Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Halinder on September 21, 2014, 09:22:23 PM

Title: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: Halinder on September 21, 2014, 09:22:23 PM
Share your stories regarding things you've been banned for, any game, any server, stuff like that.

Space Station 13, running into departures/escape after singularity was released and letting off 5-6 EMP grenades, 3 smoke grenades, and an incendiary grenade. It was an RP-rev round, and some silly engi screwed it over by leaving the particle accelerator at 2 strength. So, everyone went into escape, and in a final act as head rev proceeded to set off all the bombs, killing 12 people including myself -- 3 of which head revolutionaries, 3 of which heads of staff, the rest crew members.

I got a week ban for it. It was blissfully stupid and probably the most hilarious non-changeling thing I've done although I doubt I'll be trying that again, like, ever.
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: stefanstr on September 22, 2014, 04:42:55 AM
I have only been banned once in my life on the forum for a Kickstarter-backed project, Sui Generis.

It was maybe a year ago. I pointed out that the developers weren't doing a good job communicating with the community and that slow updates plus lack of communication don't make it easy to make the decision to back them (I wanted to back them but this put me off so I didn't). Other forum members pushed back, saying that they have complete faith in the developers and they don't need no filthy communication because it detracts the developers from developing the game. A flamewar ensued, I stood by my point (as I see it, communication is more a matter of priorities than a matter of time) and got banned for "insulting the developers".

I wanted to re-read that thread now to make an opinion whether I was out of line but they deleted all my posts.

As a side note: that game is developed by a bigger team, the updates are much slower than RimWorld, and somehow Tynan, being the lone developer, has managed to write 4000 posts on this forum and communicate with us in multiple other ways. I wish all indies were like that.

Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: Shinzy on September 22, 2014, 07:53:25 AM
I wrote something really off topic and trolly involving santa claus in Lordi forums somewhere between 2002 and 2004?

I can't remember what it was for the life of me. And I'm really glad about that =P
I've grown up since then! thank god! Not much, mind you! but enough

But daayum I was SUCH a rebel! uunf! yeah! *Grunt* *flex*
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: BetaSpectre on September 22, 2014, 06:56:14 PM
For saving the lives of people trying to suicide.

DF (Not Dwarf Fortress) helping other players (In game items/Out of game) was frowned upon by the moderators so I was perma banned like 70-74+ times for trying to save people's lives. I'm still around, but things have calmed down a bit. I just hope that I was able to be a safety net for everyone. I stayed up for up to 72 hours at a time just consoling suicidal teens online and at my school.

I did meet my Girl Friend during my "Crusade"/"White Knighting" Adventures. Though we're having a little of a rough patch I hope things will work out in the end.

And during one of my recent bans I found Rimworld's forums and thought that I might as well chill here xD.

I won't tell my life story here...Just yet :3!

I was also banned from Yahoo for posting a troll question. I was still getting Best Answer for like 2-3 years later LOL.
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: vagineer1 on September 23, 2014, 07:58:17 AM
Quote from: BetaSpectre on September 22, 2014, 06:56:14 PM
For saving the lives of people trying to suicide.

DF (Not Dwarf Fortress) helping other players (In game items/Out of game) was frowned upon by the moderators so I was perma banned like 70-74+ times for trying to save people's lives. I'm still around, but things have calmed down a bit. I just hope that I was able to be a safety net for everyone. I stayed up for up to 72 hours at a time just consoling suicidal teens online and at my school.

I did meet my Girl Friend during my "Crusade"/"White Knighting" Adventures. Though we're having a little of a rough patch I hope things will work out in the end.

And during one of my recent bans I found Rimworld's forums and thought that I might as well chill here xD.

I won't tell my life story here...Just yet :3!

I was also banned from Yahoo for posting a troll question. I was still getting Best Answer for like 2-3 years later LOL.

What was the troll question.
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: BetaSpectre on September 23, 2014, 06:19:12 PM

I just posted something saying like I'm preggers or some such. I'm guy xD. This isn't the one I put up, the one I posted probs got deleted.
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: MuscularTeeth on September 23, 2014, 08:26:45 PM
playing ultima online with a few friends and my brother.
a massive meeting of lots of characters waiting for some big event (i cant rmember exactly what).
there were people all over the screen.
my brother says "we're gunna get raped by this demon"
a mod saw this and instantly booted him from the game and banned him for playing for a month.
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: AntiMatter on October 04, 2014, 07:27:18 PM
playing tremulous. being promoted to admin for 24 hours and just being a di*k and kicking everyone and banning them for 6 months. it took em days to get the whole mess sorted out... luckly i did it on a friends account so he got banned but i got an entire server just for me :D

also i almost got banned on alot of forums for foul language bnd bad spelling. i forget to star some letters and i can't spell well.
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: Cpt.Fupa on October 26, 2014, 08:04:13 PM
Never been banned  :P even when i went on a swearing frenzy on club penguin when i was 8
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: richeygator on October 28, 2014, 08:03:18 PM
 :'( feel so sad
to much of a goody-two-shoes online to get banned from anything
:'(why dont people hate me:'(
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: Coenmcj on October 28, 2014, 10:37:52 PM
Quote from: richeygator on October 28, 2014, 08:03:18 PM
:'( feel so sad
to much of a goody-two-shoes online to get banned from anything
:'(why dont people hate me:'(

Go criticize some indie company's work on steam, you know the kind that give the indie community the bad name? Go seek them out if you want someone to hate you. :)
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: Smasher5523 on October 30, 2014, 05:33:15 PM
I was banned from a minecraft server for saying "I dont care" to the host, what a puff
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: Avis on October 30, 2014, 05:49:52 PM
I was once in a gigantic factions group(minecraft factions) and they were voting for leader, Of course they put up all the most experienced people in the faction. So i'm a new guy, and i want to put on the ballet. I ended up starting a huge flame war that ended with half the group leaving, and 1/4th of it being removed by the selfish 'admins'. Now that i look back at it, i'm glad that i'm no longer part of it. (Worth noting, All i wanted was to be on the ballet, NOT to tear the group apart)
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: Reysuke on November 01, 2014, 06:48:34 AM
For being German....
I hate these russian servers
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: richeygator on November 02, 2014, 06:36:13 AM
i just remembered something,
not technically a ban but its the closest Ive got
i couldn't comment on this guys videos (

they seem to have given me back the privilege tho ???
eh-whatever im counting it
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: Coenmcj on November 02, 2014, 07:33:29 PM
Quote from: richeygator on November 02, 2014, 06:36:13 AM
i just remembered something,
not technically a ban but its the closest Ive got
i couldn't comment on this guys videos (

they seem to have given me back the privilege tho ???
eh-whatever im counting it

Youtubers such as Gamechap, Yogscast main, TotalBiscuit etc have gone through phases where a sudden increase in troll activity has meant they need to close off the comments to all. Probably nothing you, yourself has said. :)
Title: Re: The best/worst thing you've ever been banned for
Post by: richeygator on November 02, 2014, 08:09:35 PM
Quote from: Coenmcj on November 02, 2014, 07:33:29 PM
Probably nothing you, yourself has said. :)
naw im sure it was me,
i made a insult-y joke,
next time i tried to comment
(the comment section was still open to everyone)
and said that they have prevented me from commenting on there videos

PLEASE,dont take this away from me ;D