP project to help.